Everything posted by Commander Flash
Red Moon signup thread
Id love to play, please Commander Flash
New Lego Commercial?
I just saw it today on TBS. That was a bit strange, but nice. It showed general greatness of Lego. That is a great house and yard Thanks Pi
What was the last movie you watched?
Public Enemies. since I haven't read into it Overall good movie
New 707th's Clone Wars
The first clone wars comic wasn't very good in my part, so now is a more planned out and better setting. Anyone who would like to help in any process, pm me. This is from Flash's point of view, from after the wars. I remember above the skies of Rodaan, I saw the settlement under the mountain. The chancellor had told us that Rodaan is great in resources, due to it is unaligned with the republic or separatists. It is our first mission, and it should be a success. Chief: Intruders from above! Do you bring malice or prosperity? Commander Flash: We are coming on behalf of the Republic. Chief: Rodaan has been well off with no support. What makes the republic want us? Commander Flash: We are in war. Your planet has vast resources and is in a key location. We could provide protection for your planet. Chief: We shall go to the law hall to negotiate. In an unknown location... Sith: The Jedi have sent clones to Rodaan. You must sabotage their efforts. Is that understood... Durge? Chief: That sounds like a fair deal. I shall think of your words. Explore my fair city while you wait. Boom! Commander Flash: What was that? Follow me boys. Commander Flash: What are you? Durge: Hahaha Boooom! Ajax: Down you go! Sith: You mustn't break away yet. More and more mandalorians will come. Break out then. Chief: You have proven yourself. Tell your leader we are glad to join. My son would be glad to accompany you, as a symbol of our goodwill. Flash: That would be fine. Dan: Thank you. After we left, clones came to set up an outpost. The beast we froze was awoken, and killed the chief and destroyed the city. More of our brothers came after the beast left. He wasn't easy to kill, until the Jedi Kenobi destroyed him later in the war. What do you think? This was just a pilot, the real episodes will have a bit more storyline.
ADHO15's MS Paint Characters
Ajax looks great Thanks.
ADHO15's MS Paint Characters
How about for Ajax of the 707th, he could be a heavy trooper, but with the Lego swamp trooper marks, and a Mandalorian symbol centered on his chest? Thank you
The what I did today thread ......
After school I learned how to play Hotel California on guitar. Thats about it, unless you count beating KotOR for the 14th time exciting
Sir Fred, at your service
Welcome Sir. Army building is quite fun Theres a "show off your army" of both Star Wars and Fantasy, so you'll be at home. Enjoy your stay
OLD Mafia and Mystery Games Index
Great idea Striker I wouldn't mind playing or even watching that game. Is the next mystery game coming soon, since Mafstraw is concluding?
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Great pictures Thats convenient that the freeco has a mini cargo hold. The little things are always nice. The Hoth snow troopers could substitute as a CAT (not a 'cat') and the launcher in the Battlepack is starting to grow on me, even if its a battlepack weapon. In "100_1474" , that makes me know why our stores never have sets on release day
Order 66
May I ask what the thing is, or is it just a scenery prop?
The fortress
This is a fantastic Post Apoc MOC! The grey-brown mix is a staple within the Post Apocalyptic Lego world, which is used very skillfully. The random scraps along the wall are a good touch The one thing I see in Post Apoc MOCs is green grass. Would it be alive, or all tan and scrappy looking, like with sparse vegetation? That wall needs a good city behind it Great Job.
Order 66
You didn't post this moc before I like this Order 66 scene. The wall is very greebled, which makes it have a certain depth to it. The clone looks great, the helm is from Arealight, If I'm not mistaken. The middle transparent asteroid thing is a cool addition. That clone was merciless
[MOC]Greeble'd Combat
I like this little duel . The pose is off, but the angled bricks sure are great. The arena has a certain gladiator feel to it
MY Police Speedboat
Good review Peppermint That box picture reminds me of a certain land speeder. The gun seems a bit too big for an infantryman, but maybe it could be mounted on a vehicle. I'd be careful not to convince anyone to switch to any of these Clone brands
Grand Dukes
170 days at this pace
ADHO15's MS Paint Characters
Great Sharpshooter and Christmas troop! The 707th elite would be like the 41st, but different. I'll think of something
I'm Leaving! I'm Coming Back! Do it all HERE.
Have a good life Professor, hopefully your life will have fun, Lego or none.
Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 2 Discussion
Creepy new episode! The whole episode seemed to have a "I think we're not alone" vibe about it. Good to see Bariss in another episode, more the chance for her in lego Now I need to go to the drawing boards for the medical cruiser
ADHO15's MS Paint Characters
Could you make one of Flash's Elite 707th troops? It'd be like the 501st one, but green, and a sharpshooter, also green detailed? Thanks
Any musicians in here?
You could consider me a musician, I play guitar. Acoustic as of now, but working on getting an Electric. The musical genre I work on and hope to build a Metal Band performing acts by artists such as KoRn, Marilyn Manson, Disturbed, and Slipknot. Until that day, might as well practice my way to the tops
What are you listening to?
Regan is stopping by my area soon (Central New York) but I don't have tickets A little Disturbed has ran through my Ipod's Top Rated Shuffle. Good listening
What is the oldest set you've ever found in a store?
New York really doesn't have toy stores other than Wal*Mart or ToysRus, so old is hardly found. The oldest I've seen was an MTT (2006) a few months ago at TRU.
When are we going to change our banner?
Nostalgic banner Hinkley! First day on Eurobricks I saw this banner...10 months ago
[MOC] Techno Union Tri-droid
How did I miss this gem Its very good and spherical, and looks like it walked right out of the movie. The second to last picture is great. It looks so imposing and intimidating Happy 500th
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