Everything posted by Commander Flash
OLD Mafia and Mystery Games Index
I have an idea for a mafia game when a spot becomes available. I'd need a veteran to help me host though. My idea is a Ancient Greece-esque mafia game. The game would be like ancient Greece, with mythology (made up gods though, so there would be no offenses towards anyone if I misinterpreted one of them). The place will be more like Lego does things (generic named places, like Brickia). Any veteran that would like to work the idea with me would be appreciated.
Brickworld SigFig Picture 2010
I'd love my sigfig to be a part of this! He is a Kashyyk trooper with ARC gear and a star wars rifle. If you have the following, could you do it instead?: Its the one in Tattooine Luke shirt, with arealight's breezy hair. This is going to be a good new display!
Brickfair Sigfig Picture
My sigfig is Commander Flash. Kashyyk trooper with commando gear. And his custom gun, a star wars long gun with a black hand a bit past the handle. Thats the gun in the picture.
What was the last movie you watched?
"Oh Brother where art thou". That is a great movie, especially good since it is based on the Odyssey. Both stories line up, and I love movies in that time period. Clooney's character is incredible
New 707th Clone Wars
Thanks Clonekiller I knew the bathroom part would get someone. I probably should have found a yellow body and arms for it, though. That would be a good investment.
New 707th Clone Wars
Any specific parts? Any parts you didn't like?
What are you listening to?
The Live Sh** Binge and Purge Metallica concert from 1992-1993. What a classic. Its a box set, and best of all, its VHS Also, Coming undone- KoRn.
brickme's first customized figs
Good attempts, but it looks a bit smudgy. I'd recommend using some sort of barrier like tape to make crisper edges. Take your time, and see how much better it ends up. Hour(s) of work and a beautiful custom usually ends up better than a rushed figure. Just practice, and you'll get a hold of it. Remember, Einstein said genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration. Same idea goes for making customs. Good luck on future projects
New 707th Clone Wars
For the second installment of my comic series, I have chosen to do Naboo. Here it is: "We were sent to Naboo to help the queen overcome an invasion of separatists that encircled the Royal Palace. The boy, Dan, was found to be a Jedi. I don't pretend to understand the mind of a Jedi, but I know that a light saber might help on any missions. How did the story go again?" Commander Flash: The palace is really under a tight control. The gunship took a bit of a beating. An aerial attack sure won't work. Maybe we should mount two different efforts to break the lines and the barricade. Dan: Splitting our squad at a critical time as this? Commander Flash: Its the only way to ensure the Queen's safety. Plus, the one to mount the battle to the palace can call reinforcements to help. Me, Dan and one of the boys can find a way into the palace. Ajax: I will stay behind. More men will be here soon enough and our assault will begin. Commander Flash: Good idea. Lets go. Commander Flash: Does Naboo have a sewer system? Dan: I think it does, why? Commander Flash: That could be our way into the palace. Alien Thug: Bzzt Zurp! Commander Flash: What's that, chief? Dan: Allow me to help. Mhm...I see. He doesn't like you. Commander Flash: What? Commander Flash: I understand that. Down you go! Dan: There's the sewer! Jump in! Commander Flash: How do you think Ajax is doing? Clone Captain: 3rd Squad, segment of the 707th, reporting to duty! Ajax: Follow me then. We have a few droids to bust. We should find some security force or a defense regiment or something to help us. Ajax: Hello. Who are you? Man: I am Captain Angal. Who are you anyways? Ajax: Sergeant Ajax of the Grand Army of The Republic. What are you captain of? Angal: Of the Theed militia. We are little known, so don't worry if you've never heard of us. We are here, waiting to attack the droids. The security force died defending the palace, but the droids won't go into the palace. Very odd, maybe they are waiting for something...or someone. Ajax: We are going to destroy the droids too. Come with the militia assembled to the palace gates. Dan: Is this the best route to enter the palace? Flash: Yes, its the smoothest path. Dan: What was that noise? Flash: Get ready boys! Flash: Assassins! Clone: AHHH! Flash: We're there. Dan: I hope Ajax's plan is going well. Militiaman: Almost opened... Militiaman: AHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ajax: Sith's Blood! And a shuttle is here! Just set explosions for when it leaves. All: For the Republic!!! Dan: What is this place? Flash: It seems like a bathroom. There's the sink, there's the water pipes, there's a bath, and there's a... Flash: Lady!? Woman: EEEEK! Flash: Sorry ma'am. Which way to the throne room? Woman: Out this door, then down a hall until you see another door. There is the throne room. Can I take my bath peace? Flash: There's the door. What's that buzzing noise? Sith: Prepare to die! The separatists pay well for your dead corpse! Flash: Not without a fight! Sith: Uugh... Queen: Thank you great warrior! Please stay for a feast! Flash: Sorry ma'am, but my friend may need help fighting the droids Queen: (thought) Strong and a gentleman, my kind of man. Ajax: We made it, but at a high cost. Flash: You did win, and saved this planet from the separatists. Come inside. The queen has something to say. Queen: All of you men are heroes, and Naboo and I owe my life to you. I will honor your valiant efforts by a memorial, in the shape of your leader, Commander Flash. And so ends chapter two of this comic. What do you think?
[Review] 8092 Luke's Landspeeder
I've been looking forward to this land speeder, and with good reason it seems The printing on the figures looks pretty good, and my sigfig is looking for a newer outfit. My only grief is the broken engine. Its movie accurate, but I'm all for symmetry. Great Review
Raxus Prime
Great greebles batman The greebling is perfect, reflecting the scrappiness of Raxus prime, and the binoculars and saws blend in well. Starkiller's cape is a good idea, and the Rodians sure do top this nice MOC
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Lets duel Jim. I bet this duel will be pretty close
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Zapper Sent actions, so here's the battle. Mirr Jimb Low 0 High 1 High 1 low 0 Parry 0 kick 1 Mid 0 parry 0 Low 0 parry 0 3 4 A good battle, but Mirr's attempts are almost foreseen by the opponent Round 2 Mirr JimB Kick 1 Parry 0 Parry 0 Mid 0 Low 1 Kick 0 High 0 High 1 (mastery ability) Low 1 Kick 0 2 1 Mirr is making a huge comeback, but can Jim Butcher come back from this spot? Round 3 please Jimbutcher Mirr JimB Low 0 High 1 Kick 0 Low 1 Parry 0 Parry 0 High 0 Kick 0 Mid 0 Mid 0 0 1 Mirr is down! Jim Butcher has defeated Mirr! Feel free to update profiles. Longest duel ever
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Ok. Round 2 please
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
If Zapper comes back we can keep it going. If tommarrow, someone else can take over as host, due to my lack of time tommarrow.
What was the last movie you watched?
I saw Sherlock Holmes yesterday. Very realistic action, in effects and fighting. That case was baffling me, and the end really made me feel like I should've known it, even it was very complex. I can only hope for a sequel now
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
I will. How about Me and Jim next battle? Mirr Jimb Low 0 High 1 High 1 low 0 Parry 0 kick 1 Mid 0 parry 0 Low 0 parry 0 3 4 A good battle, but Mirr's attempts are almost foreseen by the opponent Round 2 please. Once again, Zapper is off. Feel free to resume tommarrow.
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
We could fight tommarrow, when more people get online. I'm up for a good fight, except now no one wants to judge and its getting a little late.
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Just one moment as I update my bio. Good luck Jim. Edit: Ready!
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
I'd love to Good duel Bountyhunter.
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
I'd like to play again. No handicaps BountyHunter
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Sudden death
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Sure, lets start
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
I would like to fight
Jedi Duel - Dueling Thread
Great game Pedro! Time to hang up the lightsaber and rest for the night, I hope to play some more tommarrow
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