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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by YavinBase

  1. I completed the GotB mod of UCS X-Wing, set 75335. The approximate cost over four BrickLink orders plus shipping was $200.00. I had approximately 16% of the pieces required for the mod in my personal inventory. The added cost was worth it in my opinion since it took an average set with some significant deficiencies and made it elite. Increasing the length of the wings and essentially eliminating the gap between the wings while in flight mode were the biggest improvements that bothered me with Lego's design. The added details at the rear fuselage and the cockpit and stud reduction are icing on the cake details. There is some sag of the wings while in flight mode despite the smile suggestion in the instruction manual. I plan on displaying the X-Wing in attack mode, so this is not a significant issue for me. Here are photographs of the completed set: IMG_20240717_221838711 by Yavin_Base, on Flickr IMG_20240717_220824490 by Yavin_Base, on Flickr IMG_20240717_220745335 by Yavin_Base, on Flickr IMG_20240717_220917992 by Yavin_Base, on Flickr IMG_20240717_221241800 by Yavin_Base, on Flickr IMG_20240717_221158595 by Yavin_Base, on Flickr IMG_20240717_221002583 by Yavin_Base, on Flickr IMG_20240717_223156374 by Yavin_Base, on Flickr The final photograph is how the set fits in with my Lego collection: IMG_20240718_001421709 by Yavin_Base, on Flickr
  2. I believe the reason is the Lego designers are given a budget for the UCS sets, $230.00 in this case, and they are required to deliver a design that meets this budget. UCS sets that are similarly sized, such as Slave I, TIE Fighter, and the latest version of the Y-Wing, A-Wing, and Snowspeeder, were in the $200.00 USD range. The newer UCS sets, such as this X-Wing and the TIE Interceptor, are similarly sized and are in the $230.00 USD range. GoTB's design drives up the piece count of a modded 75335, but the increased piece count only yields a minimal increase in size of the X-Wing compared to 75335. Certainly the designers at Lego are talented enough to deliver a design similar to what GoTB has published. Cost is the contraint in this case. For the UCS sets that I mentioned above, the X-Wing is the outlier in terms of an almost flawless design. 75335 was designed well in some areas, but fell short in critical areas (nose cone and the gap between the wings in flight mode are my biggest beefs). I would have easily paid Lego more for an UCS X-Wing that is on par with GoTB's design. You and I may be in the minority, however. I have taken the plunge and have embarked on modding my UCS X-Wing using GoTB's design. My 75335 was unopened as of a few days ago. After opening it and four Bricklink orders later, I am approximately 40% complete with the build. Incredible and innovative are the best descriptive words that come to mind relative to the build experience.
  3. The Desert Skiff and Sarlacc Pit, set 75396, is a hot mess! So much is underwhelming with very little upside compared to its excessive cost. Updated prints on the minifigs and Nien Nunb are the only upsides to this set; however these alone are definitely not worth the amount of the Disney tax. I did not expect Lego to provide an accurate ROTJ Boba Fett, but excluding his cape is inexcusable, especially for an overpriced set at $80.00. Putting Nien Nunb behind an $80.00 pay wall is shameful. The size of the Sarlacc pit is significant. The piece count should be reduced and added to the seemingly small skiff. Seeing the initial photos and the review of 75396 makes me appreciate the 2012 version, set 9496, more. 75396 gives me fear that Lego will fumble the barge also.
  4. I purchased the new UCS MF on October 24th, 2017 and I received my new Lego VIP card in the mail today. Location: Ohio, USA.
  5. 75192 cockpit mods. Mods allow for one stud gap between pilots and passengers and maximizes the cockpit area. 1. At the rear of the cockpit, remove the two 1x2 modified plates with rails and replace with plates to fill the gaps left behind from the removal of the 1x2 modified plates with rails. This will allow for the maximum cockpit platform area. 2. Extend the length of cockpit platform by one stud by adding a 1x4 plate at the front of the cockpit platform. This will place the platform flush with the front of the cockpit. Add two 1x2 jumper plates and two 1x2 grills for "seats" for two passengers. Add greebling such as deflector shield flashing alarm, auxiliary power lock in, etc. 3. Reinforce the bottom of the cockpit platform with plates. Do not extend plates below the bottom of the axle. 4. Seat minifigures on the cockpit platform. 5. Attach the cockpit windshield to the Falcon.
  6. I am a VIP member, but for some reason I did not receive the email regarding the wait list, or any VIP emails in general. If it was not for the eurobricks community, I most likely would have been unaware of the wait list. Page 28 of this topic has the email regarding the wait list. I was told when I purchased my UCS MF earlier this week that there were approximately 5,000 individuals on the wait list world wide.
  7. Thanks Cyanide-Tipped. I thought Lego was going to hold back until after today to contact individuals on the wait list due to the double VIP points. I lucked out. I was told that the black VIP card would be mailed and to expect it in about six weeks. I was also told that the cards are personalized with our names printed on them. I already told my wife to buy me the UCS Snowspeeder for Christmas and to apply my VIP $$$ toward the purchase.
  8. I received a telephone call from my Lego store yesterday morning that my USC Millennium Falcon had arrived and that I had 48 hours to purchase or it would become available to the next individual on the wait list. So yesterday evening I went to purchase it. I asked how many people were on the wait list. At my store there was 50 on the wait list, and approximately 5,000 world wide. I then asked how many Falcons were received at my store for wait list individuals. Eight were received, and I was eighth on the list! My patience paid off as I scored DOUBLE VIP points ($75.00 worth)! I was also told that additional Falcons would be shipped in a few weeks, with the goal of filling all wait list orders by the end of 2017.
  9. I received the below email from a Lego associate from my local Lego store. It sounds like my UCS MF will 'land' within a week! The force is strong with you! Your Millennium Falcon is scheduled to arrive within the next seven days. Upon arrival, someone from our team will call you to inform you that you can visit our store to purchase your Falcon. As demand for this item has been extraordinary, you will be provided a 48-hour window to visit our store to complete your purchase. If you are unable to make it to the store within 48 hours from contact, we will provide the opportunity to the next guest on our waiting list. We look forward to speaking soon and for helping you take this amazing set home!
  10. I received the following email today from Lego: Dear LEGO® Shopper, You are receiving this communication as you are a LEGO® VIP member who requested to be added to your local LEGO Store's Millennium Falcon wait list. We are happy to share that the ship that famously made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs is scheduled to land before the end of the year. As Han and Chewbacca complete the finishing touches on the Falcon, you will be contacted directly by your local LEGO Store team member with further details and instructions on how you can take one home. Please be patient and allow store staff to contact you as not all product will be available at once. Where you place on the waiting list will determine when you will be contacted. Stores will not be able to predict when you will be contacted until product arrives. May the Force be with you!
  11. I missed out on 10179, and boy, I am sure glad I did!! The exterior--marvelous!! An interior?!?!?!--unexpected!! When I first saw the pictures, I broke my jaw when it hit the floor!! So many details--two view ports for the upper and lower quad cannons, the new cockpit piece, the color scheme, greebles upon greebles...the list goes on and on!! I was going to get this set as soon as the rumors started. When the rumored price was dropped several months ago ($799 USD), I started saving. I am close to making this a day one purchase, if not, I will own one before the end of the year, if stocking this set is not an issue. I would buy this set without the minifigures. I was guessing that a Lando and a battle damaged Luke would be included in addition to what is included, but I am definitely okay with the minifig lineup as is. I am not into the Episode VII sets, but old Han, Rey, Finn, and BB-8 are more than welcome to join my collection. For those wanting Episode IV minifigs included, I am sure most of us can populate the Falcon with these minifigs from other sets. At least that is what I plan on doing. I will be at my Lego store tomorrow morning to hopefully see this set in person. I am curious about how the interior of the cockpit turned out.
  12. What piece are you referring to?
  13. "Lando, open the top hatch." If Lego included a top hatch, then, wow, all I can say is wow!
  14. Especially a battle damaged wounded Luke.
  15. This Lego fan is definitely going to buy the new UCS Snowspeeder. I do not own the previous version, but based on the pictures, the new version is an upgrade. The top air flaps and the rear gun/harpoon movement features are cool. I also like the ability to tilt the display stand. The stickers do not bother me since in my opinion they do not add much to the model. I do not plan on applying them, other than the plaque sticker. I doubt that one of the pilots is Zev Senesca. Zev is named in set 8083 and his helmet in set 8083 is significantly different than either pilots helmet in the new UCS Snowspeeder.
  16. If what you posted is even a rumor, use a spoiler tag next time.
  17. I do not place my minifigures, licensed or non-licensed, directly on the studs (i.e.: the studs do not go into the receiver hole in the bottom of the legs). Rather, my minifigures stand directly on top of the studs. I place them standing parallel to diagonal studs so that they balance. Same goes for minifigures in a seated position. I place them in a chair, but the studs on the chair do not go into the receiver hole on the back of the legs. The reason I do this is because it has been my experience, which goes back to my childhood, that the bottom rear of the minifigure feet will crack due to the stud being inside the receiver hole of the minifigure leg. This may be caused by repeated instances of taking the minifigure off a stud and placing it back on time and time again. I am unsure if you place a minifigure on a stud fully so that the studs go through the receiver hole on the bottom of the legs and leave it that way indefinitely that no cracking of the bottom rear of the minifigure feet will occur, but I refrain from doing so despite the experiences of others as referenced in a few posts above.
  18. I performed the modification with the mixel joints to correct the sides of the fuselage from moving inward and outward as referenced by rollermonkey. Performing the mixel mod will have no effect on narrowing the gap. My gap does not seem to be an issue since it appears that it is similar in size from the day I finished building Slave I to now. However, I did perform the gap mod proposed by the OP and there was significant tension in the cockpit area which did not allow me to get the side walls of cockpit to fit back together. And yes, I used the correct pieces in the correct locations outlined by the OP, in case anyone suggests otherwise. I did not attempt to remove the mixel mod since it was tricky to get that mod to line up correctly, but I wonder if the mixel mod can exist with this mod.
  19. I added the mod today and it worked great! No more rattling side panels.
  20. I purchased the new UCS Slave I last night from the Lego store in Cincinnati, Ohio. I opened the box this evening and the specification sticker had the word 'tractor' spelled correctly! The windshield was also in very good to excellent condition despite being loose in the box. Now it is time to start building this A+ set!!
  21. Nice minifig, but I would have purchased the updated encyclopedia if Jar-Jar Binks was included instead.
  22. 10244 Fairground Mixer from my wife. Power Functions are on order to power this bad boy.
  23. I arrived at my Lego store this morning to buy the new Disney Frozen set. I got to the store right when it opened, and there was a significant sized line waiting to get inside. The Frozen set, as well as the new Slave I, was flying off the shelves. The employees did a good job keeping the shelves stocked, especially with these two sets, but the demand was intense. I was given the impression that most of the individuals purchasing Slave I were AFOL. As far as the Slave I goes, the videos and photographs do not do it justice. The set size-wise is very impressive. I was hung up on the cockpit not rotating via gravity in conjunction with the wings, but not anymore. This set has many great qualities that make up for this, as well as other shortfalls that have been previously posted, which were not significant in my eyes. I was 80-85 percent sold on the set prior to today, but this has changed to 100 percent after seeing it in person. I will definitely purchase this set.
  24. v6TransAM, I noticed the same thing at my local Meijers several weeks ago with regards to the new train sets. I also noticed at my local Meijers store, prior to 2009, that there was very little variety in the sets that were available. I had to do almost all of my purchases from Lego.com. That changed when a Lego store opened within a 25 minute drive from Meijers. Now I can purchase almost any set at the same Meijers that can purchase at the local Lego store. If it wasn't for VIP points or a significant sale, I would because the Meijer I go to is less than 10 minutes from where I live.
  25. Wow, TheRacker, this is one heck of a first post! You just made a spectacular improvement to a great set. Thank you for sharing!
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