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Dr. Lego

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  1. my main question is it confirmed the the new phantom fits on the Ghost
  2. I think Leg missed a golden opportunity to re-release the Bounty Hunter Persuit set with a flesh Zam Wesell for episode 2
  3. I really just want to see a Lando from cloud city with a new cloud car or a Bantha with Sand People.
  4. 8089 - Wampa Attack: I wish a Taun-Taun was added for Luke and I hope the rebel pilot has a new helmet. 8093 - Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter: Must have ! I am all for new astro-droids and the color scheme is stunning. 8095 - General Grievous' Starfighter - Admittedly the cockpit and exposed studs dissapoint but the addition of the new figs will make up for it. 8096 - Palpatine's Shuttle- I love all the shuttles and finally an Emperor with his lightsaber. Also one of the few "new" sets, not a remake of a previously available one. 8097 - Slave I- Rise of the Bounty Hunters : but a Bespin guard, Lobot or new Cloud Car would have been a pricey but nice addition for the ESB aniversery. 8098 - Clone Turbo Tank- For some reason it is difficult to produce an outstanding model of his vehicle. Hasbro's attempts have also been lacking. The wheels never seem right, the boxy shape screams for a detailed interior yet the previous incarnation barely had one . I like the figure assortment but a new clone commander (Bly or Gree) would be a weclome addition. Ohh the swamp speeder is a nice exclusive as wel. Barriss may join her LULS master but I wish the sepeeder had come with an additional clone trooper.
  5. I just wish they had added a clone pilot i would perfer to have two pilots for my Gun ship and two for my attack shuttle. I usually place two of the gunners in the bubble turrents on the Gun ship and one on the cannon on the AT-TE. Who do you have i the driver seat of your AT-TE
  6. Droid Pack: 4 new color astromechs with 1 protocol droid Rebel Pilot : 4 new pilots with unique helments to go with the above astromechs vehicle could be the transporter around rebel base as seen in ANH.
  7. 1. New TIE fighter collection in grey/black includes two standard TIEs, 1 TIE Bomber, one TIE Intercepter 2. New Epsiode II Bounty Hunter chase with flesh, Ani, Obi, Jengo Fett and, and Zam 3. Padme/ Queen Amidala with any of her three Chrome/ Grey ships Includes Naboo Security Personal, 4. R5-D4 with new head mold 5. Updated Cloud car with flesh Lobot and New Cloud city Luke, Leigh, and Lando 6. New Gungan Sub with Jar Jar, Obi, and Qui Gon 7. Updated Cantina with landspeeder 8. Podracers with Ani, Selboba (sp?)and two other pods include Wato, Qui gon, Padma (episode I ) R2, Threepio, and Jar Jar I am new to posting to the forum and have been collecting Star Wars Lego since 1999. Easily the best forum out there and allosws me to keep current.
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