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LDD Moderator
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Everything posted by Superkalle

  1. Moderator Changes in the Digital Design forum Hi all, Just to let you know that I'll be stepping down as Moderator of the Digital Design forum on June 30th, after many years on the post. And I'm really happy to say that Legolijntjes and Holodoc will be taking over as Moderators. So, to everyone that I've met here over the years; thanks for the great times, thanks for the collaboration and thanks for your support. And a big welcome to Legolijntjes and Holodoc!
  2. Hi Unhelpfulspleen. For the future, MOCs are to be posted in their respective theme forum here at EB. That''s where you'll get the best feedback on MOC designing. The Digital Design forum is main to be used for discussions around the various design tools; usage, bugs, conversion, rendering, etc etc.
  3. @Lego_Talk I'm not sure, but it seems you are having the same (or very similar) discussion/question going also in this topic? (and also a bit here) In the future, please post only in one topic (i.e. avoid cross-posting). Thanks
  4. Small reminder about issue reporting for new (and existing) bricks: If you find brick errors and want to report them, the best thing to do is to contact LEGO support directly using this link: https://www.lego.com/en-us/service My guess is that errors that have the best chance of being fixed are those of more serious character, such as those that break existing models (bricks removed when opening), or prevent bricks from being used as intended, for example when building in an official set. If you want, you can also post the brick error here, but that would be more as information for your fellow peers here in the forum.
  5. Johnn, please note you just bumped a 2 year old topic. Generally (in any forum on the internet), if you are bumping such old topics it needs to be really important news, not just a "I guess not".
  6. Superkalle posted a post in a topic in Frontpage News
    Hispabrick just released the latest issue of their magazine. In this edition there is an article by EB member AC-Pin, so be sure to check it out. The rest of the magazine is full packed of other goodies. Download here and the discuss it here
  7. @quatix. Welcome to Eurobricks, but please note that you need to keep the language on an mature level and use proper capitalization and punctuation. We are forum for an 18+ audience. So, something like this instead: "Could you please update the last file. It doesn't work anymore." Thanks for your understanding.
  8. There used to be a program called Bricksaic that I remember worked pretty well (not sure it's around any more). There are a couple of other tools to. Check out the Section Index for names and links. BrickLink now also has a mosaic maker that could be worth a try.
  9. Thanks for letting me know. I guess it means that LDD Manager is now official dead. I'll remove the download link soon.
  10. Touché! (as far as I understand at least). On a general note. You can use the "turn off collision volumes" feature also when you encounter models that have parts removed when opening the file. When LDD removes bricks du to collision errors, it creates a file called "UnplaceableBricksDump.lxfml" which is placed in the "C:\Users\]UserName]\AppData\Roaming\LEGO Company" folder. You can now open that file (first start LDD and turn off collision volumes) and you will see the problematic bricks in red. (or rather...you will see the bricks that were removed in red...it may be those bricks that are the problematic ones, but it may also be the neighboring ones). With the help of the "view collision volumes" you should be able to figure out where the problem is. Naturally, during normal building this should never happen, because collision volumes will prevent you from position bricks incorrectly in the first place, so the feature is mostly useful when opening old models where bricks are suddenly are removed. It could then be that collision volumes have been adjusted and you need to take care of those problems.
  11. No problem to discuss this as far as I'm concerned. The information has been available on-line quite some time and DevMode doesn't violate the EULA as far as I know (as opposed to reverse engineering the LIF or program code).
  12. For what it's worth, I've reported the collision error on 6942 to the LDD Team. However, I don't know if/when it will be fixed.
  13. Superkalle posted a post in a topic in Frontpage News
    The latest issue of Hispabrick is now hot of the presses. This issue includes the last of the interviews from the LEGO Fan Media Days and includes updates and exclusive information on LEGO Bionicle and LEGO House. There is also a WeDo tutorial, the celebration of 40 years of LEGO Technic and an update of the HispaBrick Magazine Event 2016. And much more. Download your copy here Discuss here
  14. @Toltomeja has created a software that can mirror models in LDD. It doesn't yet support every possible brick type, but it's a great start. Read more and download here: https://github.com/mackoo13/LDDReflector
  15. @njsokalski Please note that the topic you posted in was over 2 years old. A friendly tip is that normally in forums you don't bump an old topic if it's older then, say 6 months, unless you have something very important to add to the topics itself.
  16. Dragonator has recently finished building the 10255 Assembly Square and has written up a lengthy review for us to indulge in. The set commemorates the 10th anniversary for the Modular sets. Be sure to check it all out in our Town forum by clicking here.
  17. I split this into a new topic since it didn't relate to the LDD 4.3.10 release.
  18. Let's see how it unfolds
  19. What is this supposed to mean?
  20. In the end, it's like dr_spock said: We all have a choice, and if we don't like the terms, we don't have to use the service. We've talked a lot about terms on other sites like Flickr, MOCPages etc. But I guess the case we're talking about is different to when sharing a picture of a MOC or so, because with a digital 3D model you have the complete structure of the model, not only a picture and so the "value" of the file is much higher. I'd like to compare sharing of digital LEGO models more to sites like Turbosquid, Sketchup's 3DWarehouse or even Shapeways, then to Flickr and MOCPages. Anyway, following up on 62Bricks last post: I'm wondering, what happens if someone takes an official LEGO set and uploads it to the public gallery. Is the design not originally the property of TLG? Or if you upload someone else's MOC with small adjustments (we've seen it happen in the past). What is it really that a user gives BL a licence for? Is it the LEGO-model itself (the design), or is the work that went into re-creating the digital model? Furthermore, if you upload a model to the public gallery, are you also at the same time giving BrickLink a future right to commercialize those models, for example using them in contests, or using them to enhance other parts of the site (like connecting official set models to the BL set database)? What does the "license" given to BrickLink really cover?
  21. I stand corrected. However, to me this more raises the question why MOCPages would need such a wide statement as "perpetual, irrevocable and sub-licensable". It feels like they have more or less copy-pasted standard statements. Brickshelf and Brothers-brick seems to be more "down-to-earth" terms that are more aligned to the LEGO fan target audience? (best to end with a question mark this time )
  22. Yeah, there seems to be a difference between BL and the other sites mentioned. BrickLink requests (for the public gallery etc): a) an irrevocable, perpetual license (i.e. everlasting), b) sub-licensable As far as I can tell, the other sites (MOCPages, Brother-Brick etc) does not mention any these (rather important) details. The "perpetual" is not even included in the similar BL MOC Terms of Service (but the sub-licensable part is)
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