Everything posted by Neptune
Custom Napoleonic Army
I am astonished by your custom czapka/rogatywkas on the red lancers. Does anyone know a technique of making a czapka with cheaper tools than with ABS plastic molding machines?
[Brickfilm]The Battle of Mokra Trailer
I love it! The animation is smooth and I see that you really worked on your sets. I especially love the amount of research put into this production such as the tanks, vehicles, guns, and uniforms. I can't wait to see the final result.
PC Game - Empire: Total War
Wow Ive been waiting for this game for about a year now. For this last month I have been checking out their site for the demo. It is finally here.
Elves, BIG hint here!
Well knights defend the kingdom. Elves would defend the forests.
SES Restoration Project
Great Job Lego12! Have fun with your restored ship! ;)
Custom Hussars by Woody64
Well the first part isn't so useless. I am curious myself.
Ahoy! A cheap Brickbeard's Bounty!
Oops, can someone move this?
Ahoy! A cheap Brickbeard's Bounty!
Near me is this lego local store. They are selling a Lego Brickbeard's Bounty for 89.99 Canadian Dollars! That is 73.02 US dollars or 57.03 Euro! I am wondering if I should buy it.
Your Favorite Lego Pirate Weapon
I like the Muskets because I'm more of an army builder
Marines for my upcoming English ship of the line!
Okay. Can't wait to see your Ship and the cannons.
SES Restoration Project
You could make the sails out of waxed paper, or from fabric. :)
Marines for my upcoming English ship of the line!
I was just thinking Bonaparte, wouldn't it be be better if you bought the cannon attacks instead of the arsenals? You would have more cannons for your ship and a couple of more hands to work.
SES Restoration Project
Shame on your cousin for letting such a beautiful set get in that condition. I think it's call the "Poop deck"
How many Redbeards do you have?
One from Scull Island.
Pirate Battle & Imperial Guard Battle Packs
I just wish they would not cost so much as the castle battlepacks.
SES Restoration Project
I wish I had cousins and attics with lost lego. Normally I clean my dusted lego with a brush (a big one not a toothbrush), but in your case I would wash it. :) I can't wait to see your process of Restoring your Ship Lego12.
What is your favorite arrangement of the new Soldiers' Fort?
I was wondering the same thing Deadbrix. We know that the Soldier's arsenal goes to the tower. I think the shack is a good place for the cannon. :)
Buildin' Up my Army
Yea, that's the exact thing what I was thinking. Thanks again. :)
Buildin' Up my Army
Thanks lego King! THAT'S GREAT! But I could only spend up to 50 $ sadly. :( But I could buy the soldier fort now and the other sets later maybe.
- Imperial Guards: Bluecoat and redcoat uniforms
Marines for my upcoming English ship of the line!
Thanks! Oh and I gave the link to the library to all my internet and real friends.
I said "speaking" not "typing" I make some Grammer and Spelling Mistakes.
Pirate Battle & Imperial Guard Battle Packs
I wish the battlepacks would be like the star war battle backs. I would like: 4 Soldiers 1 Cannon and a minifig to operate it 1 Officer
Marines for my upcoming English ship of the line!
oops. I meant tursos. The ones on the Pirate Turso Index.
Marines for my upcoming English ship of the line!
Good luck building your ship! Nice turso by the way I was using them for a year before joining the forum.
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