Everything posted by Future74
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Thanks for finding the picture of the new sets, although they are preliminary, they look awesome! Together with the new LOTR my wallet is going to bleed dry. Although I hoped Jabba's Palace to be bigger, and of course with a Rancor, I see Boushh might appear in it and Salacious B. Crumb and also Oola Simply amazing.
Your First Star Wars Set
My first SW lego set is the 7104 Desert Skiff in 2000 (I received as a present) and this wasnt the end of my Dark Ages Years later I bought the Imperial Star Destroyer and Slave I (2006) and this was still not the end The end of my Dark Ages came when I received the AT-ST in 2007 also as a present.
Future Star Wars Sets
Well the Z-85 is sort of speak brand new, no information other than on Wookieepedia. (Wookieepedia link) As for the Z-95 and ARC 170, it's as I expected, (Wookieepedia link): Reading the rest of the article there's a little note that adds to the confusion: Anyways a Z-95 Headhunter would be to similar to a X-wing and not known to the general public that it's improbable it will appear in a Lego set. I would love the see a re-make of the TIE bomber after seeing the LDD design by Brickdoctor
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
mutley777, you always amaze me
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Help me find this site...
Great find! I really enjoy reading through all these scenes. I agree that his work is very impressive, of course in back of the time perspective. Is anyone going to remake this? I think this would make a great community (LDD) build! It kinda like the build that is already going on.
Bounty Hunter Sun's The Tzu
Great starwars MOC Yes, I admit I had to look it up 'Generous and noble' Big, large, greathearted. Title deserved
WIP: MOC Madness Entry
It looks great, Jansued, definitly winners potential It has a Nebulon Frigate feel due to the front. Cool turrets on top. I agree with Mr Man the escape pod is a very original design. The use of the 'radar' from the Hoth set in the cockpit is awesome. What the rope for? Special function? I would love to see more interior shots. Good luck with the contest.
[LDD MOC] TIE/sa Bomber
Great entry Brickdoctor! Those gaps between the side panels are almost invisible, so dont worry about that. Didnt notice fallenangel309's remark at first, but even so a great model.
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Thanks Oky for those hilarious Starwars Halloween Funnies! You just made my day Btw Also love Count Cuckoo! Thanks Oky & fallenangel309.
The Sarlacc
I expected something completely different as the topic got me confused. (I didnt read the subtitle 'bounty hunter MOC' ) Great ship, I love the simularity to the droid tri-fighter! The engine is a nice touch. And the background story is well thought off. Could you show us some pictures from the inside/interior? Of course only when it has an interior.
Official LEGO Star Wars TV Commercials & Ads
Another link to the Republic Frigate commercial, since the latter doesnt work anymore.
TLG survey time again - input please!
Done. Hope it gives Lego some insights into it's fans.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Well thats a good reason! Maybe she can talk to mine haha.
[UCS MOC] Escape from Docking Bay 327
Simply breathtaking There is so much to look at and I love the humorous touch here and there. But the lights are... well... hmmm... no words. You almost wish it was night all the time
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I also took advantage of the 2x VIP and bought 7877 Naboo Fighter 7879 Hoth Echo Base 7958 Advent Calender ... and also 10197 Fire Brigade 10211 Grand Emporium 10218 Pet Shop
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
UCS Scale Sebulba's Podracer
Awesome MOC, breathtaking! As fallenangel309 pointed out the sheer detail of the engine compared to the model is what absolutely captured me. 4 months and 150 hours it definitly shows! Also complements to solving and explaining/showing the difficulties during the build. Again great work!
10195 AT-OT oddity
Pictures would make your point more clearly for us readers. As for the dishes I would apply the two open ones in mirror image,(maybe in the least visible spot) so it doesn't have a weird effect on the model.
Imperial Prison Barge
Great MOC Delta62 I always like when a set is sort of 'redone' in another colour. Very nice touch with the sails and the imperial emblem! Didnt know the imperials were executing prisoners in the Pit of Carkoon
MOC's at Star Wars Event Legoland Germany 2011
These look absolutely stunning minor point: two stormtroopers in the death star scene have AT-AT helmets.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Welcome to the Star Wars forum Brickmamba! Enjoy your builds, especially the Millennium Falcon.
10144 sandcrawler in store display case review
I like the display case but it's tragic the model is glued. But for display purpose only, you cant see the difference.
Review: 7964 Republic Frigate
Thanks for the review Navy Trooper Fenson I'm really looking forward to building this and comparing it to the previous version. I love the four exclusive minifigures, another two jedi Quinlan Vos and Eeth Koth , and Commander Wolffe and a wolfpack trooper. I also hope the last mentioned will (re-)appear in a battlepack or cheaper set for the army builders. The hologram of Darth Sidious is a very nice surprise, although it's weird he is in this set. Maybe this is going to happen in season IV of TCW? Those new lightsabers from Pick-a-Brick will be a definite buy after seeing how wonderfull they look. Maybe TLC would give some inside on what the reason is for using stickers (for the Open Circle Fleet) when printed parts seem to be available because they appear in already released sets. As for the 'flickfire missiles': I like to think of them as part of the turret as a barrel rather than as a missile.
[REVIEW] 7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator
Maybe the angle in which I took the picture gives the impression that they are attached different, but that's not the case. The left and right wing were in the same position too. Top and bottom picture are taken seconds after each other.
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