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Clone OPatra

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Everything posted by Clone OPatra

  1. Thanks BrickBob and BrickMatit. It's hard to keep track of where info is coming from! I'm disappointed personally that Malfoy Manor is such a high price point and piece count. The set will surely be cool, but I can't see the location warranting it, and it's a bit out of my usual single-user price range though will likely have Minifigures I'd really like to have. Very glad the Duelling Club should be small. I really wasn't a fan of the face print on the last Lockhart (too many lines!), so I hope they do it better. Surely the Flying Lesson set will have to include some castle for that kind of price?
  2. Once again, where? Not seeing them in Reddit this time...
  3. Where is this list? Having trouble finding it through the usual places I check.
  4. Sounds like it's going to be epic, and the last playscale one was already pretty epic. Hopefully the description that it includes all the siblings is true.... I'm a little bit more skeptical since a variety of reputable rumours have been wrong this year.
  5. They did do the rabbit with red eyes from the Lunar New Year set. Brasso or otherwise remove the extra print, and that's basically an albino rabbit. Not a big deal that the nose is red too, IMO.
  6. Fortnite topic is open for business. You can keep discussing the sole Zelda set and any other random videogame tie-in bits and bobs in this topic.
  7. I think everyone is assuming the F1 cars will be 6-wide, rather than Speed Champions' 8 wide. But like Lion King said, Speed Champions are all about specific cars and nailing lots of details, while these F1 ones will be generic and more about racing and play. There have been racing cars in City for a long time.
  8. Yep. Please tag me so I am sure to see it. I will work on separating the existing Fortnite discussion out as soon as I can.
  9. Exactly. If you're not interested, don't reply. Simple as that.
  10. For Eurobricks purposes, no. For yourself, it can be whatever you want it to be. Please stop asking the same thing over and over in slightly different ways. If the box says City, it's City. If the box says some other LEGO-created theme name, it could be Adventure. (Johnny Thunder was also in the LEGO Movie and in a previous Minifigure series, which also didn't make either of those adventure themes for our purposes.)
  11. Yeah they had trialled this earlier in some regions - maybe six months ago? - but now seem to have rolled it out everywhere. The best thing about it is being able to rotate part images now, which is exceptionally useful for the likes of dual sided Minifigure heads and torsos.
  12. That's the point, continuing the grand tradition of Lex having the most bland head possible.
  13. Doesn't he need a single sided head because he's bald, and both of those have two sides? I think Star Wars has a male single sided light nougat head in rotation for troops - maybe that one.
  14. I didn't realise that one character was yellow. Very interesting. Those pics also confirm that the short woodland character's hood and antlers are all one piece. Overall, a really excellent series with tons of good printing all over. I honestly have no complaints They're not all my cup of tea, but they're all very well done.
  15. Dang these look great! I have no connection to DnD whatsover but I do like mediaeval and fantasy LEGO, and there is so much great stuff here. I can see myself getting at least 7 or 8 of the 12.
  16. There have been electric components in town/city sets since at least as far back as the 1980s. For example. And that's continued ever since in various iterations, with light and sound. This is just the latest, integrating new technology. You can still not like it of course, but it isn't new for LEGO to mix in electric stuff.
  17. You can create (or dig up, if one exists) a topic in the section for discussion Eurobricks itself to talk about this if you want to: https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/forum/6-forum-information-and-help/ Please don't derail this one (or ones in City) with discussions about overall forum structure.
  18. No we don't, and why are you posting about those sets in this 2025 topic when they're supposed to be 2024 sets still...
  19. It's not really that difficult to understand. This (the Action and Adventure Themes) section is for all of LEGO's original action themes (that aren't directly space or castle related). Right now that's just Monkie Kid and Ninjago. The LEGO Town section is where we put the main discussion topics for all of the City-branded sets, though that doesn't stop relevant ones being discussed elsewhere, like the Space line being discussed in the Sci-Fi section in addition to the Town section. Indiana Jones is in Licensed, because it's a Licensed them. (Yes there are a couple of exceptions to that rule, like PotC when it existed in the Pirates section and LotR in the History section). There's no need for a dedicated section for adventure type themes, and to be honest, the current City-branded jungle theme that includes Johnny Thunder is way less action-adventure-y than the 2017 one, and way more in line with LEGO's recent arctic or Africa themes, which nobody was arguing should be here in Action and Adventure Themes. Ultimately we try to have the structure to be as user friendly as it can, while also parcelling out the active themes to keep all of the different sections alive (where there's interest in them), but of course there is overlap here and there and we just have to make a call.
  20. I can either agree or agree to disagree with a lot of your points besides this one. The way he ends up in jail is awesome. Wrong place at the wrong time thrown into the Empire's essentially slave labour machine for doing nothing. It really shows the Empire's complete disregard for life. Bob's Starfighter does look a lot better in person than in the first picture, but I don't personally have any nostalgia for Jedi Bob (I was into LEGO then, I just don't get the hype/longing), and the other characters add nothing, so it's not one I'm after. Onyx looks good for what it is / in general, but unfortunately the ship itself doesn't have a very appealing design for me. That's in contrast to the Scythe for instance, which looks awesome even with no attachment to the show it appeared in. Fondor please LEGO
  21. I think add-ons, even if they're Minifigures, definitely add perceived value. If it's just a ship, even if it has a more refined build or more pieces than the previous version, ultimately two versions of a ship function about the same. If one is vastly more expensive, the comparison is worse. If one contains some cool side stuff though, it will feel much better. Also agreed the AAT was at least $5 too expensive at the time, but Ahsoka and the clone did make it feel exciting...
  22. Not debating that the interceptor will be overpriced, but both the AAT and Republic Fighter Tank were under 290 pieces and USD $40 and didn't feel terrible due to what they included. Also, 9494 had 300 pieces and was $40 back in 2012, which again didn't feel too awful due to the extras included. $45 for 290 pieces in 2024 isn't completely beyond the pale, as long as there are good inclusions besides just the starfighter itself.
  23. Indeed it is just decorated, not dual moulded. As an aside, without hard data, but I feel like I've noticed that elements with "complex printing" like the goat are some of the most expensive on PaB. For instance dual moulded legs even with print on the front have come down in price, but legs printed on the side are incredibly expensive comparatively. Or Mr Tang's hat from 80045, which is decorated and not dual moulded - far more expensive than most dual moulded hat-hair combos. If they'd gone and redesigned the goat to have a separate plastic injection for the horns (which would've made a lot of sense), I bet it would've been cheaper for us ultimately. The decorated horns require a specially set up machine to get that print applied, and is more time consuming and hence costly than dual moulding.
  24. On the Minifigure discussion, it's crazy to me that after 25 years we've still never gotten Boss Nass, Shmi or pre-covering 3PO (who could've been the figure with the big 3PO really). Not to mention Naboo handmaidens or Padme in any outfit besides Tatooine and the one Queen one. Not saying any of those could've fit in the sets they decided to produce for this year, though the Infiltrator could've used another character or two from the actual movie. We all used to semi-bag LEGO for throwing "extraneous" characters into ship sets, but these days the ships are just as expensive without the extras, for the most part.
  25. I've got to say the Hoopty and X-Jet are in the exact same basket, and the last Grevious Starfighter as well. They're all absolutely absurd "how can that be the actual RRP" sets. What's more, Yoda's starfighter is USD $5 more than Obi-Wan's for fewer pieces and fewer Minifigures (not to mention no new mould). That's not as bad as this new one being a full $10 more than Yoda's, but there's just no justifying a lot of these things.
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