Everything posted by Commander_Blitz
Looking to get rid of some lego
How much would you be willing to pay for the Space Skulls? Because I won't charge you much for shipping, maybe £10 at the most. This goes for all the sets to anyone anywhere, I'm not going to charge a fortune for shipping. I cannot stress this enough, but I really need to get rid of these things
Looking to get rid of some lego
There are quite a lot of views but little no-one willing to give these guys a good home?
Looking to get rid of some lego
Does £20 sound decent for those? Also I still have the sets to go, if anyone's willing to take multiple I can do some sort of deal
Looking to get rid of some lego
I'm in England, in Yorkshire. I believe the going rate for Rex is roughly £8?
Looking to get rid of some lego
Unfortunately, like many people I'm being forced to downsize my house because of the economic climate. This means that I've had to cut back on my lego collection. Is there anyone willing to take any of these off of my hands? Models (if anyone's willing to take all of these models, I'd sell them all for $110 including shipping to U.S) : 1x Clone Wars AT-TE 1x White Speeder Bike 2x Custom Clone Walkers (made out of multiple battle packs) 1x Space Skulls Command Skull 1x Space Skull Fighter 1x Space Skull Dropship 1x Space Skull Skulldroid 1x STAP (blue) Minifigures: 1x Captain Rex 1x Snowtrooper 8x Clone Trooper 3x Clone Gunner 2x Clone Commander (one with green arms and legs) 1x Battle Droid Commander (one straight arm) 9x Battle Droid (one piloting STAP) 2x Security Batle Droid 1x Rocket Battle Droid Commander 3x Rocket Battle Droid 2x Super Battle Droid (with Rocket arm) 4x Super Battle Droid 1x Rotta the Huttlet 4x Space Skull minifigures I absolutely have to get rid of these sets/figs. Is anyone interested? I'm willing to entertain basically any offers.
Star Wars Figs for sale/trade
Yup, I've still got all of them
Star Wars Figs for sale/trade
If you're willing to pay, then he can be yours for £12 If not, then do you have any spare STAPs? Including droids would be preferred
Star Wars Figs for sale/trade
2x Snowtrooper (Hoth battle Pack) - £1.50 each 1x Captain Rex - £14 1x Ahsoka Tano (AT-TE) - £2 1x Anakin Skywalker (AT-TE) - £3 I'm mostly looking for CW clones, but if you're interested them feel free to pm me with an offer
FS/FT - Star Wars and other minifigs
Are you interested at all in snowtroopers/at-at drivers? Because I'd quite like those 4 rocket battle droids.
MOC: Fhloston Paradise
Is the Ithorian custom?
Anyone want some space skulls?
How much where you thinking? If you happen to have any spare clone wars lego you'd be willing to trade then I'd accept that.
Anyone want some space skulls?
They're in fairly good condition, maybe a tad dusty from being on my shelf for too long. The small squid droid thing was missing one vital part so I had to modify the legs slightly, but otherwise everything should be there. Unfortunately the instructions and box disappeared long ago into the void of space, but if anyone is interested then feel free to give me an offer.
Minifig Scale Starbug (Red Dwarf)
I prefer the larger version, I really like the technique you used to make the hand.
Looking for: hats!
What I want are: 1x Black Fedora ( 1x Black Top Hat ( If you have one or both of these pieces and are willing to trade, then just ask if I've got what you want.
Hi! Hope you have fun during your stay!
Commander_Blitz's offer of the month! Here's the link to the ebay page, if anyone's interested
Commander_Blitz's offer of the month!
Thx for the link, guess I'll have to sell them on ebay.
Commander_Blitz's offer of the month!
So no-one's interested? Let me put it this way: I'm offering about £150 worth of lego for £70-£90 worth of lego.
Commander_Blitz's offer of the month!
I am willing to trade all the recent space police sets (apart from the pitstop, the max security transport and impulse snake-speeder-thing) for one CW AT-TE with or without extra clones (but preferably with). Alternatively, I am willing to sell the sets if no-one wants to trade. They come with all minifigs, accessories and instructions but not the boxes.
Ebay sales!
I'm raising some money for the new Space Police line and so I decided to sell off most of my lego collection. Have a look if you wish, but I warn you, get in there fast, because there's already quite a bit of interest accumulating....
Looking for: Space Police
Alternatively, I would be prepared to sell the CW sets separately if no-one is interested in trading. As long as I make at least £150 I'm happy. (in case you're wondering, £150 is the total price of all the SP3 sets I want to buy)
Looking for: Space Police
Wants: 1x K-9 bot 1x Squidman escape 1x Freeze Ray Frenzy 1x Gold Heist 1x Space Truck Getaway 1x Hyperspeed Pursuit 1x Galactic Enforcer Haves: 1x Seperatist Spider Droid 1x Republic Shuttle 1x Republic Attack Gunship 1x Hailfire Droid and Spider Droid 1x Anakin's Jedi Starfighter 1x Armored Assault Tank 1x Hyena Droid Bomber Note: the sets don't have to be sealed/unused, but I'd prefer it if they had minifigures and I have most of the minifigs from the sets I have, but I am missing some.
UsernameMDM's Trade Topic
Would you be interested in a Snape, a light grey Slytherin uniform and a light grey Gryffindor uniform? The uniforms have shiny silver and gold parts, respectively (if it helps)
Looking for skellies and other things
What I want: 4x Old-style black skeleton with evil skull( 9x Old-style white skeleton with regular skull ( 4x Armour breastplate with leg protection, pearl gold 4x Armour breastplate with leg protection, pearl light grey 1x Armour breastplate with leg protection, dracus pattern ( 4x Chrome gold round greatsword (the one the Gold Knight has) 4x Chrome silver round greatsword 4x Spiked flail 4x Flat silver angular greatsword ( 1x Pearl light grey lance 1x Black Fantasy era dragon ( What I have to trade (all sets have opened box and applied stickers) 1x Hyena Droid Bomber 1x Stone Chopper 1x Mine Mech (, these pieces have been replaced with the white version) 1x Granite Grinder 1x Claw Digger 1x Thunder Driller 1x Front end loader (7630) 1x Dump Truck (7631) 1x Space Skulls 1x Jar Jar Binks 1x Mace Windu (CW) 3x Clone trooper pilots (Episode 3) 1x B-wing pilot (light flesh)
Has anyone accidentally dropped your completed Lego creation before?
The good news is that I found him safely nestled in between some books at the bottom of the staircase and he's now safely leading my Republic troopers to victory! (Albeit with a slightly scratched helmet, but hey, watcha gonna do?)
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