Everything posted by xboxtravis7992
Star Wars Rebels
After having read the new Thrawn book a few months ago, I agree I'd love to see the character last as long as reasonably possible. I enjoy Rebels, but lets be honest it has only been a decent showing for Thrawn with a few blunders which seem almost out of character for him happening in a few episodes. He really needs to be explored more by Timothy Zahn, who knows how to handle the character while nuancing him into the new canon. Another thing I have thought about. A lot of people have criticized Rebels compared to the Clone Wars. Since I enjoy both series I have found I don't really agree with the idea that Clone Wars was inherently better than Rebels is (I am more of an OT fan than the Prequels so in a way Rebel's classic designs strike my nostalgia nerve stronger than the Prequel ones did...). I think though the two things Clone Wars did better was 1) Strong story arcs (the three to four episode plot arcs that felt like mini Star Wars movies), and 2) a broad cast (i.e. not every episode was an Anakin-ObiWan-Ashoka adventure, many of the episodes focused on side characters). In response to that first criticism, Rebels is a little bit more about the slow burn... Most seasons have one overarching theme (Season 2 was "Find a new base for Phoenix Squad", Season 3 was "Launch liberation of Lothal, avoid Thrawn."). Clone Wars never carried those arcs over a season, so it felt more like a collection of vignette stories; yet each mini-arc was stronger as a result because it didn't have to fit the constraints of the season's "theme". That is why I think many stand alone Rebels episodes feel a little flat, they are part of a larger season length arc which means they have to link into that somehow; yet also need to "fill" up time in the journey. Rebels really is better enjoyed as a long arc, binge watching a season from start to finish. The only Rebels season I have seen completely is Season 2, and I enjoyed it greatly because I first saw it on DVD allowing me to burn through the whole thing in a few days. Clone Wars never had an arc that lasted longer than 4 or 5 episodes, (although I think behind the scenes information suggests that they were going to experiment with longer stories such as what Rebels is now doing, with the canceled arc which became the novel Dark Disciple scripted out for like 7 or 8 episodes!) As for the second thing, Rebels I think has limited itself by sticking so closely to the Ghost Crew. There is a very interesting cast of side characters in the show, but the way Ezra and Co. get featured every episode kind of forces it to be written around them. I don't hate Ezra like some people on this forum do, but I get sick of seeing him almost every episode. I prefer episodes which break up the Ghost Crew a bit, i.e. a "Hera episode" or a "Kanan and Rex episode" almost more than I enjoy seeing the whole cast together. I wish the show had more time to mature and focus on other side characters. A solid episode focused on Maul before his death would have been great, and I wish we could see more episodes focused on the other side characters. It is no wonder "Through Imperial Eyes" with Kallus was one of the most praised aspects of Season 3, since it was a full on focus on a side character which has not really been fully done since The Clone Wars. To be honest, I think the tone of the series of what the crew was trying to make is very different from The Clone Wars, which is part of why some old Clone Wars fans rag on Rebels so much. Rebels IS supposed to be different, I don't think Lucasfilm wanted to control-c Clone Wars into the OT era, but instead take some of the best of Clone Wars and modify it with different story telling methods. I am very excited to hear what Lucasfilm Animation will announce after Rebels ends. Hopefully the next big series combines the best aspects of Rebels and Clone Wars into something very special.
Marvel Super Heroes Wishlists
Yeah I have seen that MOC before... Part of the reason I do want an official UCS Milano!
Marvel Super Heroes Wishlists
Out of those I think the Milano and a full minifig scale Quinjet are the best bets. A minifig scaled Milano could be a serious $250-300 set. I have gathered it is smaller than the Millenium Falcon is (thankfully so hopefully a $800 price tag is off the table) but the Milano would be big enough to really warrant a special set. The Quinjet was pretty close to scale in the first Avengers wave, but bulking it up with a scale interior could bring us a nice $150 set that is more detailed than the original was with all the proper fans and outlets etc... If we were to really get some MCU D2C's again, the other possible options are the Sanctum Sanctorium modular building sized, or Tony Stark's Malibu Mansion at a similar scale. Speaking in general, I think Lego's biggest omission from the MCU line up right now is the lack of representation for films prior to the first Avengers. I would be happy to get some smaller sets based on some of the older films. Like a $30 "Monoco Raceway Battle" with Whiplash, Iron Man Mark V armor, Pepper and Happy with the limo and racecar from the scene; or a "Thor v. The Destroyer" with Thor, Jane Foster, a brick built Destroyer and something like a small "play feature abundant" gas station. As much as I would love Captain America: The First Avenger sets too, its WWII themes means only the fictional designs could really be covered by Lego, so maybe a larger set with the Hydra Train with Bucky, Captain, some Hydra goons, and maybe some Howling Commandos. Outside of the dieselpunk Hyrda stuff though the rest of that film is probably to "realistic" for Lego's tastes in terms of a period war toy. The problem though especially this year, is Lego seems to treat Marvel as a vehicle to sell cool figures and not cool sets. I wish we had a better balance of both, since so many of the 2017 Marvel sets were duds compared to previous years. I'd hope Lego returns to form in a future year.
- Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Resistance Pod, Republic Fighter Tank, and the Scariff trooper polybag!
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
SW: TLJ set reviews taken down from YouTube
@just2good, well stated here! If Lego asks you to take them down tomorrow that would be Petty especially seeing that the wide release is Friday... Here is hoping the Han Solo film doesn't renew the Force Friday tradition and the review restrictions. It's caused a lot of bad blood between the community and Disney/TLG.
SW: TLJ set reviews taken down from YouTube
I love Disney and a lot of their IP's, but their legal department is full of money grubbing dorks. I figure Jang was targeted because he is the most prominent Lego reviewer with the most subscribers. Any bets all of Jang's videos will magically appear again this Friday?
Star Wars
It will be hard to match the TFA hype since that was the first live action Star Wars film we had gotten in ten years... So maybe the advertising restraint for TLJ is part of the plan? One I heard rumors that Rian Johnson is really working to limit what the trailers show about his film, so maybe the decision to tone it down is coming from him... Or maybe Disney/Lucasfilm is trying to avoid over-saturating an already Star Wars flooded market. They kind of are trickling out information for the new film slowly, but along with the film they are kind of dropping hints about other projects such as the Han Solo film, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge in the theme parks, the VR Void Experience also coming to the theme parks, Battlefront II etc... As a whole I'd dare say the promotion for that stuff is all adds up to a lot of content already, so maybe keeping TLJ somewhat sporadic ensures it doesn't eclipse out interest in the other projects. And frankly if Disney has us hyped about TLJ, Battlefront II, the theme parks, Han Solo, and all their other projects... that is more money in their pocket than if they had us hyped solely just for TLJ.
When does a theme become a classic?
With the movie coming out soon it seems likely that Ninjago is about to be cemented into pop-culture making it unlikely it is about to be forgotten anytime soon... However had it taken a leave of absence 3-5 years ago? Yeah it probably would have suffered a similar set of issues as Bionicle had when it was relaunched. Meanwhile what is my definition of classic? I kind of think it is in the eye of the beholder. I do regard "Classic Space, Pirates, Castle, etc" as "The Classics" in a way, but they were all before my time (honestly I see them as my dad's/uncle's/older-cousin's childhood and somewhat distant to me.) It is sort of the same way a film buff might agree when an older critic calls Casablanca, and Citizen Kane "classics" but the younger film fan has actually no experience with them. For me my personal classics are from that mid-90's to mid 2000's era when I was a kid. So Western, Adventurers, Star Wars, Bionicle, Harry Potter, early Super Heroes, etc. They are far more modern than "The Classics" are; but they were what were influential to MY childhood. Some such as Western/Adventurers I actually never owned a lot of but I saw them on store shelves and catalogs and remember them being part of that time in my childhood. I remember going to my friends houses as a kid and those being the sets we played with too. I would dare say though in the present day Lego has a few future classics such as Ninjago and the Creator Expert lines. But since I didn't grow up with them they aren't "my classics" although in a few years there will be young adults telling us about how Ninjago was the greatest thing in their childhood... So yeah, really all in the eye of the beholder I guess.
Future Star Wars Sets
I don't know, I'd argue that Cargo Shuttle is iconic enough. It shows up in multiple scenes in the film, it is the vehicle which is used to transport our heroes to the final battle... its where the callsign "Rogue One" came from... Besides with the Han Solo Film in production set in the same era, what is not to say the Cargo Shuttle design will return in a future film? I could see it being done as a large summer set. Put in a few main characters in a different mix. I imagine if it is made enough time would have passed since the first wave of sets many of the main characters would no longer be available on the market in their original sets. I think Bodhi Rook and Jyn are the two most likely characters to include; although I could also see Chirrut/Baze or K2S0 if the set was big enough. Since Cassian has seen releases in two sets with Jyn prior, I wouldn't mind to see him omitted from this one.Throw in a small squad of deathtroopers, a nameless rebel soldier, and voila! we have a basic start to the Battle of Scarrif. Even better, include a small terminal side build and some rope and it has a built in "play feature" where we can run Bodhi from the terminal to the ship with the rope in tow. However I would also be equally impressed to see the AT-ATC made in Lego form too. Maybe it could be a double whammy release. We know that if Han Solo drops in May, then the 2018 Winter Set wave will be the first Lego Star Wars Winter Wave NOT to have to tie into any specific Star Wars release. And by then the AT-M6 would have aged enough it probably would have began to vanish from the market... So we could have the 2018 Winter Wave with the Cargo Shuttle and the AT-ATC as Rogue One call backs. Put Krennic and Cassian into the AT-ATC set along with the other characters the Cargo Shuttle lacked. Give Krennic a new face print since his original figure lacked a double sided head. Make sure the AT-ATC is designed to have some REAL interior space and some cargo. It would be awesome if the cargo module was well, modular and actually came out of the build! Include another Scarrif trooper and a AT-ATC pilot exclusive figure to round out the cast. I know neither Krennic or Cassian shared the screen with the AT-ATC in the film but if Iron Man can fight the Mandarin in a flaming golf cart in the Lego world, well screw it! ;)
Star Wars
The Yoda and Boba Fett films have been rumored since Disney first bought Star Wars. I think I would enjoy either of them. Boba's history between the PT and OT is largely unexplored. Yoda is 800+ years old... they could easily set his story 700 years before the events of the film and have an entirely new era to explore (which would actually be rather exciting). Of course if a Yoda story is told during the PT era or OT era that would be a wasted opportunity. While it makes sense to do an Obi-Wan story set in that era to have Ewan McGregor to reprise his role, Yoda would be wasted on it. He is literally a CGI/Puppet creature... and although Frank Oz has done a great job preforming his voice he can easily be replaced by another voice actor with no issues. Jabba though is a bit surprising... I think Jabba would make sense as a supporting cast member of a Boba Fett film but I couldn't see Disney committing a Jabba centered story to film... he doesn't even speak in English! A main character with subtitles for the whole film would be pretty hard to pull off. It wouldn't surprise me if Jabba is just some concept that was bounced around briefly and ended up getting leaked to the Star Wars news hungry media although Lucasfilm has probably already shelved the idea... Like a lot of others here, I wouldn't mind an anthology film taking inspiration from other eras of Star Wars such as KOTOR or a Darth Bane story... Could be an opportunity to beef out the saga's canon lore too.
Star Wars
That is one reason though I like to give credit to Rebels and The Clone Wars... They managed to create some original characters that they can use in expanded universe stories without overstuffing the lives of some of the more iconic characters. The Clone Wars was a bit more guilty with regards to keeping Anakin and Obi-Wan constantly busy; but Rebels has struck a bit more of a balance with characters like Darth Vader, Mon Mothma, Obi-Wan, and Leia having only showed up in a small handful of episodes and the rest really focused on characters previously introduced in either The Clone Wars or within Rebels itself. The only recurring OT character I can think of in Rebels and The Clone Wars who is starting to seem to show up excessively is Tarkin oddly enough... Doesn't he have a Death Star to go help build why is he so busy focused on Lothal?
Star Wars
Honestly the original Lucasfilm Expanded Universe (Legends) was far more guilty in that regard than what Disney has produced yet. In the 30 in universe years in-between ROTJ and TFA the only canon story involving the OT characters we have are the Aftermath trilogy, Bloodline, and Leia's appearances in the Poe Dameron comics. In Legends in that same span of time the original trilogy characters had stopped an army of invading dinosaurs, C-3PO and R2 worked at Star Tours briefly for reasons unknown and helped destroy Death Star III, Luke and crew faced off against Grand Admiral Thrawn, founded a Jedi Academy only to have a student steal an Imperial Sun Crusher prototype and destroy a star system, threw the Sun Crusher and a Death Star Prototype into a black hole near Kessel, fought a power hungry Hutt who had his own Death Star laser built, helped Kyle Katarn and his students on their Jedi Quests, fought a resurrected Palpatine where Luke fell to the darkside and Mon Cala was stripped of its resources by world eating super factories with two massive Eclipse class super star destroyers in the mix, fought the Yuuzhan Vong with Chewbacca dead in a moon crushing him explosion thing, held a second Galactic Civil War with Jacen Solo becoming a Dark Lord of the Sith then his sister killing him with training from Boba Fett... and it all ended over 100 years later when Luke Skywalker's junkie great great grandson was haunted by Luke's force ghost. Honestly Luke, Han and Leia have seemed to have plenty of time to relax and live a normal life in the new canon compared to their poor Legends adaptations who were constantly running from adventure to adventure with each new novel released... The only thing really guilty of that overstuffing the lives of the OT characters is the main Star Wars Comic run right now which is set inbetween ANH and ESB (funny you mention comics as an example of how it could get overstuffed pretty quickly...). I haven't read it but from what I hear it makes it seem a ton of stuff happened in those few years set between films.
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Well yeah some of us will be complaining we can't afford such a massive Millennium Falcon set; because 1) we want it and 2) we can't afford it. Besides that though... I am really digging Lego's slow build up to the reveal. No leaks, no massive hints at how the set looks, nothing. Just blank boxes and instructions tempting us to screw around in Photoshop to see what rests beneath the white paper... Lego knows what it is, and they know we know what it likely is... so they are playing up our expectations to make the hype very real. And the counterfitters like Lepin are probably pissed that they have no clue what it looks like and that for once Lego will be able to truly beat their knock-off to market, not to mention all the old UCS Falcon scalpers who are probably sweating bullets right now! The increased box size and instructions hint at something truly spectacular. I will want this set from the moment it is revealed! ...pity I can't afford it... ;)
Star Trek
Well that belongs in another forum discussion really, but I will chime in and speculate that contract could be renewed again if it is seen as profitable... So I doubt Spider-Man being shared is done yet... Anyways, back to Trek.... Yeah that is actually not to surprising. The fan reaction has been pretty bad to a crap ton of stuff involving Discovery. What Trek needs is a broadcast network prime time show, not a limited access series that is stuck in emulating the TOS/Enterprise styles. I know it would be difficult for CBS and Paramount to negotiate to share some of the rights again, but I think either or a post-TNG era series could be fun; or an alternate universe series set in Paramount's Kelvin film universe would attract the crowds very well.
[MOC] Ebon Hawk
While I would have loved to have seen it in minifigure scale, for a midi-sized version of this ship the proportions are spot on. Seeing the game was released so many years ago it is almost sad that this vehicle was never covered by a lot of MOC builders in the elapsed time, and yours is a great effort to fix that obvious gap.
What UCS has not been done? (MOC or SET)
I and like five other people want a UCS Starspeeder 1000. It would be like a big bus for all my other Star Wars figures. Okay probably with some broader appeal, how about some PT stuff? Gunship, Eta-Actis 2 Jedi Starfighter, Venator Class, Invisible Hand, Royal Starship, etc... While not as iconic as the OT vehicles, I think they have enough fame (Gunship and Venator especially) they would be well received. If we include the ST and Disney stuff, we need to also mention the U-Wing, T-70 X-wing, and FO Star Destroyer.
Star Trek
Man the things I keep reading about Discovery have me a bit nervous. As exciting as it is to get a new Trek TV series some things keep sticking out like sore thumbs to me. I am still worried if the series is going to go for a TV-MA instead of TV-14 approach. TOS and TNG were always aimed towards older audiences, but the content is tame enough that kids could watch it along with older siblings, uncles and parents... Another strange thing is the Klingon redesign. The "pierced brow" Klingon of Into Darkness looks very TNG to the new Discovery design. Lastly I am a bit upset about the on set rumors that actors were chastised on set for ad-libbing a phrase which included the word "God" because it made reference to the idea humanity has religions back on Earth. I know Star Trek has always inferred Earth was a secular society... but it is a strange decision to solidify that idea as canon. With Trek working overtime to promote racial diversity for years, why would religious diversity not also be a subject included in the show? Seeing diverse religious characters in Trek's mix peacefully working together (alongside the diverse races already present) would be as meaningful to a 21st century audience as seeing a Russian and American on the Enterprise working together was to a 20th century audience. And then there is that whole gripe this show is still exclusive to CBS All Access. WHY? I know I have gripped about that before, but sheesh it still seems dumb every time I mention it. Stupid, stupid, stupid... Had it been a Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu show that would have felt like a more fitting home for Trek due to its ability to reach a broader audience. I know it seems dumb to gripe about a show that hasn't come out yet. but every moment I get excited for this new TV show my hopes get dashed seconds later to pieces again by yet another strange update or report from the set... At least I can still go back and just Netflix binge TNG whenever I want.
Lego Star Wars MOC Pelta-Class Frigate
All the spring shooter missiles make it look like an official Lego set, until the size dawns on you and you realize it would dwarf most UCS stuff!
What was the last movie you watched?
Dunkirk was the last one I saw.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
So they dumped Captain Marvel information during the convention. It's set in the 1990's with the Skrulls as villains... So obviously Marvel has wrested another set of characters from Fox for the MCU.
Minifigs = Too much ATTENTION?
I think with licensed themes it makes sense to focus the attention on minifigures. So many films and stories we get in media are "character" based. Sure you can build an X-Wing with bricks, but the characters who interact with the X-Wing (Luke and R2-D2) are so essential to the story that omitting them or not highly detailing them is a serious issue. So that's the thing, licensed themes need to be character based for a reason. However themes such as Creator are what I think are build based. You can still have the Café Corner without any rare figures, and it is still a show stopping set. I think the Creator Expert line has done a great job showing how to use new pieces and creating great builds. When we are fortunate we seem to get D2C sets which have the great builds, the new parts, AND the great figures too! So in my opinion the only change we need is more consistently good builds in some of the licensed sets. Overall I am satisfied with the new parts we have been getting, and can't really see the need for much more specialized part molds for construction (beyond specialized systems such as Technic or CCBS which use far more complex part molds than System tends to use).
2017 Lego Trains
Basically if you want to buy a large variety of locomotives and rolling stock that are realistic and readily available, get into HO scale (or N, or O or something). If you want a robust collectible toy with infinite customization options, stick to Lego. Some of us do both, but I have long lost faith that the Lego train catalog will ever be as varied as what can be seen in other mediums.
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