Okay well this is my first time so hopefully you all think my review is okay. As I stated in the 2010 City thread by my surprise I found the new fire station yesterday at Toyrus. I also found the fire boat.
Here is the front of box
Here are the contents of the box. There are 8 numbered bags as we have been seeing with most sets lately. It always makes building much faster as there is no need to pre-sort.
There are four separate instruction books. I am not a big fan of many books for one set, I would rather have 1 big book.
Instruction book 1 makes the small fire truck. A fast build but certainly a nice little vehicle for the fire chief to ride around in.
Instruction book 2 makes the fire engine which I must say I am a big fan. Here is the chasis.
Here is a mid build shot.
I did notice a few elements that I either dont recall or havent used much. The first notable piece is the 2x4 tiles, next was the 2x6 plate with 4 studs raised up, then the 1x1 brick with studs only on the top and one side.
This next shot demonstrates the hydrolic raising system for the ladder. This system looks new to me too.
Here is final shot of the engine. I really like the use of the big front windshield from City Corner bus.
And now the construction crew is breaking ground on Lego City's new fire station.
The crew continues work as the first garage is nearly complete. The white trim makes a unique use of 2x3 windows
The construction crew made good pace and was able complete the fire station on time and on budget. Lego City now has an average fire response time of 30 seconds as there is a fire station on every block!
Inside the fire station the fighters have some cozy quarters with some bunk beds a nice flat panel tv. Below the fighter quarters there is a reception desk with a computer and phone. It was very nice to see that TLG used printed tiles for these as opposed to stickers.
The middle room is pretty bland and you have to wonder why there is a counter right in front of the front door.
The 7208 fire fighters got their first call almost imeadetely when someone noticed a cat on the roof. They used their brand new net to rescue him.
As a special treat I have included a comparison of the 7208 station with an older fire station. No not the 7945 (although I have that one too), no I am talking about the original Lego fire station. Lego sure has come a long way since then.
You can see the bricks back then didnt combine together as well as they do now.
Check out the old engine!
And a box comparison shot
Well there you have it my first attempt at a review here on Eurobricks. It sure is nice to return the favor of doing one of these, I know I always look forward to seeing them from those who get the sets much earlier than us in the US.
Overall I think this a very nice set. I know that a lot of people are tired of Lego Fire but at least TLG did a nice job on this one, plus we get a few new elements (I think). I really like the fire engine, the big windows up front really look good. The station itself is very nice and is a good size. I do prefer this station over the 7945 but my favorite is the Fire Brigade.