Everything posted by Admiral M
Roman Legionnaire
I think it looks cool, but you could improve it alot by adding a breastplate, like in mine: What do you think?
Any Idea When the Next Pirate Sets will be announced?
NO! NO! NO! If they don't make any new pirate sets, how can I afford to get a couple of small ships for my navy for under $300!! (I could make them, but they don't look great, CC,IFS and AFS are all really expensive) I agree that pirate sets aren't doing bad, they're just not doing as good... what's the matter with kids these days?
2-deck LDD ship
Thanks! I began to rebuild the hull and the bow, but then I had to completely redesign it. So HMS Colossus shall remain as is, and my current project is the HMS Conquest.
Defend the Fort Art
Great art! It looks just as it should- Like a duck shoot. It could be a nice piece of propaganda
Apocalyptic Community Build?
All Four! That pic, I imagine, happened during the war. They were still fighting then.
Custom French Hussars
Nice soldiers! They're quite realistic! What did you use for the sash?
Imperial Cannon and Caisson
Wow! That looks great! I would put in 2 more soldiers, if you have them, but it still is a great design! Exellent job for a first try, this is one of the best Moc of a realistic battle cannon that I've seen!
Apocalyptic Community Build?
Is this the kind of thing that you are looking for? Before the bombs fell, and the troops marched, and the tanks rolled across the cratered landscape: Remember: Green and gold are the fields of peace, Red are the Fields of War. Black are the fields when the cannons cease, and white forevermore.
Apocalyptic Community Build?
This sounds cool! But I have a few questions: Will there be zombies? Will there be children? What will be the level of "hope" among the survivors? How will the apocalypse happen? (nuclear war, asteroid) What year will it be? (2060, 2100, 3500) Will the survivor's be a true society, or are the people just barely getting by? Will they farm? Who will be the enemies? Will they be building new things, and trying to rebuild their lives? How many years after the apocalypse will this happen? Not really a few questions... I'll post some LDD Mocs later of some buildings and the town hall. Can I do a bit of the storyline?
Moc - Welcome to Arizona
Certianly is. Will this be part of a larger MOC, or are you planning to keep it this way? Welcome to Arizona. Population, 0
Calamari Calamity By 2 Much Caffeine
That is awesome! The poem is great, and that octopus design is really nice. I think I may use it at some point.
A gold-obsessed viking, surrounded by gold, but trapped.
HMS Conquest, WIP through to completion
Here are some new pictures. CGH, I took your advise and made the prow more round, but there isn't much I can do about the hull. I've built the galleries, but I think they are too big. Does anyone think they could help me with these? More pictures Here
HMS Conquest, WIP through to completion
Yes, sadly. You could get the Coco (faux lego) version of Black Seas Barricuda for only $50, yet lego charges twice as much for a ship nowhere near as beautiful, and with 200 fewer pieces. It is quite ironic, because you expect the smaller brands to charge more because they can't buy in bulk the same way LEGO can. I'm definitely going bricklink, those 2x1x3 inverted slopes are half the amount there, but lego needs to learn.
HMS Conquest, WIP through to completion
Before I log off, some pictures: The masts: Brickshelf folder, when moderated Credits to Duck for bow design.
HMS Conquest, WIP through to completion
That's my dream! Of course, it'll be awhile before I can afford this ship, I've been working on it almost all day, the rough version is half finished now, and it's already at $290! Oh, woe is me! I'll get by, somehow.
Updated Governor's Mansion by Paul Cantu
Wow! That looks spectacular! I loved this moc, and I could definitely use one in my port! However, I'm suprised it isn't Governor Paul
Huge Pirate Collection for Sale - Trade
The huge $500 one?
My first (large) ship MOC. WIP - Feedback appreciated.
Well, it doesn't have to be THAT decorated, most people do something like this: See more pics here. PS: It's called a prow
Pirates Layout on the TSL in Berlin, June 2009
I saw that too, looking through the folder with the HMS Victory pics that teddy showed on his thread. Such a nice layout!
My first (large) ship MOC. WIP - Feedback appreciated.
Can't wait to see the movie, duck! Here's the "underneath the bowspit" of the HMS Victory: Here It is EXTREMELY big, it took me 15 secs to load, so don't click unless you have a fast processor.
HMS Conquest, WIP through to completion
Hey all, Admiral M here, and I have begun construction of my newest ship, the HMS Conquest. The ship will have 2 decks, 3 masts, and many more improvements. This ship will be my best up to now, and it's already looking pretty good: Finished!
飛鴉 Flying Crow
Good ship! It is always quite hard to build something on those hulls, but it seems that you did well! I love those sails Your ships look fantastic!
My first (large) ship MOC. WIP - Feedback appreciated.
This ship is coming along great! I may even steal borrow some of your techniques for my new up-and-coming ship, the HMS Conquest (remember; imitation is flattery ). The bow looks really good, however I do recommend that you add something under the bowspit, It will provide you with some decoration space.
The HMS Cookie
Now you have time to build a real ship! Good luck on your next, but don't purposely make it pathetic looking
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