Everything posted by Raphy
- Review: 60016 Tanker Truck
Polish-Lithuanian Hussar (CCCX Realistic Castle Figure)
Being Polish, I really like this. Dobrze zrobiona figurka :D
Legends of Chima 2013
Dude, Comic Sans?
If you could meet Tolkien himself...
ARE YOU SERIOUS? The poetry is some of the best parts, a lot of it is what makes Lord of the Rings such great literature, certainly comparable to Jules Verne and other great authors. Go read Harry Potter or some other cheap drivel with no imagination put into it, will ya?
REVIEW: 9464 The Vampyre Hearse
Guys, a hot rod hearse isn't anything new.... American car customizers of the 1960s and 70s loved this kind of stuff. This looks like something Ed "Big Daddy" Roth would have built. A hot rod hearse is a classic example of this style. The hearse is also obviously inspired by the Rat Fink art style. The reason the engine is so tall is because it has a supercharger.... a big thingy on top which sucks in air and makes the car go faster. that said, great review! I'll totally pick this one up.
[Software] Griddy - MOC Design Assisting Tool
Is this still available? I tried looking at it but it gave me the 404.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Pah! POTC 4 was the best one yet.
nope, they're official tires, usually found in Power Racers sets etc. :)
Good evening gentlemen. Here's my Volksrod in 10-wide (w/ fenders it would be thirteen-wide). I worked on it for a week, which is for me a record-breaking time. The hardest part was the hood. The model has opening doors and trunk, a detailed engine and interior. Black paint, gray rims, long exhaust tips, whitewall tires, custom vintage license plate with "RAPHYSBUG" on it. Also, rotating wheels. "Volksrod" - Volkswagen Type 1 with a chopped roof, lowered ride height, a front axle moved forward about half a meter (maybe a little less). This was a modification style originating in the 1970s, and still popular today. It even has door frames! Here's the gallery: And yes, everything I wrote above was a direct translation of what I wrote on LUGpol. :P
Bag End
Looks very nice! I just noticed that "Bag End" is very like "Spinner's End".... heh.... another to add to the list of elements that JK Rowling copied from LOTR. :P
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
REVIEW: 8827 LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6
Can you even begin to imagine the look on my face when I saw the tag on the Mechanic's shirt - "Raph"? Best. Minifigure. Ever. There are only a couple of minifigs in the whole history of all the series which has anything to do with cars, and he's called Raph - not a common name. Cars are probably the things I love in the world most (apart from my family), is that weird or what? Coincidence? TLG has been known to slip in very subtle nods to their fans :P I think I'm getting a bit too carried away though :P
Dogs and LEGO
My two dogs never chewed on LEGO, although a few minutes ago I caught one of them, the dachshund, nomming on a chocolate bar in the kitchen (true story). I was wondering what those scratching sounds were....
Community Build: SW Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi
Count me in! :D
Disney 2012 Discussion Thread
Aahh sorry. My bad. :P
Disney 2012 Discussion Thread
saywhut Rod was at the oil rig? I checked on Pixar wikipedia, but I couldn't find anything. I know he was disguised as a Gremlin at the party, but I couldn't find anything about him being at the oil rig. Do you have "proof" (I mean, I trust you I just want to know where you saw him)?
Disney 2012 Discussion Thread
Oh yeah, I forgot. :P
Disney 2012 Discussion Thread
To everyone complaining about Torque not being in the Oil Rig Escape set, Torque was never in that scene in the movie (trust me, I've seen it twice and it's my favorite Pixar movie) - there was McMissile, Dr. Z and about a hundred different colored and trimmed Gremlins, Pacers and Zaporozhets (didn't see any Yugos though). I have little doubt that he'll appear in a set soon, though. He seems too small to me - he's a muscle car! I hate LEGO's scale. Make Mater (a big tow truck), give him a five-stud wheelbase, and then make Max Schnell, a mid-sized German sedan, and give him a six-stud wheelbase. Hopeless. Anyway, I have some ideas for new sets for Cars 2. I'd love it if they made all the other WGP race cars, so far we have Max Schnell, Lightning McQueen, Francesco Bernoulli, Jeff Gorvette, Raoul CaRoule, but we still need Carla Veloso, Lewis Hamilton, Shu Todoroki, Miguel Camino, Nigel Gearsley and Rip Clutchgoneski.... what do you think is the likelyness we'll get all of them?
- Star Wars sets anyone?
- Star Wars sets anyone?
Dagobah (Completed)
I'm glad you're using the first edition X-Wing, it was by far the best in scale and style :D
LEGO Racers 2012?
Hey guys, remember me? Here's a topic for the 2012 year of LEGO Racers (I noticed there wasn't one yet - Racers used to be a cult theme, but I'm afraid its fandom is slowly dying). Will they be making more Tiny Turbos, you think? Or will the Tiny Turbo line be continued for this year as Cars 1 and 2 models? And if so, do you think that will bring us ever more new parts, or just re-hashes?
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