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Catalina Kittywhisker

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  1. Well, he viewed my PM with him after I accused him in the thread, so it's pretty obvious he checked in here. I think he's just dodging the accusations at this point so you're right, we probably won't get a defense from him.
  2. Wong told someone else that he was only in contact with three people, me being one of them. This person also told me that Wong told him that those three people claimed Vanilla to Wong, which is a lie. When I asked Wong who the third person he contacted was he said it was Krup, but apparently he never mentioned contacting Krup to anyone else nor did he mention to anyone else that Krup claimed Vanilla. When I told Wong about the third person he said he also was in contact with him but he never mentioned him to me at first. By the way, I'm not revealing who these people are because I'm not sure if they'd want me to. So to sum it up, he not only lied about three people claiming Vanilla to him but he also lied about him being in contact with Krup. Well, if he was in contact with Krup then he still lied, because he told me he was and he told someone else he wasn't.
  3. Because he already has the most votes and there's nothing that can change that. I guess I will though, but do note that I am still suspicious of Godric. Unvote: Godric Goaty-Blather Vote: Wong Wang I now agree with the people who want to go after Krup if Wong flips Scum, which I'm sure he will.
  4. Yeah, sorry, I wasn't too clear when I first posted. The second part to it's there now.
  5. Alright everyone, I'm going to apologize now for unvoting Wong. I feel like a complete idiot, but he's definitely scum. He's been lying via potato message to people about who he's contacted. He's also been lying about certain people claiming Vanilla Townie to him (who the hell would claim to him anyway?). It's pointless for me to change my vote because there's no way anyone else will be lynched at this point and I still find Godric suspicious. So just for the record, he told me he contacted Krup while he told others he didn't. The other person he contacted confirmed that Wong contacted him so this means he was lying about Krup and him being in contact. So I guess this increases the chances of Krup being scum for tomorrow, too.
  6. Honestly, even though I said we could get information from lynching Wong, I have to say that I'd love to turn around the vote. But I don't think it's possible at this point, there's not enough time and I don't think people will be convinced to change their votes. Other people that I think have been acting more scummy than Wong are mainly Godric and Firuz. Firuz, like I said before, has mainly only been talking when asked too and Godric seems like he knows that Wong is Town but doesn't want to say it (and when he does say it he says that he should just be lynched because of the curse). Sugarbottom is also suspicious to me because she always makes these big accusations towards Wong and then at the end of most of them she says that she's not saying he's scum. And then there's her changing opinion on Wong's affiliation too. Like I said though, I'd love to turn the vote around but I don't think we can. But it's worth a try. Unvote: Wong Wang Vote: Godric Goaty-Blather
  7. Way to go over every single possibility. How about you answer this: What do you think Wong is? And no, I don't want you to explain your vote for him because of his role. What do you really think he is, because you seem to be avoiding that question.
  8. After giving it some thought, I think I'm going to keep my vote on Wong because it will give us lots of new information for tomorrow. I think it'd be better to lynch him and actually get new leads rather than lynch someone else and have almost no new info. Although, like I said before, I still find Firuz, Godric, and Sugarbottom to be very odd. At least Sugarbottom's helping and expressing her opinion though, unlike Godric and Firuz who seem to only speak when asked to.
  9. I agree that her aggression makes her seem more Townie. Although while we're on the subject of "I told you so" votes, she did unvote Snarky towards the end yesterday and then she was hesitant to vote off Wong today. And the more and more people are saying that they think Wong is Penis but are still voting him makes me think that they know more than others do. It's making me regret my vote for Wong even though he does still appear scummy to me.
  10. Purplonia makes a good point. If you think he's Town then why vote for him? We've already lost 3 Penises and this would just worsen the blow. Also, this isn't the only post you mentioned Wong being Town. You've said in your posts before that you believe Wong to be Town and yet you still end up voting for him. I, on the other hand, do see Wong as scummy because of the evidence people like Sugarbottom have presented. It seems like people like her have been onto Wong since yesterday, so they've been consistent with their posts, unlike you. Also, Firuz is another person that hasn't talked a lot. The only couple times he posted today was when I questioned him. I'm still voting for Wong, but I think Godric and Firuz also come off as really scummy. Vote: Wong Wang
  11. It seems convenient that you thought he was Town in the night after he'd been lynched.
  12. Can you tell us why they aren't on your radar anymore? And I know you weren't the only one who responded like that, and I think out of the list of people you posted Godric is another that comes off as sort of unhelpful. And there was also his random vote for Sugarbottom yesterday.
  13. Someone that I noticed that didn't do much yesterday was Firuz Foxtail. Next to being inactive, he had odd, inconsistent posts. Like this one, for example: He mentions the idea of voting off Flabflom, who was killed last night and many people didn't assume to be scum yesterday. It seems like he was just following Snarky here with the whole idea of going against Flamflom but after no one else went through with that idea he dropped it. And he dropped his suspicions of Godric, too. Or he hasn't mentioned them again at least. This post is also odd to me. I know he was forced to vote for either Snarky or Wong, he seems to have voted for Snarky and never again mention his other suspicions. Also, he just popped in, put in his vote, and left. And we still haven't heard from him since then.
  14. I think it would be best if you were more expressive with these kinds of thoughts. Even if you're Town we can still get lots of new information if you post who you specifically suspect. This post does come off sort of scummy to me though because of how you're trying to hide your thoughts here.
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