Everything posted by Thor Lund
This broke a few hours ago, a LEGO and IKEA partnership for next year! This would be really great. I can already see shelves with built in Lego plates, inside and outside closets etc. Or even large scaled Bricks for building a sofa (which I’ve already done with the Lego storage bricks...). This will make some really great kids rooms, and my own
REVIEW: 10261 LEGO Creator Expert: Roller Coaster
Yeah the size of this set really sets it apart and makes it pretty unique trophy piece for those of us with the space available. I agree the column build was repetitive at times, but I loved the way it went from feeling delicate and fragile to really solid and sturdy as the support beams were coming into place. And the build just went higher and higher. I had not really studied the pictures or even box beforehand so could not get my head around just how high it went as I was building. I also had jerky and failing climbs but removing just 4 chain clips it’s smooth and catches every time. My daughters had clipped them all, so I just presumed they had not counted or followed the manual. I just removed the four to try, did anyone actually count how many comes in the bags vs how many the manual says to clip? The height chart for the minifigs had my daughters all exited, and loved how the lady had an extra measure stick. We went to Legoland in March and my youngest one had been too small for the dragon coaster, so I think it made her feel really good that this very strict even in the Lego model A last detail to share is the printed tickets. Did anyone notice the actual number on each side? 0937 It spells out LEGO when you see it upside down Thanks for the review!
Eastern Archery Tournament in Mpya Stedor
Freydir Broadchest From the tiny village of Erisegg in the cold lands of Mitgardia comes the renowned archeress; Freydir Broadchest. She arrives with a northern longbow in her hand and two trells (slaves) to carry shade and a huge supply of ice to keep her cool in the desert heat! Thor
Gladiator games
Eirikr Bloodaxe For the Arena Games we proudly present yer with the largest berserker from our tiny village of Erisegg; Eirikr Bloodaxe. May he break yer bones, crush yer skulls and bring honor to our village and Mitgardia! >> Click here for a short video of him <<
EB SW X-mas Raffle 2011
I received three really great figs! Such a pleasant surprise to have a pack of cool figs show up at your doorstep!!! A very big thank you to Mike and everyone involved. Cheers Thor
Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Mitgardia Watchtower : Guardpost A makeshift guardpost under construction. A traveling merchant's camp is doing well and has decided to stay for a while. Setting up a small watchtower will help advertising the location of a trade camp as much as keeping raiders at bay. Felling a few nearby trees gives plenty of material. And the work quick when you figure out where to hit the trells (slaves) for optimal performance. Thor
Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Mitgardia Trade Post: Traveling Merchants A makeshift trade station established by a busy crossroad. These traveling merchants wander across the world, selling and buying goods, making deals and trade relations stretching from one end of the globe (or flat square...) to the next. Being a war-full people, weapons of the highest quality is in great demand, as is the drink for celebrating victories and so a brewer plays an important part (here celebrating his own success ). Such rich merchants are often the target for attacks and raids and so they surround themselves with the best warriors gold (and the promise of lots of fighting) can buy, to guard their camp and keep their riches safe. Thor
Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Mitgardia Military : Spellbound Man-Machine Through a wooden skeleton and dark spells, this Man-Machine can rack havoc to any army and rock the foundation of most fortifications. Albeit short lived and error prone, as it requires a fresh brain to be inserted and then fed with a very intricate series of spellwords from an experienced Druid to control it. Brains are usually a plenty on a battlefield, though its freshness is key to a successful run. Thor
Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Hail Jarl Nibelung, Ter be with great honour t'at mine clan swear fielthy ter yourself and the land of Mitgardia! We be but few, but we shall make ourselves worth yer while. Let me introduce; Our three renowned warriors; only their strength surpasses their thirst fer fight and havoc. Eirikr Bloodaxe, Freydir Broadchest and Ragnarr the Grim. Eirikr Bloodaxe character video - Ragnarr the Grim character video Our band of strong and able soldiers. Then t'ere be our merchants, as deft in haggling as with their eye fer fortune. Olgar Goldtoe and Hegnar Silverhair. They find and make trade w'ere no man would think it possible. Our brewer Tørstein Swaggerleg, oft seen ter drink more than he produces. As any good northerner we have picked up a few trells (slaves) during our raids. T'ere be some good work to get out of them, once ye know where to hit them. And last but least, t'ere be myself, Bragivarr the Druid, old as snow and with spells t'er freeze yer spine! Next ter me be Thor, yes the thunder god himself, though not really part of our force he owe me a few favours and so comes when called (more oft when Freydir be around though ). Bragivarr the Druid character video May our fights be plenty and pockets heavy! Bragivarr
Category A and Category B winners
Wohoo, third place! Thanks a lot for all your votes, I did not expect this at all. Great competition and entries! Cheers Thor
EB SW X-mas Raffle 2011
The xmas feeling took roots as I opened eurobricks while sipping my morning coffee and seeing my fig on the calendar!!! Awesome! Wish you all the same moment! Thanks for a great raffle, as always. Thor
EB SW X-mas Raffle 2011
Ooohh a raffle, finally a chance to win Darth Vader oversees the secret Imperial Shuttle shipments of (LEGO) gifts for the Death Star Xmas party! Thor
The Underwater Version Contest Winners!
Congrats! These two entries really stood out and deserved their prizes :0) Thanks Pep and Eurobricks for a fun competition, the idea was really good. Thor
[MOC] The Subvan Campicus SXF 2000 - 7639
Thanks LandShark, The hardest part was actually replacing the wheels, I'm still not too happy with it. I tried removing the rounded grey wheel caps, but then it really lost the shape of the original Camper Cheers, Thor
Eurobricks Collectable LEGO Minifigures Series 5 Building Contest
The Lord of the Rings : Balin's Tomb Minifigs: Dwarf (5) and Elf Deep down in the Mines of Moria, the curious hobbits accidentally tilts a skeleton down a well which echoes loudly as it falls, waking up the orcs and a cave troll. Boarded up in Balin's Tomb the Fellowship of the Ring await the inevitable onslaught. As the door gives in, Gimli jumps up on the his forefather's tomb and shouts: "Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" Also in the scene is Legolas, Boromir, Aragorn, Gandalf and probably Sam (the hobbits are hard to tell apart ). Here are some quick shots from the movie scene and a link to a YouTube clip. Here's another photo without trying to make the lighting fit the movie scene: And a quick shot on how I tried to make the light effect from the movie I really enjoyed this competition and I'm looking forward to a great contest! Thor
MOC: Trebuchet
I really like this model, and I'm supporting it on Cuusoo already. It would be great to see more realistic siege engines in the Castle series. I'm a bit tired of the simple swinging pots they put in every set. Just the other week we were visiting the castles in Carcassonne and Les Baux de Provence, and they had a full scale trebuchet built firing everyday. It was an amazing sight to see. Thanks, Thor
[MOC] The Subvan Campicus SXF 2000 - 7639
Oh, I had only thought of harpoons for the travelers, not to arm the vehicle itself. That is a great idea, and it makes me want to work more on this model. Some torpedoes and other underwater ballistics would be a nice addition! Thanks, Thor
[MOC] Underwater Version of 30070
Your story makes the build all the more interesting I bet the tail is a fellow LGM playing a prank on our jumpy friend! Nice one, Thor
[MOC] Underwater Bank & Money Transfer 3661
Nice one, really well done. The mines are a great addition to the story. My favorite piece is the Hermit Crab, it looks soo happy in there Thor
[MOC] The Subvan Campicus SXF 2000 - 7639
Here's my entry to the Underwater competition. I loved the idea for this challenge, and although I seldom find the time to participate here I could not let this one pass. After reading the competition it took me a few days to decide what to do, and I tried to think of the story around it as much as the model itself. The Camper has been a favorite set of mine ever since I saw some pre-release photos of it here on Eurobricks. And rather then making a decaying model, I tried to imagine how this set would have evolved. I also enjoyed making the base for it, and had to strip all my other builds for flower stilts and anything fishy-looking. The photos are taken with an iPhone with a white bed cloth as a background. I added additional snapshots of various details from the set at the very bottom. Cheers Thor ------------------------------- Subvan Campicus SXF 2000 Brickset 7639 - Camper Melted icecaps, flooded skyscrapers... Nothing will get in the way of a good holiday!!! The Subvan Campicus SXF 2000 will take you deeper and further than any other camping wagon, and with the comfort you deserve! Explore the dark depth of the French farmlands, the rich and colorful marine life of the Himalayas, or the ragged shark infested offices of Manhattan. With its panoramic rooftop you and your family is privy to every detail of our sunken land. Pressure chamber, oxygen outlets* and a handy scuba-propeller lets you spend as much quality time outside as you can muster. Two powerful turbine rear engines keeps you speeding through continents in no time! Here depicted in cruise, rear and anchored mode. *oxygen level may alter depending on depth. ------------------------------- Additional air tanks, masks and anchor rope Support for holding the Camper at an angle Holding the school of fish Jellyfish and unidentified sea-monster Car tire and some barbed wire By Thor
The Underwater Version Entry Thread
Subvan Campicus SXF 2000 Brickset 7639 - Camper Melted icecaps, flooded skyscrapers... Nothing will get in the way of a good holiday!!! The Subvan Campicus SXF 2000 will take you deeper and further than any other camping wagon, and with the comfort you deserve! Explore the dark depth of the French farmlands, the rich and colorful marine life of the Himalayas, or the ragged shark infested offices of Manhattan. With its panoramic rooftop you and your family is privy to every detail of our sunken land. Pressure chamber, oxygen outlets* and a handy scuba-propeller lets you spend as much quality time outside as you can muster. Two powerful turbine rear engines keeps you speeding through continents in no time! Here depicted in cruise, rear and anchored mode. *oxygen level may alter depending on depth. By Thor
Container Raffle Build
Container rescue! In the tsunami aftermath two brave men uses a torn up container to rescue people. My thoughts are with them. Thor
Vote for your favourite Category A entries
Here are my votes: 4) Lifeguard Entry (by Dan Church) 17) Skier Entry (by Yatkuu) 23) Vampire Entry (by Darkblane) Thor
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Thanks a lot! This is brilliant news for me. I've ended up with an army of cowboys and my argument for still needing more to get the others in the series was starting to test my wife's patience... :0P With this reference in my hand I can build an army of Spartans and swimsuits instead! I really need to find more time stay up-to-date! Thank again Thor
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Hi all, - SPOILER - if you enjoy surprises you may want to skip this post - SPOILER - Please excuse my ignorance if someone else has already posted this, but I wanted to share with you a neat trick I was shown in a toystore yesterday. I gave my five minifig bags to the girl at the register who had a quick look at each of them, handed one back to me and said "This is a double, you might want to choose another...". Boy was I surprised, and thankful :0P Each bag has two barcodes on the back, and one can be used to identify the figure inside. At least this stayed true for my five bags. The beginning seems to be the same and only the last 10 lines or so are unique as shown in red above. It's not easy to tell, but at least it can help you to check for duplicates by quickly comparing your bags in the shop. Now for identifying which figure corresponds to which code; I guess I'll just have to buy them all again and keep track of the bag this time... :0P Here's the five I got: From the second series I am still missing the Spartan, Swimsuit, Skier and Mexican, so if you happen to have the bag lying around post me a picture :0P Thor
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