Everything posted by Commander Flash
How did you like the Clone Wars TV series?
That sounds cool, Oky. I'm liking this series better, more of a humor and easy flowing episodes. The old one was good, but it was basically a plot connector for the Episodes 2 and 3 with cool fights. Padme episodes tend to suck I kind of wish there would be more Clone trooper based ones, maybe introducing a new or little known clone commander.
The Pokemon thread.
Aaaahh, Pokemon My first was Gold, which is my favorite, up to now. I like the first 250 or so due to nostalgia, but that doesn't mean I don't like the others. HeartGold is a great game, making so many "Hey, I remember that!" moments. I log so many hours of life in Pokemon, its worth it Typhlosion is my starter
What are you listening to?
I'm being more cultural by listening to Rammstein, Eisbrecher, and Megaherz. German metal is quite strong
Decal Wish List
Clone Killer, is that the size that works for the rest of your full sets, like the other clone decals?
Car Helps
Thank you for the advice. Is the 6743 Street Speeder minifigure compatible?
MOC: Bombardier Sidewalk Plow
Good looking! Lightning Tiger's plow example is good, and my only grief with it. It has a professional tiled appearance, and the details like the lights and red and white lines are well executed. Boy, does that make me want a warm blanket Edit: Never mind about the plow part.
Would you get the Venator..
Personally I like the a point. It is the only official Venator available, so if you can't make your own, then it is okay. It is a bit chunky for what is supposed to be, so if that bugs you, then I wouldn't recommend it. On the matter of Magnet figures, they are pretty noticeably different. The head gear for them are official colored, at least very close. Limbs and torso are off colored, so they aren't really the best replacement for Lego quality figures. If you don't mind that, then they are a cheap alternative.
Car Helps
I'm trying to get into the habit of making Lego Town MOCs, but I haven't a clue of how to build a car. I see cars, but don't know how to start. I'd assume you'd start with 4 of the 2x1 axle parts to get the wheels, but I am stumped on how to go on with it. I want to be able to build Minifig-scale cars from muscle cars to an everyday car, but with good detail. Does anyone have any helpful advice, tutorials, or suggestions on building a minifigure (fit a minifigure at least) car? Any help would be gladly appreciated
The Rebel Fleet attacks!
As always, great job May I recommend the The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels if you haven't already got it. It has all these little known ships with specs. Any plans to do any KotOR Minis ? The Assault frigate is my favorite, due to the great looking details.
Decal Wish List
Could I please have a few "advertisements" decals for a 4x6 space of tiles? Good ones could be a: Coca-Cola (ignore the background) This too (vertical) Starbucks (4X4) Mickey D's (2x2) Basically anything that is particulary American. Thank you for who does these
10120 Floating Death Rock
That is incredible, each room perfectly matches the corresponding room in the Death Star! The room full of treasures, the chain swinging part, and the duel scene are my favorites. This really is impressive, and I wish you luck on the contest, but I doubt you need it
Yavin IV Final Scene Diorama
Great display, this is sure a good display thats probably one of the most iconic scenes of all time That sure has a lot of figures. Nice resemblence.
What are you listening to?
My favorite album, KoRn Greatest Hits Vol 1. Getting ready for their concert coming that I have tickets for
That was awesome, especially the effects! Darn Albanians always getting in Nico's way Happy 100 subscribers
Ash and Pikachu
Maybe you could do the classic gang: Misty, Brock and some other classics like Professor Oak, Jessie, James, and some of the gym leaders. For Pokemon, I'd reccommend fan favorites like Charizard, Meowth, Squirtle, and such. I like your customs so far
Which movies can you watch over and over again?
Yes Man Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny Star Wars movies and I am Legend. Great movies, especially since I see them tons of times in a year
CONTEST: Whack-a-Fig II
Who wants a shot at Commander Flash! (Kashyykk trooper with arc gear)
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Sorry, Could a mod merge this please?
Star Wars: The Old Republic
There's a new MMO for Star Wars (not looking to post a total advertisement)! Its set 300 years after the original KotOR series, an era barely touched in EU. Theres already planets and classes announced, but playable races aren't announced. Will this be sufficient enough to satisfy KotOR III awaiters? It shall be out next spring, so much more will come before then. Any thoughts on it?
Happy Birthday Deinonychus
Happy Birthday Dino-Boy! Now I hope he doesn't shoot me in my head
What are you listening to?
My first thoughts, then after listening, I was antsy for more KoRn. Pandora Radio-Korn Radio: What's better
Battle of Hoth
It currently is a good army display, but not quite a moc. A bit of scenery, like a white wall (doesn't even really need any arch) with some detail like some different jutting out parts. I'd make the floor white as well. Watch in the movie the base scenes and get some still pictures and base it off it. It's not going to be too difficult to improve, but like working on a house, results are better with renovations. Good luck
How much should I offer...
5 a pound is good deal, especially due to the lack of good looking pieces from the pictures. As others said, sort through ans see their worth. A few gems (figurative.. possibly literally) might be in the offer. It looks like 2 or three sets and a few plates and some old junk. $40 might have been a bit too much though. If I was him I would have jumped on that deal. Sort and do a bit of research. I doubt it'll be gone anytime soon.
Small Mech attempt
Aside from a lack of arms or weapons, its looking good. Maybe a cage cockpit would look nice, especially for a poor minifigure who would otherwise fall to his demise. Maybe the arms could go where the 2x1 slope is on the body. Id make an arm wielding something or with built in munitions to give a little 'umph' to it. Good start Mr. Tools.
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
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