Everything posted by Commander Flash
Which Jedi, Sith or other do you want the most?
I need Shaak Ti Coleman kcaj saesee tiin Bly Bacara Gree Galactic Marines
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Does it have a big gaping hole in the middle like the ISD or no? And can it be emptied out so i can add features?
4481 Hailfire Droid
Nice review. Probably one of the only sets that are better than the remake
Star Wars Magnets Sets
A Luminara, Aayla, and Shaak Ti would be the best set ever, but whats the chance
The Weapons Lab
it's supposed to be like the old at rt set. It's fine
TUTORIAL: How to print decals
This was a very helpful tutorial. Haha that is the bastila I ordered
Order 66
Does he survive?
Steam Wars: Royal Gunship
Usually I'm not a fan of steampunk but this is a great creation
The Weapons Lab
How do you get the shuttle's wings to stay up?
Decal Wish List
Welcome to the forums, clonekiller Can i have a face decal of without the eye make up and in that color, sand green, red, and orange please?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Might open for hoth soldiers to camp out in...
Ideas For new sets(Wild West)
Midday Shootout There could be a normal cowboy, a black clothed bandit, a couple townspeople, and a couple background buildings with swinging doors. It could come with some cowboy guns. Maybe $40?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Haha. Like that would ever happen Im sure venator will be 150 or less
Order 66
Pretty nice, but i still wonder about the bouncing back laserbeam. nice little scene thought.
Star Wars Magnets Sets
I agree with kiel. The sellers take advantage of the collectors, and i think this is the perfect thing they need to learn to not charge alot more times the thing is worth. Hopefully each pack is $15
UCS discussion
When was the tantive 4 fan choice (not criticism, just wondering) We should get The Executor. Vaders ship would be my first UCS.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Hmmm.. i could get 25 of the leia ones and make deal or no deal (i already have one leia). Then i would have a mandalorian army and guard army. haha. That would never happen. I am definately getting all of them over time.
Star Wars license discussion
Jabbas palace: A two-layer playset, With the top as the main area, with Jabba, The entertainers, and some droids. The bottom one could be were the rancor is, and have a door to close on it. It would come with: Jabba the Hutt, Oola, a couple random aliens, Luke, rancor, and several play features.
Decal Wish List
Thanks! Bastila looks great
Star Wars license discussion
Vader bust would be just one black blob...
What other SW "Battle Packs" would you like to see?
As good of an idea that is ( i would buy it ) most people would like smaller ones so you wouldnt have to spend $200 all at once
Decal Wish List
I know. It just seemed like my requests were just overlooked.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Nice find! Id just replace the sabers for different rods
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Darn Rhetorical questions! Well... The Venator has blue lightsabers on each side if you look:
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
It should be $20. Its like a double battle pack
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