Everything posted by RepublicForces
Jagdpanther WiP
Hello EB. It was a long time ago I posted something here, but well who cares right? :P I made this (WiP) Jagdpanther for a big diorama a friend of mine and I are making. But as you can see the tank is not quite done yet. Can anybody help me with ideas for the wheels? But you guys can also leave a message if you like it :P Thanks in advance, have a nice day! (ooh yeah btw: why is the max upload only 32kb I had to make my picture tiny as it is and I see other people post like 7 million pictures all nice size can anybody tell me how?)
MOC: Darth Stewie
Awesome.... I just did a Darth Doodie...
The Battle of Galaneshiam Sibis
I have seen this on CABG a long time ago... But still it´s nice.
Post your own art
Hey EB Haven't been on for a long time... Well dousn't matter anyways... I was bored one day and thought lets try to make a drawing... Well my first couple were really sh*tty and went on with drawing until I could do something nice, well I thought of myself these 3 were nice so now I will shut up and show them to you. Enjoy.... Sorry big pics... Idk how to resize Sorry EB Admins. My 2pac drawing My Xzibit Meme drawing My Bob Marley Drawing Please C&C
Xbox 360 Live
My name on Xbox = Th3DeaTH9
Imperial repair outpost on Endor
Hey Eurobricks Community! I returned to the forums once again. How do you guys do? Anyways I made a new MoC today. I made the pics in a bit of a dark place and had my phone on some pics for the lighting and others are with the flash of my camera (This is the first thing I made in some time don't be to mean ) Well here it is than! Overview Chillin' troopah Troops getting out of the scout speeder Repairing (bad pic) Ewoks sneaking through (bad pic) C&C please hope you enjoyed!
The Kennedy-Lincoln connection.
Here's a little part of US history which makes you sit up and go hmm... Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost children while living in the White House. Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head. Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners. Both successors were named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are comprised of fifteen letters. Lincoln was shot at the theater named "Ford's". Kennedy was shot in a car called "Lincoln - made by Ford Motor Co". Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse. Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater. Both John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald were assassinated before their trials. So what do you guys think?
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Nice find! The writing is dutch. :3
MOC: Ave Caesar
Perfect! Where is his "Moc Expert" badge???
Yavin IV Massassi Temple
Mucho Grande creation! I love it!
Review: 10212 Imperial Shuttle
The Pilot has little boobies ;) (same torso as juno eclipse) Anyways awesome review about an awesome set!
A disturbance in the horse...
Kinda funny... But also a bit perverted...
[MOC] FBTB Moc Madness - Erotavoyager
Awesome, looks more like an party ship than a bountyhunter ship.
[MOC] My mysterious bounty hunter and his ship
Very good Lars. It looks like an mix between a Naboo Starfighter, Slave 1, and a podracer.
[MOC] Executor-Class Super Star Destroyer
Yeah well... it's kinda... EPIC!!!
Have you ever experienced paranormal activity?
One time is was cycling with a friend at around 01:00 am, we just came from an friend that lives like 1km out of town. We were just cycling home and my friend saw a strange bright orange light in the sky I saw it to and it went less brighter every second and after like 1 minute is was just gone. (No it was not a plane because it was a clear sky and it dissappeard...)
Congrats!!! What will her/his name be?
Boy chokes on Lego block
Sh*t happens...
- Dalek
Arsus IV + Arsus V
Arsus V FTW
Samurai Sam and the 10 Jewels
what the...??? Looks funny, Where did you get thos pink parts?
Rolls Royce Phantom II
It looks odd, but it's nice. :)
The Key of Awesome
Heey EB, I found a lot of nice parody's on YouTube by Barely Political. They are really good! They have already made like 27 of them. anyways here is the link to their channel: *CLICK ME* (This list also got somekind of FAQ's and "the making off's" What is your favorite of them??? mine is number #26 ;) RESOND! (EDIT: it aren't only parody's there are also "fun" songs they made there selfs)
My minifigs will get high!
Use the snowtroopers to hold your sigs as prisenors ;)
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