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Mike Yates

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I wish i could build something to this standard. Brilliant work but im going to stick with non modular as a TFOL i prefer playability Over looks and my Cousins and nephew like to play with my lego so its alot healthier for me.
  2. Thank you. and i dont know what is rare in the Star wars world :P im more of a town person. Which reminds me Has anyone found the Coastguard platform for under £70.. on ebay thats the cheapest and i havent checked on bricklink yet s there normally very expensive for MISB
  3. A smart one. who uses Toxic chemicals to throw over board i wish lego made it slightly Less non violent you could have had rotating machineguns on this boat, still having second thought about it.
  4. If this is meant to be in The sales forum place it there please but this could e your only chance at getting a limited edition chrome stormtrooper magnet The seller wants £7.50 for it and he has 10 Available heres the link [Could a mod please change topic Description to Buy it now and correct the Typo in Stormtrooper Please thanks alot] http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lego-Star-Wars-Minif...id=p3286.c0.m14 Also found another Lot, a furhter two Stormtroopers in packaging for £8.79 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LEGO-STAR-WARS-SILVE...id=p3286.c0.m14
  5. Could someone pleae make me a larger version of the TV screen in the Camer City Set please. Preferably to fit 3 2x2 tiles next to eachother in two rows so the dimensions i'd like are something like this Thankyou.
  6. Plus i would love to have some new hospital related minifigs, ive always felt there costumes wasnt simular to real life. yes i know i based them on scrubs, but they use the same thing in the uk, us, and other countries around the world. Brilliant People why don't you get the decals off them and post them on here there very good and also good plan for where everything could go, only problem is how would we get down to the Xry station as i wouldn't be happy being carrie din a guney over the road for the ambulance station
  7. Probbly ill check your TRU store webpage you guys normally have it all before us. Not yet check back in about 2 days.
  8. I am very suprised no-one has went mental over the fact that there is car doors on a set in its final production area, where as on all the production sets of the Garage the doors were taken out. I for one am very happy that TLC have came back to the light and given us car doors (i've lost all mine or given them to my cousins when i was younger.)
  9. Cool i've been waiting for these to come out os i can start on my very small village consisting of City Corner , Camper (for some rich bloke) Sports car Garage and tow truck and ive still got to order a fire department and a service staton from BL lets hope i have enough peices from My lego boxes in the same colour to make a few houses :l
  10. I have Decided that i will do the Doctor Who Beach Scene but i do not know which to do as i do not have the resource of Brick link (Damned Parents not haveing credit cards) But i will make it as best i cn, and also since i do not have that recource of Bricklink won't be able to make warricks Death scene well i will but it will be probably a 4 by four to 6 x 6 stud one, and i am Also Going to do Lavernes Dieing Scene From scrubs Mixed with Jordan haveing the baby so it will be 2 in one I.E one the same board just Like two diffrent rooms at a diffrent part of the hospital, Confusing me thinks so , But they are the three im doing, Expect pictures up within the next week (My Lego Figs Accesories are all at my Flat and its haveing some Decorating done in the flat , so im dtaying at my parents so ill be able to make the rooms (Hopefully) Soon and post them before i inhabit them Ect
  11. I Know but i am quite keen on the csi one and also i haven't decided yet. I Would like to post the one most people would like
  12. Could somebody please make me some Scrubs and if you could thank you could you also specificaly do it in this colour if you could please, an appley colour, A sky blue , and a pink please its just incase i do my Scrubs MOC.
  13. Hi i want to make a TV Show related MOC ive made a few choices but if you have any other suggestions please post Them here! They are sort of Sad And Happy moments on TV From shows i watch but as i said Feel Free to The Choices are: (1) Laverne Dieing in SCRUBS (2) The F.R.I.E.N.D.S Gang saying goodbye to the flat that homed some of them for 10 years. (3) Racheal (spelling correct?) Haveing a Baby (4) Rose Leaveing the Doctor in Doctor Who (5) Toshiko and Owen Dieing In Torchwood (6) Warrick Brown Dieing in Grissoms arms in CSI (7) Other Jesus christ all sad moments on T.V apart form Racheal Haveing a Baby Please leave your suggestions and im used to a diffrent type of forum and i cannot find the poll option
  14. If theres any decals on there as there is for the guy with the 100 bucks in his pockets could we have them please as that speciic one will come in handy for a casino
  15. Aren't some sharpie markers a thing called PERMINANT that means that it may never come off well it depends wether he used a washable or a permanant one , so you could be screwed my friend
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