Just to make sure no one takes my idea, I think I will do a department store like Walmart that is half destroyed. Oh, and can anyone help me to create a type of buldozer to use in one of the buildings?
Some time in the near future, say ten to twenty years from now and two years after the apcalypse.
Scientists working in a nuclear power plant dropped the medicine asprin into one of the holding tanks. The tanks exploded, due to a chemical reaction and the staff there, 100 or so, were inffected by a cannabalistic type of disease. To control the quickly spreading disease, nations around the world fired missles in random areas in an attempt to control the outbreak.
Small town in the middle of the desert. Located inside a heavily built wall, the citizens only source for water is from a single yet large and un-ending well. They live like we do today, et with the fear of many, and the scenario they have been put in.
Many houses that are thrown very roughly together, a half of a build that is used as a town hall (My idea), A road or trench to transport citizens throughout the haven.
Features (could take up baseplates, or just be small things you'd like to see) :
A rotting sports field whose seating has been converted into homes, a house or other small building used as a part of the wall/fence, craters, and of course...
Recycling. No, not green bins everywhere, but reusing objects for a different purpose than their original. The wall will have the best signs of this, but i'd like to see it all over.
(I agree with Skinny Boy)