Everything posted by Commander Flash
Hogwarts Mafia: Hog's Head
I've been following along, this is a pretty good game you've got here Bad guys always seem to win...hmm. I like the scenes and all the acting abilities of you guys.
Minifigs with tattoo's
That is plain insanity! Theres so much fine detail, all crisp lines, every bit of the tattoos are impressive, and I very much give a lot of applaud to that artist
Ronald McDonald
Awesome! The clown afro was a perfect fit, and the details are so good that they look like they were printed right on, not applied. Why are clowns always so creepy
SW Battlefront Tricks
Yeah, with tuskens and jawas. The tuskens never win on my game
Lazerblade's Robot! SW Robot Predator!
Nice job. It really looks like a robot from a star wars video game or something of the sort.
SW Battlefront Tricks
I play as Darth Maul on Pollis Massa instant play, set to like 750 reinforcements, and go on killing sprees in the tight hallways
Custom Plush Minifigs
Those are great, especially since they look like a ton of work! The two final ones are great, so much detail that they look professional. The proportions are excellent as well.
B'omarr Monks
Great job! It is a definite improvement to the goofy looking official one, even though thats a frontal view. I agree the legs could be taller, since the brain jar (lovely) is supposed to be off the ground a bit more.
Invisible Hand v2
That is epic! Its around 6 feet long, eh? I really like how it is shaped so its covered with studs on top, makes it have extra greebley look to it. good job.
Republic Engine Attack Cruiser.
I really like the design! Its different then the standard dart shaped ships, so it gets creativity points. I like how you gave a little story behind it. Good job!
Deactivate Tractor Beam
Good job! I seriously love how you put so much detail in a MOC, large or small. It really looks nice with greebles and tiles mixed.
MOC: Lightning McQueen from Cars movie
Ha! Thats pretty cool, both look perfect to their cartoony selves. good job.
The Force Unleashed: Abetor
Nice. I always liked that grass technique and all those Kashyykk troopers Good job
Town Help
I'll be going with the open back design. Thanks for the suggestion.
Town Help
SCORE!!! Thanks, that looks nice, I'll have to get the pieces. Good find
Town Help
I've been looking to building buildings, and I have some questions... 1. Whats the best way to build a ceiling to a two floor building that actually opens up? I've built buildings before, but I can never get there to be a ceiling/roof that comes off nicely for easy access. 2. What are good methods to make chairs and tables? Like dining tables and how would I make a booth seat, like a restaurant one? Thank you for any help
Zurg got angry!
Haha, you have to appreciate late night MOCing Simple and funny
From Flesh to Yellow
That is impressive, and I didn't think yellow sharpies were that close to Lego yellow. I'd Like to yellow-ify some of my flesh lego heads.
Private Jackson
Pretty cool I like how it is mostly purist, and what isn't purist looks pretty dang close to it. Good Job, and good character.
MOC - 80s arcade game
That is insane! It looks so realistic and it even plays! Fantastic job, you sir are my hero
Hoth (It's a)
I like it. The side greebles on the base of the diorama are a cool detail, and I like how the floor has both metal and snow. The little details like the MIA troops and criminal hideout are a funny addition. Good job and good luck in the contest.
Queens' Quest Chapter IV: Mist
Good as always! I like the idea for smaller text, so theres more story. The pictures and MOCs are good as always, and the story is well written
Happy Birthday Striker!
Happy birthday Striker! Sounds like you got some good stuff! ...Am I the only one who thinks Eskallon's cake looks like it has wood shavings on it
Choking Not Just for Toddlers
I inhaled a piece before. I was holding it in my mouth, and I breathed (bad decision ) and it shot in my mouth. I never got the piece back...
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
Thats such a nice hope id love to know whats going on in those screen shots
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