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  1. Haha i've seen this on another site too its gr8!
  2. Nice, you forgot the camels and magic carpets
  3. I know a theme! It's historical and also bit of a legend. Atlantis, the sunken city, maybe lego discovery sets with things like the first people contacting new continents, or animals. Early england with things like druids, and stonehenge.
  4. An Ice Age(maybe stone age don't know)Theme with tents, mammoths,whooly rhino's, giant deer, hunters, neanderthals, stone caves Ice fishing sets and stuff like that. I would love to see Lego being more adventurous with new themes instead of sets like pirates and castle over and over again.
  5. Hello Haha this is the same about me really. I enjoy it too and it's a great way of spending time. Recently I picked up lego again and Im starting collecting it. Don't care about what other people say as long as you have fun. There are so many lego collectors, and most of them are really normal nice people so just keep collecting! I think the only one who cares about that I buy lego are my parents haha, they are scared I buy it and stop collecting it within a year.
  6. I would definately want a Lord of the Rings lego set Would be great with all those artefacts, shields, armours and minifigures. Fellowship of the Ring:: Lothrlorien Forest: includes elven archers minifigures, and lady galadriel. A baseplate with a forest on it. Rivendell: includes lord elrond, arwen, rivendell building, the sword narsil and some fellowship minifigures. Prancing Pony Inn: the inn in Bree includes several drinks, cups, a ringwraith, frodo and sam minifigures and the inn itself. Weathertop: the weathertop rock with 3 ringwraiths, aragorn, a fireplace and sam, frodo, pippin and merry minifigures(also torches Balins tomb: includes the tomb with a skeleton, gimli minifigure, giant troll, orc warriors, a drums, and gandalf minifigure. Also rocks haha Isengard: the tower of isengard including orc smithers, a tree and saruman the wizard Two Towers:: The second set in the Lord of the Rings Lego. Entmoot: ents surrounding a waterplace with merry and pippin minifigures Riders of rohan battlepack Uruk hai battlepack Warg ambush: a warg, aragorn minifigure, rider of rohan minifigure, horse Helms deep: the fort of helms deep including ladders, mines, uruk-hai minifigures, rohan minifigures,elf archers and king theoden And with those two sets the last one needs to be included Return of the King: Minas tirith packs: these are packs which together can be used to expand and expand your castle grounds of minas tirith; includes towers, walls, siege machines, minifigures and rooms. Mumakil siege: includes mumak minifigure, raiders, legolas minifigure Corsair ship: a black corsair ship including corsair minifigures Corsair port: the port of the corsair crusaders.
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