Everything posted by Elrond
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Interesting... that set is going to cost a fortune. :o I also always assumed they would throw Borgin & Burkes in there too like they did in the older set, even though that's located in Knockturn Alley. Hopefully they make another set with just that one at some point.
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Sorry I'm late to the party but I missed the leaks. Which shops will likeley be included in Diagon Alley?
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
A bit disappointed by the character selection for the 2nd wave of CMF. Those that weren't already leaked are pretty bland. I was really hoping for characters with an army-building potential like death eaters or Crabbe and Goyle.
LEGO Ideas Discussion
Obviously but I've seen so many people upset about these results even though it isn't a first at this point. I was more surprised they greenlit BBT. And some themes are tougher to criticize, like you wouldn't really question the popularity of Harry Potter or Batman.
LEGO Ideas Discussion
I'm honestly pretty excited for the Seinfeld set but I understand why many people are disappointed with it. I myself didn't care at all for the Friends and Big Bang Theory sets and sitcoms usually aren't a favourite of mine. I just see this as a fantastic opportunity to get a set from a license that would otherwise never get a full theme, which is also what the Ideas concept is about.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I agree with that and even had the same examples in mind. I don't dislike the piece and it's always good to have variety but I do much prefer the older hood piece for Jedi and Sith characters.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Aside from the stormtrooper and rebel pilot helmets, I'd probably add the new Jedi/Sith hood to the list of new molds that look worse than the original. As for prints, it seems they're carrying over the TCW version of the clone torso print to the movie sets. I still think the previous one had much better proportions and wish they would revert back to it as well. Don't fix it if it ain't broken.
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Another really fantastic wave. Whoever is in charge of the Harry Potter theme is really doing a stellar job every single year. Also comparing some of these sets to the versions we got only a few years ago shows how much LEGO has improved with their designs. It's amazing to see how such a small set like the Room of Requirement has so many details for its build. So I'm also assuming that pretty much covers all of the castle... aside from maybe the courtyard and a couple of bridges, which are all pretty difficult to render in an exciting set. Hopefully we still get stuff like the Chamber of Secrets separately. I still have a few minor complaints, mostly regarding the minifigures but I admit I'm being a little nitpicky because they're all pretty good nonetheless. Firstly, while I'm really happy we finally get a Slytherin torso with a cloak I'm a little disappointed it shows up in such a big set, making it impossible to army-build (it was already the case for the one in the first wave too!). Hopefully that is fixed with a CMF series. I would also have expected the black suit version of Draco in this set. And secondly, while the dress pieces for Molly and Bellatrix are far superior to the brick they used in the past, a print would have been really nice. I feel like we're missing a ton of details, especially for Bellatrix's outfit. It was there in the original version of the minifig and it unfortunately looks a bit unfinished and incomplete here. Other than those little nitpicks, I'm really loving those sets and will gladly be supporting this line once again when it comes out.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I really don't see it. They have that much larger, less detailed abdominal armour piece and the smaller, less angular chest piece. Compare the Episode III model and the minifigs to this pic: The only part that seems to be based on the movie style is the belt.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Good call. Taking a closer look at the new pictures I just realized too that the new minifigs weren't going to use the existing movie-inspired prints but would instead be in the dreaded animated style. What a waste. They couldn't even reproduce the "i" symbol on the chest properly because there wasn't enough room for it due to the weird proportions. A shame since it would clearly have worked on the other print... Now I think I'm gonna pass on this set, not a fan of the animated style, especially for troopers. I thought they were on the right track after they released that Senate commando battlepack a while ago. I would have liked to get more TCW-inspired sets in a realistic style.
DC Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I only want the minifigs but I hate buying them loose. :( Will we ever have a movie minifig that is not sold with a ginormous set that costs a fortune? Begins Batman, TDK Joker, SS Harley Quinn and now these 3... that's starting to get old. Even the Arkham Knight Batman was sold in an overpriced set.
TLG acquires Bricklink
Like many, I don't really know how to feel about it. BL wasn't broken and worked really well from my pov, so any change is a potential source of issues. I can't predict the future though and maybe TLG will make it even better somehow. I almost exclusively use BL to buy retired sets so my biggest worry at the moment is whether or not this purchase will affect how those are priced and sold in the future.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Is there a plan to make the new sets appeal more to younger children? The 2020 City sets look very childish as well, almost like they're all Juniors/4+. I wonder what caused it, is it a decision made by the higher-ups because they wanna try something new and possibly noticed preteens might prefer video games to actual toys... or is it due to a new team of designers or something? I just hope that's not the start of a new trend and that other themes won't be affected by it. Of course we're obviously not the target demographic and are mostly just along for the ride but it would be a shame if your average LEGO set were to become more simplified.
Harry Potter 2019 - Rumors & discussion
Yeah that's the problem with free mobile games, none have good gameplay and they all rely on microtransactions. This one is no exception but it's at least playable without spending money unlike something like Gardenscapes. I don't have high hopes at all but I'm thinking if that ever happens, a polybag is the way to go. The only other option I can think of would be one of those exclusive minifigs that accompany guide books. They could also add one in the CMF line or in a Bricktober pack but I can see why they would rather use those spots for pretty much any movie character instead.
Harry Potter 2019 - Rumors & discussion
I don't think we'll ever see a set from that game but yeah a polybag could be cool. We've seen weirder things in the past and it's kind of like the Star Wars EU in a way. Also considering FB3 won't come out for another 2 years and we haven't heard much about that open world game since last year, it's one of the only active HP material at the moment. Ben could indeed easily be made, it's too bad he's probably everyone's least favourite character lol. I could see them go for Penny or Merula. The Hufflepuff or Slytherin robes alone would be a major draw for collectors and army-builders, even if they don't know the characters or care about them. TLG will probably avoid making Badeea though as they tend to stay away from religious symbols. Charlie would be a good choice too and he has an interesting outfit but we would still be missing 2 Weasleys: Bill and Percy, although those two could still appear in future sets.
How popular was the doctor who TARDIS set?
Yeah there's definitely more than that, like the car brands used for Speed Champions, the Flintstones or, like you said, Minecraft. Wonder what the situation for Pirates of the Caribbean or Scooby-Doo is though.
DC Super Heroes Wishlists
I would love to get a GCPD set. I was thinking of something similar in style to the Brick Bank (10251). It could include a simple patrol car and famous members of the GCPD like Bullock or Renee Montoya alongside Gordon and a couple of regular officers. When it comes to minifigs, I'd love to see: - Raven (the regular one), she's way overdue - Deathstroke (more modern outfit, maybe with an actual helmet) - Mad Hatter - Hush - Ventriloquist - Batman (Beyond) - Owlman - Catwoman (TDKR)
REVIEW: 75965 The Rise of Voldemort
Wait, there's a baby Voldemort in this set? That's awesome. I couldn't find this set at my local store when I last went there unfortunately and the pics I saw online didn't seem to include one. Man, they're really doing a good job with the new HP sets. As for the rest of the set, it's pretty perfect for that scene. A great update on the old GoF set with an afforable price that focuses on the important part of the scene. My only little complaints would be about the death eater... it would have been nice to get a second one (although I get 5 minifigs for a set this small is too much). Also I'm still not fully convinced by his hat. Not sure if that's because they didn't want the minifig to look too much like a KKK member but it's not completely movie-accurate as a result. I'm even wondering if the old medieval princess hat piece wouldn't look better on them...
Harry Potter 2019 - Rumors & discussion
So realistically what are the chances of TLG making at least 1 character from the Hogwarts Mystery mobile game? It seems to be somewhat popular even if it likely appeals to a much smaller market. I reckon they must be pretty low but you never know, they could always make a popular character in a polybag or something...
- LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 19 Rumors, Speculation and Discussion
- LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 19 Rumors, Speculation and Discussion
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 19 Rumors, Speculation and Discussion
It's nice to see more original minifigs after all this time. I still liked the licensed CMF's, don't get me wrong, but some variety is always welcome. I can't wait to get my hands on the mummy, the monkey king, the adventurer and especially the black knight (clearly inspired by GOT but I'm thinking that armour might be perfect for a vampire warlord) and the bounty hunter. That last one made me realize that helmet could be a decent base for an Arkham Knight minifig too.
[LDD] Jurassic World Vehicles MOCs
I did not make the Pinzgauer, this was Imanol's creation. All the vehicles I made are in the file I posted in the original message. :( I'm currently remaking the G-wagen though so maybe I'll post an update if I'm happy with the end result.
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors, Wishlists and Discussion
Oh, well that's a little unfair if the fictional and historical characters are allowed to get drunk but the City minifigs aren't. Yeah I was thinking about that too, the 3 Broomsticks Inn and their butterbeers are pretty tame. Although I remember Slughorn somehow got a bit tipsy in the 6th movie... but maybe he was drinking something stronger.
- REVIEW: 76112 App-Controlled Batmobile
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