Everything posted by Commander Flash
Dimensions of Lego elements?
One stud's diameter is 4.8mm. This is based of Dimensions of a 1X1X1 brick: Height: 9.6mm Plate height: 3.2mm width: 8mm Still searching for more information heres more stuff on technic
Ambush at Krayt Mountain
I think he means WD-40
What's your ethnicity?
Native american, german, polish,and italian. So that means 100% American
Spyder's Artwork
Now that I look at it again it looks like colored pencils
Desert Supremacy
Ok. Thought that was a requirement
Sith Supremacy
Good name, and good entry
Desert Supremacy
Very nice, but you might want to add some sets it might be in and its decal form. Good entry
[MOC] Z-95 Head Hunter
Heres new pictures of a more detailed Z-95
Sith Supremacy
Good. Hope you like it. Pictures added on first page.
Sith Supremacy
Nice custom handgun. This is kind of like TOR, but its hundreds of years before. That was a good trailer 1 sith and one republic till we can start
MiniFigure Head decals (130 facial expressions)
Very neat faces for any MOC Every smile and frown you could thnk of
[MOC] Z-95 Head Hunter
Darn. Most are common.
[MOC] Z-95 Head Hunter
Thanks. I meant for the decal. A dark green and grey would be nice. Once i learn how to LDD, i will try to make this
[MOC] Z-95 Head Hunter
Any suggestions for the front? Like dark red ?
Sith Supremacy
I hope you will like it once it starts. Every character counts
Sith Supremacy
You only need one, but you can have two. what is confusing you? MOCs arent necissary, you don't have to have other peoples characters
MOC: Central Station
Wow! That is one great architecture marvel with many great parts. Happy 500th
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Nice witty little "funnies"
Good bye for two months
I have 8 thank you including sandman. Have a good time at camp. maybe when you come back ill have more I know Spyder. He will be a good leader while you're gone
Sith Supremacy
Thanks for explaining, Spyder. Off topic: Is that a Z-95 in your signature?
- Which set should I buy?
[MOC] Z-95 Head Hunter
Thanks for help. Pictures being uploaded now.
[MOC] Z-95 Head Hunter
After looking over my copy of Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, I found the best (looking to have as a model) ship: the Z-95 Headhunter. Grey and dark red close up on the driver: and the engine: Hope you enjoyed my take on this ship
Sith Supremacy
You don't respawn. Once you die, you are dead.
Sith Supremacy
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