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Everything posted by Future74

  1. This version of the Millennium Falcon is a lot more stable than the previous one. For instance the landing gear doesnt break off and there's no need to reinforce its structure underneath to prevent it from breaking. The playability is therefore increased. But than again I dont play with lego...
  2. That's a good one Praiter Yed, brought a big smile to my face
  3. If there will be another exclusive system scaled set it will likely around 100 euro's as USC Obi-Wans starfighter @ Klaus-Dieter If released Jabba's Palace should be in the priceline of the Dropship/Imperial Shuttle, say around 250 euro's. This so it can be done properly, including what you mentioned: bigger like the previous version, more closed, more rooms with more interior, many minifigs and even some new minifigs. But I think Jabba's palace has a huge amount of minifigures to offer, just a few interesting from the list on Wookieepedia: Jabba Bib Fortuna Salacious B. Crumb Yoxgit (species: Ugnaught) Malakili (Rancor keeper) Ree-Yees (species: Gran) Oola (species: Twi'lek, slave dancer) Leia Organa (as Boushh the bounty hunter or as slave dancer) Luke Skywalker Han Solo (as with the Slave I) Chewbacca (as prisoner Boushh) Lando Calrissian (disguised as Tamtel Skreej to work as guard) Beedo (Rodian, bounty hunter) Boba Fett Gamorrean guards and there are many more possibilities! Let's hope TLC will release it next year. *fingers crossed*
  4. It certainly wont be to SSD scale, that's impossible
  5. That's one nice line-up! Although I'm not fond of those bomber-troopers they certainly make an impression this way. No interest in the ARF trooper, any particular reason? Did you still hung on to those stormtroopers and rebels you mentioned, or have you sold them? I would love to see those too. And no need for apologies, the photo's are clear.
  6. Very nice MECH Great you got nominated, sorry to hear that you didnt win. It reminds me of the mechs in the movie Matrix Revolutions
  7. @ Ras74 As requested. The wings from the old version on the new Infiltrator. Before I attached them I thought it might be an improvement, but after I think it looks really weird, a little small. What do you think? @ KielDaMan The old Infiltrator is kinda dwarved by the new one and that's a big improvement. But I agree the 7961 needs more smoothness, not just on top but also (as mentioned before) the join between the cockpit section and the 'nose' front and technic you see on the side view. @ Brickdoctor You're right about the scale, the proportions are better but it's still far from appropriate scale. I think this is the best TLC had to offer in a system scale. From Wookieepedia: floorplan of the Scimitar, to show the scale (click to enlarge)
  8. Thanks Ras. That's an interesting request, I shall put it to the test tonight.
  9. This made me laugh and it's so true And I would love to see a battlepack with a winged Geonosian even if the old one looks better.
  10. I like the colour combination black/grey, almost a dark side naboo fighter Is it possible to make a comparison shot next to the yellow or did you use its parts?
  11. Thanks everybody for your replies! @ badboytje88 Sorry, I dont know if Padmes head is the same as that of Hermoine. @ scoutTroopy The join between the cockpit section and the 'nose' front is what bothers me too, something I might MOD out some day. @ Mr Man As requested: Pictures of the old Darth Maul head onto the new body and the new headpiece. @ Vindice Yes, the review takes time but your reactions make that worth while. Thanks, I'm glad you like the review (again). Indeed I'm trying to give the reader/viewer all the best a set has to offer so he/she can make up his mind. And I'm flattered if it's pursuading someone. @ Stoutfiles Very funny Here are some close up comparison pictures of Darth Mauls head
  12. I agree with Prateek on this, the price is to steep. The set is nice although I fail to see big differences between this set and its preaccessor. But it will keep the other company. The security droids printing is back again, but is that silver instead of 'sandcolour'.
  13. Beaten by a few hours by Jigsaw Killer, I present my second review of a re-released set from the summer wave of 2011. Set name: Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator Set number: 7961 Year of release: 2011 Price: 74.99 EUR / 59.99 USD? Parts: 479 Minifigures: 4 (Darth Maul, Captain Panaka, Padme & Qui-Gon Jinn Lego’s Description Box, front Box, back Box, side From Wookieepedia: Numbered bags! Yes, building is made a lot easier when a set contains these numbered bags. Thanks for helping out TLC. Manuals/instructions Dreaded Sticker Sheet Again a DSS. I don’t think applying these stickers is crucial to the set, they just add some flavor. Minifigures Darth Maul Darth Maul close up I like the new “hair” piece of Darth Maul. It makes him look meaner. Comparison with older version Backprinting Padme Note: the printing of the old padme is a little off. The new Padme is just beautiful. Captain Panaka and Qui-Gon Jinn As stated by Wookieepedia; Panaka was a very pessimistic man and prepared for the worst. TLC probably had this pessimistic view in mind when designing the new face. I think Captain Panaka should have had a second face, like Padme. Too bad I can’t compare Qui-Gon to a previous version. New weapon! The babe with the weapons, meeeoow The build Bag 1 and result Bag 2 and result TLC helping out in the corner with a piece to scale… Bag 3 and final result Special parts? I can’t really tell for sure since I only really collect SW but these parts look new. Note the difference in quality between these pieces. All spare parts Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator From Wookieepedia, top and front view Front Back Right Left Top Bottom Special features Bloodfin The Bloodfin was the personal Sith speeder of Darth Maul and a modified Razalon FC-20 speeder bike. Comparison between new and old bloodfin. Landing Gear Well designed retractable landing gear. You can see it up and down. Release hatches These are used to release the probe droids. Probe compartment, top view Probe droid The DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droid. I’m not a fan of the DSS (who is) but the probe droid could have used a sticker to give it some “face”. Although they are too simple, the set should have contained three as the Scimitar has three on board. Cockpit The cockpit is too small for Darth Maul to stand. His “hair” piece makes him too tall. Opening the cockpit I like the entrance to the cockpit. Lightsaber storage Main storage and flickfire missiles Here you can store the bloodfin, just don’t fly upside-down... A definite flaw: upside-down This set cant be held upside-down as the main storage opens up when you do. I cant understand why TLC didn’t solve this as this is a major issue for any air/spacecraft. Comparisons to the 7663 As you can see the new version is a lot bigger than the old one. The Scimitar was equipped with a rare stygium crystal-powered cloaking device which was capable of creating an invisibility field. Ratings: Design: 4/5 it’s bigger, more accurate and more stable. Build: 3/5 nothing special. Playability: 3/5 the fact that it cant be held upside down is a big let down. Time to mod. Minifigures: 4/5 Padme! Rare. Panaka! New. Qui-Gon! Rare and re-designed. Maul, headpiece. Price: 3/5 A bit too expensive if you have to pay full retail price. I got it for € 55,95 and that’s a good deal. Overall: A little bit above 3/5. You will definitely have to combine this set with the 7962 Anakin's and Sebulba's Podracers to get the full Episode I character line-up (Anakin Skywalker/young, Obi-Wan Kenobi/young, Sebulba, Watto & Wald) Hope you enjoyed this review. All above and more pictures can be found here in the gallery Reviews previous versions: 7151 Sith Infiltrator by Def 7663 Sith Infiltrator by Big Cam
  14. Nice review Just got beaten by you, my review of this set will be up tonight.
  15. Thanks Praiter Yed, didnt get that either... but now it makes sense
  16. Wow that Super Star Destroyer is huge, I love it (not paying attention to the gap), the interior is a bit out of place in this model as it is not to minifigure scale, but what can you expect. The price is an absolute bummer but I understand it. As for the size; no room to display, it's just to big. A little unsure what to think of the minifigures. I like the new IG-88, but is his head printed or stickered? If the only difference between Piett and the ol'Tarkin the new face it's a little disappointing. But I love the new Dengar, much more realistic than the old one. I kinda miss Zuckuss and would have love to see him. Still big compliments to Anio for the original, TLC took a good look at yours.
  17. @Brickdoctor Picture changed, new picture:
  18. Mmm you're right... another mistake. It was done when grabbing the minifigures for the picture. (note to self: dont put Obi-Wan/Ben next to Uncle Owen) I shall correct this tonight. Hope you can forgive me.
  19. --- FIRST POST UPDATED --- @Ki-Adi-Mundi added boarding ramp, inside and outside added cockpit @Aanchir more pictures of the minifigures The new hair pieces of Luke and Leia are both asthonishing! @Sok117 correct landing gear --- OTHER --- @Ki-Adi-Mundi To your question on the front compartment: @Miss Kyle And another… As for the discussion on the mandels: Because they come off like is shown they will be easy to MOD.
  20. Oops, I guess I messed up with the front landing gear... Very sharp of you to notice! And yes, there is a big difference in size. But most notable -which you can only 'feel'- is that the model is so much more sturdy. I had to mod my 4504 (extra flat tiles) on the bottom to give it the necessary stability. The landing gear of the 4504 easiliy comes off which isnt the case with the 7965. There are no mods on the 7965 in this review.
  21. Future74 replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    For dutch people... the new wave. www.a-tembo.nl 7956 Ewok Attack € 20,95 7957 Dathomir Speeder € 20,95 7959 Geonosian Starfighter € 31,95 7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator € 55,95 7962 Anakin's and Sebulba's Podracers € 81,95 7964 Republic Frigate € 102,95 7965 Millennium Falcon € 126,95
  22. Thanks everybody for your enthousiastic replies! So many already... For everyone who missed out on the previous version this is a must-buy. Dont expect TLC to bring it (or in any other size) out again anytime soon. You’re welcome, great that you love it. Your extra picture requests are noted. I will see to it. As for your other questions: I recognised the top flaps to have differing gap sizes. - This is design. The back of the ship (side view) looks a little squeezed from behind. Is it just me or would you agree on this reception? - Not really noticed. If so, it’s not very disturbing. The main sublight thrusters are somewhat broader in the original film model. What could be the reason for this design? – I think this is a designers choice I cant relate to. Maybe it’s to much effort in a detail only we (fans) notice. The front landing gear seem to be hinged on different stud lines. Was this your build or is it intentionally designed that way? – Definitly design. I put them exactly where the manual said they should be. Might it be possible to mod in an escepe pod without a major overhaul of the ship? – Difficult. The design is well done and for putting in an escape pod you really need to work the rest. But not impossible. @Aanchir: your picture request of Leia’s hair is noted too. As for Luke’s hair; I forgot to mention but in my opinion the new hair mold is way better. The old one made him look a bit like a girl. I shall make comparison pictures of these too. @P4trickvH: love to do those scene in between to keep the review fun to read. Glad you enjoyed it. @Masked Builder: the bottom could do some work, but I can understand why TLC didnt. It would steer the price up even more, and that’s something we dont want. @ZO6: I think the space between the gaps could be reduced by one stud-line, but I‘m not sure. @Flail: Putting the canopy back is extremely difficult as for this the size of the MF is the problem. I also agree with ZO6: a smaller size of the cockpit would severely compromise the ability to seat more than 1 minifigure. @Rufus: thanks for quoting 4504 review. I agree the new hyperdrive is improved, but anyone can judge for themselves. The new MF seems low compared to the old one, but this is not true is optical – because of the extra stud-line (where the landing gear is attached to) on the bottom. The landing gear should have had a little more attention.
  23. I was really looking forward to this version of the Millennium Falcon. And I disagree with people who say there is no need for this remake. Yes, it’s another Millennium Falcon but it’s not a mini, midi or USC set and the previous version (4504) is dated from 2004 and that one needed some improvement. Although not really minifigure “scale” (as the USC) this is the minifigure set. Set name: Millennium Falcon Set number: 7965 Year of release: 2011 Price: 159.99 EUR / 139.99 USD? Parts: 1238 Minifigures: 6 (Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Darth Vader) Lego’s Description Brickset Box, front Box, back From Wookieepedia: Numbered bags! I never know for sure, one set contains them and another doesn’t. But in this case the box luckily contained numbered bags, which is very helpfull with the build. Manuals/instructions Dreaded Sticker Sheet What can I say; nobody likes the DDS but all-printed parts is unlikely. The Falcon in Docking Bay 94 on Tatooine, shortly before departing for Alderaan. Minifigures Minifigures, heads A nice feature is the two faces of Luke and Leia. *EDIT: more pictures of the minifigures The new hair pieces of Luke and Leia are both asthonishing! Leia and Ben Kenobi The build Bag 1 and numberless Result after Bag 1 Bag 2 and result Bag 3 and result Bag 4 and result What?? Have I made a mistake?? I checked all previous pages and couldn’t find any mistakes. Why TLC put these extra parts in? A big mystery since it aren’t parts that are likely to get worn down or something like that. Bag 5 and result Bag 6 and finished All spare parts C-3PO and R2-D2 The Millennium Falcon Front *EDIT: note that in this review the landing gear is wrongfully attached. It's supposed to be like this. Back Right Left Top Top, open Down Special features Laser cannons Finally there are also quad laser cannons underneath the Millennium Falcon. Position of the gunners And of course both quad laser canons need to be operated by two gunners. Hurry, Han and Luke there’s a couple of TIE’s coming in... Flick fire missiles We can all complain about flickfire missiles, but the Millennium Falcon supposed to have some. Yes, it would have been nice if you could conceil them. Landing Gear Also the landing gear doesn’t come off easily (as it did with 4504), but still isn’t retractable. Hyperdrive A big improvement from previous version. Top plates I cant help the feeling that the space between these could have been less. Top plates, ship up-side-down The ships top plates don’t “open” up easily when the ship is upside down, in comparison to the 4504. This is a improvement as it becomes more playable this way. Less holes This is the back of the MF. As you can see the design is improved so there is less holes. No need to MOD it to close these gaps like in the 7675 AT-TE. Quarters with bed *EDIT: Boarding ramp *EDIT: Cockpit Luke’s training exercise A very nice addition: Luke’s printed visor. Smuggling compartments I mentioned this in my review of the 4504, maybe they read it? Great job TLC. If I had to choose between a Escape Pod and this compartment, it would be the last. The Falcon's smuggling compartments. Comparison to the 4504 Ratings: Design: 4/5, not everybody will be pleased, but I’m very satisfied. TLC definitely showed it improved the design. It’s very sturdy and bigger than before. Build: 4/5, very enjoyable. Playability: 4/5, Thanks to the design this is a set-to-be-played-with. The interior has really nice features. Minifigures: 4/5, All key-minifigures from Episode IV are included, except for the droids. Price: 4/5, I think this set is worth every penny. Although I got it for a very reduced price. The 4504 used costs as much as this baby new these days. Overall: 4/5, a great addition to your collection, I recommend it! Hope you enjoyed this review. All above and more pictures can be found here in the gallery Reviews previous versions: 7190 Millennium Falcon (2000), it’s done by ybeline. 4504 Millennium Falcon (2004) by me.
  24. Wow, that's a lot of Kit Fisto's! I tried removing the key chain of my (few) minifigures, but failed miserably. Just one question: Why an Anakin and Ahsoka Tano minifigure? They come with so many sets.
  25. Nice job on this review Blackknight I agree with KielDaMan; Although poorly-received, the Ki-Adi Mundi figure is better than none at all and I appreciate TLG for giving us one. A new minifigure like commander Jet would have been nicer instead of a already released Commander Cody, but I understand it as not all of us own him. From the pictures the new Geonosian looks good, I'll have to wait untill I build mine for the final verdict. The new starfighter is a big improvement, I cant argue about that! Now I only need time to build...
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