SH-CCC: War of the Worlds
Hey folks, don't often get around entering contests, but I love this one... Here's my entry. War of the Worlds - Classics Illustrated No 124. A little different than most, but I think it's pretty cool.
MOC : brown and grey modular buildings
Wow. Very beautiful. I love the modular buildings, and am just starting on trying to build some. Very inspirational!
Big Apple Diner
Just Beautiful. Really well done. You should be proud!
Review: 6082 Fire Breathing Fortress
Wow, I have one of these on my window shelf, built new from the box. Feeling a little old right now.
Lego Brand stores coming to Canada!
Edited by user
Lego Brand stores coming to Canada!
Edited by user
Canadian Eh?
It makes total sense. His post states that Calgary would be in the second wave, and as it turns out, Calgary is first. It was a light hearted poke. Where's the confusion?
Canadian Eh?
Unless... Calgary goes first.
LEGO LUGBULK Program 2010 - part 2
Does anyone from round 1 have feedback as per whether the prices are worthwhile, etc? It seems like a lot of hoops to jump through, is it worth it, or can I get prices as good on bricklink?
wednesdayware started following MOC: My first modular building , LEGO LUGBULK Program 2010 - part 2 , LEGO Universe pre-order starts the 14th of May and 1 other
LEGO Universe pre-order starts the 14th of May
You come off as a bit defensive, my friend. We're just sharing our thoughts. The Chat issue for me is that pretty much every single thing I've tried to say has been shut down, none of them rude or provocative. I don't think this game will be enjoyable for AFOLs. The kids, it might fly with, tough to say.
Lego Brand stores coming to Canada!
I think in the US, it's around $15 for a large, and $7 for a small (someone will correct me if that's off). But LEGO doesn't use the exchange rate to price for Canada, as a quick visit to the two shop at home sites will show.
LEGO Universe pre-order starts the 14th of May
I sadly have to agree. My son seems to enjoy it, but it gets boring pretty fast. The chat is terrible and the pet training is frustrating and flawed. It's just not great.
Lego Brand stores coming to Canada!
i just hope A) They actually HAVE a pick-a-brick wall, B) The price for a large cup is under $25.
MOC: My first modular building
This is a great MOC. Nicely done!
Rebel frontline on Hoth MOC
Really great work. I love that it's well thought out, and "simple" (in the good way).
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