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Banned Outlaws
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About Zane

  • Birthday 06/22/1991

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  1. How does it affect it? It can't majorly mess it up, otherwise you wouldn't be able to do it at all...
  2. Surely it should be my decision if my account is deleted or not? And there's no point in sarcasm either. Or treating me like the (and I quote Vader in the 'chamber' here) "f*cking retard" Optimax X.
  3. Already tried that, came back anyway. Have no willpower, that's why I want to be deleted. I am sure of this, nobody can convince me otherwise, okay?
  4. I want everything deleted because I don't want to be part of this anymore. It's simple enough.
  5. I haven't been hacked or anything, heh. Just want everything to be deleted. Need to focus on real life more and stuff. ;-)
  6. Yeah, so this would have just been a PM to an admin, but seeing as I don't have the PM feature anymore I though I'd make a big scene of it. X-D Anyway, yeah, I'd like my account to be deleted. Can't keep going with this real life/internet life charade, so my alter-ego being eradicated would be muchly appreciated. So yeah, if you could fully delete my account it'd be appreciated. Not a ban or anything, just a full deletion and stuff. Thanks.
  7. Well no, he means the Slitheen ship. :-P Good episode last night. I wish another Dalek had become a hybrid instead of Sec, but then I suppose the plot wouldn't have worked with the whole Dalek questioning leader thing. Loved the two Daleks in the sewers when they were talking about Sec, and one looks around to check if anybody is listening in before answering. X-D
  8. Well, I cant really tell him any other way. Plus a lot of this topic was going on about BZP for a while anyway.
  9. I don't have a PM system thing anymore for some reason. Ever since i came out of the 'chamber'... :-|
  10. It'll probably be a jetski or something. :-| An exo suit would be much better....
  11. Well, if the design of a Nuva in MoL = the design of the set Nuva (and therefore the design of the Olda), Lesovikk should still have the design of an Olda, or even less complicated. But obviously that won't happen. Because it will, obviously, be mutated. :-|
  12. He's from the first Toa team. i.e Before Tahu and co. The reason Tahu and co. are simpler than the Inika is because they are old, so really Lesovikk should be about the size and design as an Olda. But that won't happen.
  13. No no, I'm not saying you're evil - I'm just using what you said as an example of what might have caused him to do this. I know you or any of us would treat someone with difficulties differently, but the point is that there is a possibility that the people around him did not. ;-)
  14. To be honest, it's that kind of attitude towards him that might have driven him to this. Obviously we don't know, so I'm not assuming anything, but if he was a troubled person, and the above post was how other people treated him, then that's probably why he was driven to this. I'm not justifying him killing so many people, 'cause even killing one person is bad enough, but I'm just saying that there may have been reasons for it, and you can't act like he's the complete 'bad guy' in this, 'cause others may have treated him harshly.
  15. Same question to you, 5150 Lego. Anything could have been happening in his life to drive him to this - domestic abuse and stuff. You can't assume he was pure evil or anything - there's usually a reason, and even if it's just insanity or similar, there's usually a reason behind that too. I'm not saying we should have total sympathy here, 'cause yeah, he killed innocent people, but at the same time we have no idea of what was going through his head and why. Sure, it's a possibility that it was for no reason and he did it for 'fun' or something, but still, it can't be assumed. IMO, we should feel for all those involved, including the survivers who saw their classmates and teachers be killed.
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