I have Decided that i will do the Doctor Who Beach Scene but i do not know which to do as i do not have the resource of Brick link (Damned Parents not haveing credit cards) But i will make it as best i cn, and also since i do not have that recource of Bricklink won't be able to make warricks Death scene well i will but it will be probably a 4 by four to 6 x 6 stud one, and i am Also Going to do Lavernes Dieing Scene From scrubs Mixed with Jordan haveing the baby so it will be 2 in one I.E one the same board just Like two diffrent rooms at a diffrent part of the hospital, Confusing me thinks so , But they are the three im doing, Expect pictures up within the next week (My Lego Figs Accesories are all at my Flat and its haveing some Decorating done in the flat , so im dtaying at my parents so ill be able to make the rooms (Hopefully) Soon and post them before i inhabit them Ect