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Eurobricks Vassals
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About AaronCrane

  • Birthday 07/19/1992

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    United States

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  1. How so? Yeah, I got the Throwbots. They were alright. Nothing too amazing, but they were alright. They are presently in pieces on the bottom of my box of BIONICLE sets. As for the Roboriders... I was not at all impressed by them. ~AaronCrane--
  2. Changed my mind--Thok. ~AaronCrane--
  3. Hello. My identification is AaronCrane. I am at your service. Peace be upon you. ~AaronCrane--
  4. Welcome, crispen, to the place over the rainbow, to the land beyond the sea... Never mind... ~AaronCrane--
  5. Saluton, tophdawg! :) ~AaronCrane--
  6. Pie? Pie... *Searches memory banks* Oh, yes. "Click here to see why I like pie"--yep, the same keetongu from BZPower. My suspicions are confirmed... Anyway, please don't spam, keetongu. :/ Rumors. That's all it is. Nobody knows whether or not the teeth glow in the dark... although that would be interesting. edit: I just found it. You were correct. My mistake. ~AaronCrane--
  7. I am 13. ~AaronCrane--
  8. 1. No, they aren't prototypes. GregF said so. Brutaka and Axonn are finished, along with the Piraka. The status of the $29.99 sets is unknown to GregF, and the second canister series is still having some design tweaks done to them. 2. That is correct, in the U.S.A. 3. Where did you get that information? 8-| ~AaronCrane--
  9. I don't have any instructions. Sorry. But may I ask why you want the instructions? ~AaronCrane--
  10. Thou shalt not use all-caps lock! :P J/K No, the Piraka aren't going to be in the U.S. before Christmas. They will be released some time in January, like most of the other first canister set series over the years. :) ~AaronCrane--
  11. I understand. All I'm saying is: it's their business. If something on a forum affects the way things are being run, then the forum should cooperate and fix it. I'm not saying that it is a marketing department, and it is important to put first interest in the members, but TLC still deserves some respect for their wishes which may affect how things go about--which can in turn affect you and that which you have grown to be a fan of. If you don't agree, fine. BTW, I never said anything about Eurobricks in my post. I understand that TLC will probably contact you if they have a problem, and I'm not trying to accuse Eurobricks of creating trouble. ~AaronCrane--
  12. Also, the sets with old masks are the $4.99 sets--TLC reserves new parts and features for the canister and titan sets. They aren't going to punish us. Apparently (again, to quote GregF): They can't just stop with the catalogue shots. They are important to how they do business with the German market. What "deals"? Why isn't it a smart thing? (What is FBTB?) And do you really care that little about what TLC wants? No, no contract was signed, but their wishes should be respected. It's called "bionicle.com". Whatever's on there, you can use. A community of webmasters? Interesting, but doubtful. Counter if you must. ~AaronCrane--
  13. Why would they want to? As long as the BIONICLE sets sell well, they're going to keep the story going. Once it is dead (which I don't imagine to be very soon), then they'll stop, but the people who like BIONICLE (specifically, the people who are buying the sets) don't think its been done to death, so they'll continue. It would be very unwise of them to stop producing a set series that is selling well. ;) ~AaronCrane--
  14. In the U.S. (where you live, keetongu), the Piraka won't be released until January. Axonn will be much later in July (along with Brutaka and the second canister series). The Matoran will be released in late November to early December. ~AaronCrane--
  15. I prefer Vezok, although it could just be the particular pose. ~AaronCrane--
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