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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by maxxens

  1. I would not call the PF parts rare, because you are able to buy them sepetately in every lego store.
  2. 10179, if there is a proper set to come back, this has to be it ;)
  3. I have the feeling in our time it is more probable, that someone has a smartphone lying around than some old fashioned AA batteries. But let's first see if the Porsche will even have any kind of RC before we discuss the the how ;)
  4. Just 90° and a bit higher resolution and we would know :/
  5. I guess, that (if the GB house is the real deal) it will be more like the monster hunter villa or the simpsons house, i.e. standing free without walls to connect to other houses. But with a piece count of 4500 it should be fairly easy to modify it into a modular building ;)
  6. Recently I found in my old lego instructions the old red super car (the studded one) and the old yellow plane. I was amazed, how much happened in one step of the instruction and could not remember, that it was a big problem for my brother and me to complete these sets on christmas eve within a few hours. No idea, when they exactly came out, but we got them the same year (being born '79 and '81).
  7. I have to say this is quite fugly... I love to read books and there is nothing what hates being open more than a paperback. Honestly I am a bit afraid that the book will lose pages after the third/fourth rebuild. I prefer the six books (which I also got) or even better the book of the Ultimate Falcon, best book ever :)
  8. I planned not to buy any Lego this year for christmas, but when I was shopping last weekend and saw the crane for 155€ in the shop I could not say no :) So my Christmas will be for sure quite yellow ;)
  9. I like the looks of the plane but the X/Z-dimensions are too big for my shelfes, therefore I cannot put it anywhere :/ BTW: I see a lot of work for dokludi ;)
  10. I thought the quotation marks made this quite clear :)
  11. The "only" thing you missed was a list of all the new technic-parts in 2014.
  12. Usually the first leaks come out around this month, but the first public news come out in around two months.
  13. Unfortunately this has nothing to do with regulations but with the bitching around of youtube/google and the GEMA, the organisation in germany who is responsible to collect money from people who air music for the artists...
  14. Sorry, I did not clarify the meaning of my post :) I meant "the only review right now is a video with a timelapse build" but I really prefer to look on pictures and read text than to watch a video. Call me old fassioned ;)
  15. So more and more people should own the 42009 (I am still waiting for christmas) but still no review for the B model? There is only a youtube-video with a timelapse build now:
  16. Someone wrote in this topic, that he could look into a reseller catalogue so maybe there will be confidential pictures soon. But you will not see them here on eurobricks because the publication of these pictures is not intended by lego and eurobricks respects this.
  17. There are no studs in studless builds ;) Yeah, I Know, a few studs are still left on lights etc. :)
  18. In my opinion the newer version has much less friction because of the ring which greatly reduces the surface in contact with other parts. To topic: I always try to line them up nicely, i.e. if there are two pieces on an axle they should both be lined up the same way rotationwise and both outwards/inwards endingwise. It annoys me to no end if there are an odd number on one axle so I cannot line them up properly ;)
  19. Where are your big LAs and all the axles? ;)
  20. Unfortunately not. The good old times of preview windows are long gone :( Maybe it is possible by only cutting the seal on one side. But completely without cutting will not be possible.
  21. It would be interesting to see how many sets were sold how fast in which country. Especially, if in there were simply many more sets in the US available or less were bought until now.
  22. I think Lego chose ten entries from the top 100 for the top 10 according to their own rules (i.e. financial possible, according to lego building rules etc.). From this ten the lego users chose the no. 1.
  23. Did you calibrate the servo? It is the first step of the instructions. I cannot see it exactly in your video, but is only one axle or both steering to the side? If first, forget my comment and check the gears, if yes it sounds like the servo is the problem. If i remember correctly the whole rack and the gear is fixed from every possible direction.
  24. Brickset doesn't work for me right now but I guess it would be something like "4x2 w. Bow"
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