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  1. Entry name: "shade" Entry pic: http://www.brickshel...on/dsc02525.jpg Gallery: http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=548927 BIO: A fabled beast which in myth would seek out junk to build itself to epic proportions entry 2 Entry name: "the shadow" Entry picture: http://www.brickshel...ur/dsc02546.jpg Gallery: http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=548928 his chest cavity opens up to reveal tentacles that can take apart and absorb parts, to make himself more powerful
  2. Greetings! i have a hopefully easy request, would it be possible to make a james dean red jacket decal for the front and back? I also am in need of his face, I would absolutely love A double sides one, with and without glasses. Thank you all very very much and I will be eternally grateful an love you forever! Ill leave some reference photos Red jacket with white shirt, http://wheretoget.it/look/25365 And sunglasses http://notedelhotel.blogspot.com/2010/12/all-hands-on-bad-one-james-dean.html?m=1
  3. Carleduardoling posted a post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    What do you think of Galidor, The show and the toy, like pro's and con's. For me the show was CONS; a bit cheesey low production value ended on a cliff-hanger PROS; It was felt something LEGO would have designed with the city look character look ECT. Cool costumes cool concept and props fairly good storyline good principal cast TOYS CONS; Out of proportions with the characters made them look weird mcdonalds toys were lacking Just kinda weird as a whole set PROS; cool packaging cool organic looking pieces that can be used for MOCing (no matter how much people say its not) some have cool functions
  4. lolHow much do u charge good Sir of the Eurobrick realm?
  5. I'm sorry I meant colored, or transparent, i am sorry i am incredibly new at this I don't even know where to start
  6. yeah same here, and I'm 31 by the way :P, enough adult for ya XD,now what kind of decals are usually posted here?
  7. oh ur from brickmedia i know u on facebook
  8. I need a big help with my custom minifig I need this shirt https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/922441_517445008292979_307293672_o.jpg It's based off of this shirt this guys is waering here https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/858769_495446947159452_1187466252_o.jpg Also a double sided face one with a mustache and one without (The guy with the Stache) https://fbcdn-photos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/535490_495843703786443_228693205_n.jpg?dl=1 Him without it https://fbcdn-photos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/67060_506056066098540_149564197_n.jpg?dl=1 It would be very appreciated because all my attempts failed Any suggestions for those rolled up sleeves ? Or would decal work for that too?
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