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About James_T_Menendez

  • Birthday 03/17/1963

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  1. Ufff, I doubt when I want purchase the Esmerald Night, The Maersk train, the switch...., but not compared ofcourse
  2. Yes, its diferent, But I only modified existent models 3D, but for a more precise and complex design, I have to made on AutoCAD, I´m working on it!!!, yes wide radius it's on muy mind, when I parametrice existents model I'll made it. Working from scratch I can made more variants. But I'm on practice with the printing, I have now gray ABS filament!!! Depends of complexity of the model 6.5 hours aprox. I'm using the spanish printer very awarded in tests The more precise of the two models but not compact the Up plus model http://entresd.es
  3. The durability is variable with material used but in this case ares very little material, but sure the lego original track is most durable, but for custom pieces ....
  4. Very cheap 1kg roll 25€ aprox, other materials an colors difers in price o quantity. I have grey but I use the white to practice, The piece weight some more than the originals. Discount the weight of the empty roll. The principal cost is the energy and vary with type of material.
  5. Now a curve of same type of track.
  6. In my return to the 3D world with the 3D printer, I have to study many new technics. I know 20 years old CAD, I'm updating my knowledge abouth this and I'm new in the CAM and go step-by-step. I'm not a mechanic but, the sky is the limit!!!
  7. Yes, inspired in that pack, and existing narrow track in Batman and Indana Jones what I own. The next step is the narrow track. The embeded track have more easy posibilities than three rail solution to build "pasive track appareil" I don't know the english term to this material. I'm workig in diferent gauge and angle crossings, narrow track exits and entrances to the embed of regular gauge track. It's a saving space solution.
  8. Here is an answer to an embeded track custom-made ad-oc. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=84126
  9. My first piece of track. Here my first piece of embeded straight track project, it's printing!!!! :D Printed!!!
  10. Good work and inspiring!!!
  11. Very cool look but use propietary technology, and in my case the ABS or PLA standar is based in filament bobines, much cheaper and not dependant of maker's machine. I compared with laser and ink printing technologies in term of printing cost of course. This printer is the equivalent of ink print, cheap in short period of time and low production. It's a technology very young with much potential.
  12. Yesssss!!!, the next week I will have one roll. Only printed this, provided with the machine, for practice. The local provider don't have it. And yes, It works!!!! The proble is the support material because its a lage surface and tiny and clean it very carefully to don´t break. I don´t have te tools but in Wensday solve this problem and take images of it.
  13. My solution to the problem:
  14. My first print after calibate my 3D printer., much more better than the example suplied. Not perfect but its my first 3D print!!! I's an example of use 3D prints with lego like pieces, I intend buy this piece two times at expesive prices and can`t buy it because the vendors don't distribute outside the country residence, at 40/60 €. In same case I want buy a bretelle, is more complicated but I find it at 150€ expensive but affordable en amazon.de,but the more than 400€ in amazon.es its a nonsense it`s crazy!!!! I see priced and this shop dispatchs international orders but few almost 1/3 of the price of the machine winth 5 rolls of material ABS filaments!!!! I'll search a design already made or make a own custom piece to insert between the four standard switches, ¡¡¡The sky is the limit!!! This 90º cross it's the best substitute to the original one, other ingenious solutions be fine, functional but no much realistic If I found original pieces at a affordable price I buy it!!!!
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