Everything posted by newwavejunkie
Batman's Mask Comparison
That looks terrific! I haven't had a chance to pick up the jetski set yet but I'm really looking forward to it. I think it looks exactly like the cowl from Batman '89, so I want to try it on my old black Batman from the 2006 sets. While I do prefer the smaller yellow bat emblem of the current black Batman to the gold one on the original, I prefer the belt on the original as it looks more like the utility belt on Keaton's Batman suit.
Which Lego LOTR Character is your favorite?
So far I only have the Weathertop set and Aragorn is my favorite of those, but the pics of Theoden look gorgeous. I'm a huge Sean Bean fan so Boromir's right up there too.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
The only one I've come across is this mini review on Brickset.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Agreed. They have some good deals around Christmas. I picked up the Mill Village Raid, Dino HQ Compound, and a few other Dino sets at a pretty good price at buy one get one half off. I did just purchase the Dynamic Duo Funhouse Escape but only because it's a TRU exclusive, I don't have a Lego store in my city, and it would've cost about the same with tax and shipping to buy it from the Lego website. But I don't want to get too far off topic. I just received Attack on Weathertop set yesterday and absolutely love it. It is ridiculously over-priced but it's a nice little set with great details. And the minifigs are just superb. The hobbits are simply gorgeous and I love the Nazgul (and especially their horses)! And I was even pleasantly surprised with Aragorn. I'd been iffy on him because of the color choices on his torso (particularly his bley tunic) but it doesn't look too bad in person. In most of the pictures I've seen online, it looks like his tunic is light bley but it's actually dark bley and looks decent. Still don't think it's very screen accurate but it's not as bad as I had expected.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I placed an order on May 16 (so I could be sure to get the exclusive Hulk minifig) and received the Frodo poster. I believe Lego Shop is only giving away the Frodo poster but I could be wrong. I know Toys R Us is offering a free Aragorn or Legolas poster but I'm opposed to paying the TRU tax unless they're on sale.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Definitely would have loved a hair plume for Eomer but I think he's a pretty nice figure overall. Personally I think Eomer should not be wearing a cape, whereas the generic Rohan soldier should. But I can easily switch it myself when I get the Uruk-hai Army set.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
While I agree on the terrible price per piece on the Weathertop set, I just couldn't wait to get my hands on those Nazgul minifigs and those lovely black horses. Also I saw DoctorBrickDady's review on Youtube and was pretty impressed with what I saw (in spite of the price). Besides, I'll be picking up most of the smaller sets in the next couple of months and strongly hinting to my wife to get me Helm's Deep and Moria for my birthday or whenever TRU has them for buy 1 get one 1/2 off. That's the only time when I'm willing to pay the TRU tax.
Hulk promo minifigure for May 16-31
Many thanks! I just ordered the LOTR Weathertop set and will be receiving the poster and the Hulk. I was more interested in the Hulk minifig anyway since I don't want to shell out the $50 for the Helicarrier set (although I think the big Hulk looks great).
Hulk promo minifigure for May 16-31
It was posted on LEGO Shop's Facebook page. It appears to only be valid with a LOTR purchase. I added the LOTR Gandalf set to my cart and the free Frodo poster showed up. But when I added only a Super Heroes set to my cart (after removing the LOTR set) the poster was NOT in my cart.
Hulk promo minifigure for May 16-31
Will we be able to get both the Hulk promo minifig and the free LOTR Frodo poster on the same order (over $50, of course)?
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Sadly I think Helm's Deep is the only scene where Aragorn wears chainmail but yeah, hopefully we'll get some variations. I'm really not feeling the current Aragorn outfit. He looks a little too Indiana Jones-y to me. And I mentioned this in a previous post but I really feel Boromir should have black hands. He wore gloves most of the film and especially in Moria.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I agree completely. They got Sam right in the set. And we already have Frodo in his jacket and vest in the Weathertop set. A repaint of the one in the Gandalf arrives set would do. We should have 3 different Frodo outfits this wave....especially since every Star Wars character gets a minifig for every little costume change.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Other people have already said this, but a molded hat/hair piece like Jack Sparrow's would work perfectly and would set Gandalf apart from Majisto and the other generic wizards. At this point, though, I'm not sure how likely it is TLG would redesign him. I think the best we can hope for in future waves is a Khazad-dum set that includes a Gandalf sans hat but with a new hair mold.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Here are two pics I found of Frodo from the Shelob scene: You are right about the Gandalf scene, though. By my reckoning, we should have 3 variations of Frodo in this wave.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
It looks like Frodo is wearing his jacket and vest in the Shelob set. Shouldn't he be wearing just his shirt (or his shirt and vest alone)? I know it's a small nitpick but I'd love to get as many variations of the characters in different outfits as possible. But maybe that's just me... Sadly, I missed all the pics except the one on FBTB but the sets look fantastic from what I can tell from that photo.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Now the question is will the white hand look like a minifig hand?
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
The only example I could think of of a minifig with printed feet.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Generally I would agree that minifigs complement the set but TLG seems to be bucking that trend with the more recent licensed sets like POTC, which had fantastic minifigs and fairly disappointing sets.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
The perfect Gandalf would have his torso and legs in old dary gray and his hat in dark bley. Sigh, but I suppose this will do, lol.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I could be mistaken but I believe Frodo and Sam are pretty much wearing the same clothes through all three films, starting at the point they leave the Shire. The variation comes in whether they are wearing their coats and vests. I think the pants are pretty much the same throughout, though. But again, I could be mistaken. I know Gandalf's hat is described as being blue in the book but I think it's grey in the film, though with a slight bluish tinge to it. I do admit looking at the films a number of times trying to convince myself it's blue, but I just don't think it is.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Based on that pic, I'd say Sam's pants should be either dark bley or dark tan. I think dark brown might be more accurate for Merry and Pippin. Frodo is fine as is. They should all have different colored cloaks as well, but again I'm nitpicking.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I think it's the hair. It looks great on the other hobbits but seems a bit off for Sam. I think something similar to young Anakin's hair would work.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Yes, I was going to mention in my previous post that Gimli should be wearing gloves as well...but I thought I'd complained about hands enough for one day. Boromir doesn't wear gloves while at Rivendell and since him wearing them may be just a personal preference, I can easily correct that myself. But yes, I do think Gimli should have them for sure.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Agreed, dark red would be best. I have a feeling the arms will be changed, though, especially considering you can clearly see he has red/dark red under his tunic and especially on the side of the torso at the arms, and it makes no sense for his arms to be dark blue. Also, I think he should have black hands as he was wearing gloves while in Moria. I also hope Aragorn has a glove on his right hand. On a separate note, it looks to me like LEGOlas is wearing olive green, for those who were discussing this before.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
These are simply AMAZING! I know I'm nitpicking here but shouldn't Boromir have red arms? Agreed about Gandalf. Long hair would definitely make him perfect. I'm not too happy with his staff either. That is definitely deserving of a new mold, IMHO.
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