Everything posted by Junpei
- REVIEW: 70800 Getaway Glider
Reliable RC Gearboxes
Junpei replied to Dans lego's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingDon't forget 9L links. I think they might be too bendy for something like this, however I haven't much experience with this part (I don't have any).
Help ID'ing part?
Junpei replied to NevynPA's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYep, definitely MegaBlucks. This is why I never buy from ebay.
[TECHNIC] 2014 Building Itinerary
Junpei replied to Lakop's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWow, that's a lot of motors! I actually planned on making something similar quite a while back, it's literally almost identical to your second picture: Unfortunately I never started it due to the lack of parts. What should I build in 2014? My plans are: -Finish my crawler -Build something for the crowdsource a supercar project -Build my first GBC -Make a fast, big, and realistic RC car. (probably too much to ask when building with Lego though ) -Build a non-vehicle MOC (haven't figured out what yet) Those are my plans for 2014. Liking all the ideas I've seen so far, looks like 2014 will be a great year for Technic Cheers, TLH
[WIP] Honda ATC (9398 Alternative)
Junpei replied to JM1971's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWho needs gearing down? Looks pretty fun to play with to me, something like that would be pretty boring if it's geared down IMO. Looks pretty good so far! TLH
[MOC] Patria AMV (Nemo Version)
Junpei replied to Doc_Brown's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingMan, this is just awesome! I love the studded panels, and it drives really fast! The suspension works really well too. What a perfect way to end the year! Happy New Year, TLH
Nico71's Creations
Junpei replied to nico71's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThat's amazing! I love all the mechanics behind it and the realistic functionality, all recreated with Lego
Reliable RC Gearboxes
Junpei replied to Dans lego's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingSome new 16t gears have lower clutch than the older-style ones. I guess this would be considered an 'illegal technique' by Lego, but it doesn't require much force to move. Although it wouldn't work with older 16t gears.
Junpei replied to vmln8r's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThank you for making building instructions! If I ever get a servo motor, this will be the first thing I build.
Why did Technic become Studless?
Junpei replied to Cave_Dweller's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYep, that's what he's suggesting. Take one of the old 24t gears, for example. If you put, say, 5 new-style 24t gears from a sealed set on an 8L axle, you can push them off with a little bit of force. Now put 3 of the old-style 24t gears on the 8L axle. They probably have at least 2-4 times the clamping power as 5 newer style gears. But who knows, maybe they were originally made like that. I know for a fact, however, that the black 5L axles have much greater torsional rigidity than that of newer grey 5L axles- Lego made parts softer and less sharp for a younger age group, thus the rounded shape of liftarms and slightly bendy material used to make them, gears with less clutch on the axle, and axles that twist more easily (actually, I have no idea why they changed the material for axles... ). So I think Technic went studless for a few reasons- the appeal and safety for a larger age group, to have a more modern look, and to make building much more compact. This outweighs the advantages of studded- while studded is stronger and more straightforward, it has a lot of drawbacks. It's nearly impossible to build in all directions without SNOT brackets and a lot of support, it doesn't look as slick, and a major drawback is that it_is_heavy. Since 2 bricks with 2 plates between them has the holes 3 studs apart, this technique is integrated into a lot of studded builds because it offers easy reinforcement. But the weight of the plates and the extra material in bricks adds up quickly, and can cause a lot of stress on the elements. Now this may seem to be really putting studded building down, but I don't want that kind of message. I understand that the advantages of studless outweigh the advantages of studded; however, studless has more disadvantages - it's quite weak and bendy, even with lots of reinforcement, it's, of course, not what it was in the old days, the plastic is of lower quality and there is almost always quite a bit of slack, and it's not really made to fit perfectly with the Lego SYSTEM. These disadvantages are the counterpart to the advantages of studded building and the disadvantages of studded building are the counterpart to the disadvantages of studless. So why not a combination of both? This would, in theory, be nearly perfect! Like I said before, the advantages and disadvantages balance each other out. Sadly, this is not the case. In a perfect world, studless and studded would fit together seamlessly; however, there are many odd 1/2 stud offsets, studs getting in the way of liftarms, etc. I'm not saying it's not possible, but it's quite difficult to use parts with the 1x1x1 geometry with studded parts; if it isn't on a fairly large scale (e.g. Nicjasno's Mustang), they just aren't very compatible IMO. I understand the 'everything was better in the good old days.' I love studded building! And I understand many people do as well. Unfortunately,the Technic stud lovers the minority here. The safety and ease of building to kids, especially for a huge company like Lego, sadly, simply comes before the fans of the old, nostalgic stuff. So if you don't want studless, don't get studless Lego. I know it's a shame sets have gone downhill (and that's just my opinion), but you just have to ignore that and focus on the good stuff. Studless is a whole new world to explore. I've been mostly a brick-loving person. But I tried studless a while ago, and it's completely different; it's better and worse in totally different ways. Just my words of advice- don't give up on studless before you try it first. Both systems of building are great- now that I've tried studless building, I think that from a non-biased viewpoint I wouldn't recommend one over the other. I really hope you try and enjoy studless building, and realize it's not so bad after all. Cheers, TLH
KrAZ-255 6X6 Heavy Millitary Truck (RC)
W O W! That driveshaft setup is incredible, and probably the first time I've seen mechanical detailing to the level of offsetting the differentials. Probably not the most perfectly functional model I have ever seen, but it is the most beautiful military truck MOC my eyes have ever seen! Gorgeous, just gorgeous... :wub: :wub:
Technic 2014 Discussion and Speculation
Junpei replied to Tacker's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingLego Shop @ Home.
Small Fast Chassis
Junpei replied to Hopey's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingPyropetepete: The best high-speed motors Lego has made, but they'll set you back $25 at the minimum.
Making a Technic axle pin with friction
Junpei replied to JGW3000's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI think single-sided tape would work just fine. Double sided tape would tape it into the pinhole and would be pretty ugly to take out, plus you'd have to get the sticky stuff off of the liftarm. I think that's what would happen, at least. I think I'd have to try it myself.
[MOC] Rescue Brigade
Junpei replied to legosamigos's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingNice little MOC! I love Technic figures, and the wheelchair is really nicely built .
Your (Lego) toy store
My town kinda sucks too. I have a store very close to where I live that sells a ton of Lego, including all modern themes (and lots of them) but prices are like 3-4x what they should be
8482 Cyber Master
Junpei replied to clarkdef's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWell if I ever get to buy one at a decent price, I'll certainly go for it. You get five 9V wires, a 9V motor, and a special type of frame that only appears in this set: Might be useful, for say, the chassis of an RC truck....
What I got for Christmas
Got the Robie House for Christmas, awesome set. 771 dark red 1x2 plates
Merry Christmas all
Merry Christmas everyone! I even changed my avatar and signature to celebrate.
Reliable RC Gearboxes
Junpei replied to Dans lego's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingLooks pretty cool, that's a neat design! I know Mahj has yet to use that 2x4 piece...
Technyk32231's MOCs, WIPs, and ideas
Junpei replied to Technyk32231's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingOK. The screenshot was tiny when I posted. Might have to try this, it looks very cool!
Technyk32231's MOCs, WIPs, and ideas
Junpei replied to Technyk32231's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingCould you post a screenshot? I don't have LDD.
Small 4x4 jeep
Junpei replied to TomasHubik's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingLooks great! Looking forward to the vid. You might want to fix your links though, they all link to the same picture.
Life size LEGO car powered by air
That's pretty awesome! Although there are already 3 threads about this.
Pictorial Review: 8455 Backhoe/Wheel Loader
Junpei replied to Lost_In_Noise's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingLooks like that box is missing something huge... Just a little overpackaged
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