Everything posted by Commander Flash
Sith Supremacy
pretty much. Atleast until others join in. We should have a "one bounty a chapter" rule to make it so it lasts more than a couple chapters
Sith Supremacy
Also, at anytime Revan (me) can pm republic forces (not as in user, just the good guys) to turn to the dark side. They can refuse. No one knows except the one i pm'ed. Another good rule will be one user has to be killed every chapter. Can be by assassination by hunter or assassin, or by being confronted by another user. That means a user can attack a user, and I roll a dice and who has a higher roll wins.
Sith Supremacy
You can have up to 2 characters. This is kind of like SWCG because during each chapter (five days) People can post MOCS, dioramas, ect. to show what is happening. Battles, Hunter encounters, ect are good things to do. Also, this will serve as a discussion thread (once we start, could someone change thread title as Sith Supremacy Discussion), so things that don't add to the story go here. Also, JimButcher had a good idea. Lets not have too many force weilders. we can have 5 more force users, but then we will have to be troopers, hunters, or another non force class
Sith Supremacy
Nice alternate suits. Happy 666th post ADHO15
Sith Supremacy
1 Sith and 3 republic left until we can start. Nice hunter ADHO15. Good to see a tusken sith, aswell.
Thats a strange misprint. Hopefully that will be a new variety of clone faces
Sith Supremacy
Ok republicFORCES. Just post a picture and his bio. Nice characters everyone
Sith Supremacy
New fig would be better, to fill the ranks
Sith Supremacy
You can be a bounty hunter aswell, same applies to anyone
Sith Supremacy
Very nice trooper decal. Clonekiller, you are one good decal maker!
What is your SigFig?
Mine is to the left: Tusken with tophat black cape and shoulder armor, but if you dont have that, its kashyykk trooper with arc gear
Sith Supremacy
You and Mraz won't exactly be best buddies in this game ...unless there is a secret alliance...
What did you buy today?
Battle of Endor. Right before I noticed the others were avaliable. Darn S@H
Sith Supremacy
3 sith 4 republic. ADHO is going to be republic, so it will be 3 and 3 more
- Star Wars sets anyone?
Sith Supremacy
Nice Republic Trooper Clone Killer. You get to be the Republic General and Mraz gets to be the sith general. Bounty hunters can not be generals, but honorable mentions to Spyder
Kaneda's Bike
Although I know nothing about anime or manga, that is one nice bike
Sith Supremacy
Nice pictures Clone Killer, Spyder, and Mraz 'skintas sorry about the lack of deeplinked images. I dont think the tags are working. 3 Sith and 5 Republic until game can start.
WIP Snowtrooper Imperial Base
I haven't seen a turret of those designs before. Thats a nice design with a good range of shooting
Sith Supremacy
Once we get five people for the republic and five people for the sith, we can open the first chapter topic.
Sith Supremacy
Nihilus and Sion were having conflicts, and eventually Nihilus kills Sion. Nihilus and Kreia dont make any appearences. They get killed by Revan's Assassins so there isn't a third party in the war. By the way, Spyder, could you post the url for your guy's image?
Lego Booty Bay
Nice. That could easily be a port town.
The Yellow Jacket
Very impressive parts make the ship great. The flowers, the color scheme, the sail, and the rear. Nice job!
- Which set should I buy?
All Sigfigs gather here!
*points to avatar* Tusken with tophat, a shoulder armor, and a black cape
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