Did anyone read my post LEGO ROCK!
List of ideas:
1. My Chemical Romance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Chemical_Romance
2. The Beatles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles
3. Linkin Park http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linkin_Park
4. Pink Floyd http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_Floyd
Don't Worry i'm not done.
You Know The Battle Packs? clones and droids. well how about stormtroopers and rebels(on rebel blockade runner).
Also republic star destroyer and invisible hand.
thx for listening!
i like the licences, city, and kk
but it would be cool if lego made rock bands like iron maiden & My chemical romance
i'd love to see lego guitars and drum kits. Also lego keyboards!
corny? i know but i'm sick of using brooms and oars for guitars.
i'm the expert and there is no karate island though there is a new series that i haven't seen so...
but as someone said it might just be goo lagoon or something TLC made up for individuality.
Plays eminem 'without me'
well im back and i won't explain my absence....
anywho the barraki.
i love the water theme...
X-O They've made em all water 'technically.'
NOTE: i'm back people!! *wacko*
EDIT: there is something going on at argos UK where you can buy Axonn and Brutaka
with a free copy of bionicle 3. :ohmy: