Pirate Diorama
It's perfect! A lot of little stories gathered together - excellent!
- [LDD] The Black Pearl Project
- Vengeur - First Rate Ship-of-the-Line on a Prefab Hull
Spanish court life
Very beautiful and accurate work!
2015 LEGO Pirates Rumors and Discussion
This ship - absolute madness! Real steampunk. I agree with Lord Insanity: it is quite probable that this ship can float by sea and fly by air. Propellers obviously for this purpose!
The Black Pearl ... Again...
Very interesting and beautiful work! But I wish more photo! PS : It seems to me, the mainmast and the hatch should be moved forward...
Macaw fortress
Fine work! Nice fortress.!
Carribean Clipper vs the Imperial Flagship
But I like an additional mast at the Carribean Clipper. The set turned out incomplete. But if a few to finish it, it will turn out much better than the Imperial Flagship.
LIBRARY: Pirate Torso/Decal/Sticker Designs
Hello to pirates! I drew recently torsos for the commodore of Norington and for the English sailor. In qualities of a standard I took images from the game LEGO POTC. If it is necessary – use!
UCS Black Pearl
Real "the Black Pearl"! Work is pleasant to me similarity to a prototype, details and design! Fine work! Now I do my version "Black Pearl". And these photos will be to me the good help.
WIP: Eldorado 2013 XXL
Very beautiful work! The fort turned out accurate and functional. Photos are pleasant for a look. P.S. More photo is necessary!
- 6277 Imperial Trading Post Remake
User changing of Display Names for Knights+ (no longer available)
Thanks! Now all right!
User changing of Display Names for Knights+ (no longer available)
I need the help! Instead of Marquise it is necessary to make Marquis.
[Flickr Find] Set 1592 - Town Square: Remade
Fine work. Beautiful constructions. But I wouldn't began to call it a remake of a set 1592. Objects are placed in other environment. And objects only bear a faint resemblance to an initial set.
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