Everything posted by RepublicForces
Epic Scenes Contest Rules & Discussion
I will enter this! Great there is a new contest!
Jedi PTJ (Personal Transport Jet)
Thats really good! And that after 12 years! Just not so sure about the fin.
Techno Guild Carrier
Looks ACPin! Just didn't knew the top was glas..
Geminon Fighter
Wow, I love the design of that ship! Do you have any kind of instruction??
MOC: Harbour tug
It looks very nice! But an bit empty...
Boonta Eve Classic
This is very very good! I saw the real version of this thing that they used in episode I. That was 10x bigger. (but still I like this one more! ) In belgium was an starwars expo, with a lot of stuff from the movies.
May the Fourth Be With You 2010
Awesome vid! Luke:Nice to meet you! Emperor: *Force lightning*
Is your member number a set number?
That ain't Lego... Anyway I got the 5016 basebal basketball player! CLICK ME
Hangar V2
This looks very good!
Battle Century
I can't see any of your pics EDIT: pictures.
Hey, thanks darth lion.
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
I was inspired by CoD MW2 when roach and ghost got betrayed by general Sheppard. Anyway I think I will ad more to it this week. Now it's official an WiP. Btw that lightsaber needs to be an rocket from an rocket launcher. And I need some help I can't post anymore pics because I used The Cabg for the servimg to upload my pics but I forgot my password there and now I can't post anymore pics. Dous anybody knows some program to upload pictures?? @walter I needed some landingcraft and that is the only one I have.
!WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP! Hello EB here is my newest diorama. Not really my best, but please be nice . Anyway here is it. (If need more pics I will provide them in other posts.) [/img]
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
[MOC] 8036 Alternative Model - Separatist DCA-PT
Nice MoC pete I can see you make an lot of this mistakes (big pete made this)
LEGO clone brand
Only if it pays good.
Nice vid!! (Btw I subbed to you :P)
101 uses for Army Men
Suits for Vietnam soldiers.
Battlefield Bad company 2
It is in the past... It's in the cold war.
What are you listening to?
Eminems his serious raps. like toy soldiers and stuff. quite good
What was the last movie you watched?
Scarface... It's one hell of an movie! I totally love it .
Your dream Lego theme
Serial killers license. -Lots of sets with differend serial killers like: Ed Gein, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Zodiak killer, Jack the Ripper and others
Movies you can't unsee!
This may sound stupid... But I hate avatar. Don't really know why but I just don't like that movie. house of wax stupid plot, stupid actors (I mean Paris Hilton C'MON!) and lots of others...
Battlefield Bad company 2
The Xbox360 ofcours. It will be better than MW2.
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