Everything posted by ILikePi
Harry Potter 2010 discussion thread
There isn't any fine print that tells you anything more about it. Here's a direct quote right off the catalog:
Harry Potter 2010 discussion thread
There's one thing that Nick Wolfe left out about the catalog: it says when you pre-order all six sets, you'll get instructions for an alternate model of the Burrow! There aren't any pictures of that model, unfortunately, so it would be great if someone who did preorder all the sets would show us what the model looks like once their package arrives.
Eurobricks Raffle and Mystery Treasure Hunt
I managed to find the witch picture, after staring directly at it and not seeing it until about five minutes later. Still looking for that elusive Spartan picture, though...
Eurobricks Raffle and Mystery Treasure Hunt
Hah, same here! That's a really clever way to hide the picture, Siegfried!
Eurobricks Raffle and Mystery Treasure Hunt
Today's search was quite easy - I found it after about a minute's worth of searching! One tip, though - you won't find it easily by just using the search engine. Read the clue closely and you'll see a key word that tells you exactly where to look.
[KEY TOPIC] Official LEGO Sets made in LDD
Thanks Calabar! I've fixed the broken links. And I don't hate you - something similar to what I did was bound to happen one day. Also, I've got a new set to post! Many thanks to KimT for the scans of the instructions, the box art (which I used to help make the preview image), and the images of the models (which helped me distinguish the colors of the parts). Fan Celebration V CubeDudes - Bounty Hunter Edition (BrickLink - Brickset) Notes: The light bley 2 x 2 turntable top on 4-LOM has been replaced with a 2 x 2 round plate because you cannot separate the two parts of the turntable in LDD. The dark bley 1 x 1 brick with studs on two sides on Dengar's torso has been replaced with a 1 x 1 brick with one stud on one side because the side stud would not fit in a 1 x 1 Technic brick's hole. A 1 x 1 round plate was added to the connection between both Dengar's and Boba Fett's backpacks and their backs because the 1 x 1 bricks with studs on sides would not fit in the 1 x 1 Technic brick's hole (located on the back of both CubeDudes). All the bounty hunters' blasters - except Boba Fett's - had to be replaced with alternates because the Star Wars mold blasters do not exist in LDD. You can download each CubeDude separately through these links: 4-LOM Boba Fett Bossk Dengar IG-88B It was a really fun build, especially because I had been wondering how CubeDudes were built!
[KEY TOPIC] Official LEGO Sets made in LDD
I sifted through my offline gallery of instructions, and I decided to make the 11 mini sets that were in it yesterday. It feels good to be taking a short break from larger sets All the model names are from TLG's customer service page - it's the closest to the official model names that we'll get, since the polybags these sets come in are all blank. --------------------------------------------------- 7808 Yellow Airplane (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file --------------------------------------------------- 30020 Jet (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file --------------------------------------------------- 30021 Parrot (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Note: The brick boundaries of the blue wedge plates that make up most of the parrot's wings are rectangular, and make the parrot appear to float in mid air because of those boundaries. --------------------------------------------------- 30031 World Race Powerboat (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Note: All prints on the minifig are different than the ones in the set, and there is no dual sided head print, back print, and leg/hip print. --------------------------------------------------- 30032 World Race Buggy (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Notes: I added a scarf to the minifig to simulate the dual sided face, which you can see here. The brick boundaries of the tires make the buggy appear to float in mid air. All prints on the minifig are different than the ones in the set, and there is no back print and leg/hip print. --------------------------------------------------- 30040 Octopus (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Notes: The Atlantis key has no printing. --------------------------------------------------- 30041 Piranha (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Note: The Atlantis key has no printing. --------------------------------------------------- 30042 Diver (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Randal already made this model, but I decided to make it myself using the polybag's front as a guide for how the three black droid arms are placed, since the 'box art' is usually more accurate than the instructions. Note: The front torso print on the minifig is different than the one in the set, and there is no back print and leg/hip print. --------------------------------------------------- 30061 Attack Wagon (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Notes: There are no torso prints, front and back. The flame piece had to be substituted for the older version. The black 1 x 1 cone on the wagon is the version with no top groove because the version with the groove would not fit in the spear's pole. --------------------------------------------------- 30062 Target Practice (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Notes: There are no torso prints, front and back. The flame piece had to be substituted for the older version. Only one spear would fit in the crate, so I placed the other one on the ground. --------------------------------------------------- 30071 Army Jeep (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Notes: There is no front torso print, and the face is a different print. Also, the helmet and stand are different (thanks to prateek for the design for the latter). The placement of the antenna of the jeep is in the location shown the front of the instructions. --------------------------------------------------- Oh, and Randal, I noticed that you used light lime (TLG calls it 'light yellowish green') for all of your Atlantis models instead of regular lime. The easiest way to get lime is to download Superkalle's LDD color chart LXF file (in this thread) - the greenish colored 1 x 1 brick all the way to the right of the line of plates is lime.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Wow, clear pictures already, and I haven't even bought any of the summer wave sets yet! I'm a bit disappointed how the battle packs look to be only one man vehicles (I may be wrong about the Mandalorian one), but I'm glad that there are still four minifigs! The Mandalorian battle pack, although having no variety, is definitely going to be a popular set, as well as the specialized clones and their battle pack! The ARF trooper mold looks great, and it's always fun to get more variety in our clone armies! The Imperial V-wing doesn't look very interesting, but I do like the silver/grey astromech and pilot with black clone pilot helmet! It doesn't seem worth it, though, since the normal V-wing in 2006 is about the same size as it, but this one is definitely going to be $25 USD. I'm looking forward to the Battle of Naboo set! We finally see a return of Gungans, and a droid with torso prints (excluding the rocket droid commando from the January wave). Also, there appears to be a whole bunch of droids in the set! The Bounty Hunter Gunship contains some cool bounty hunters, but the ship looks pretty small - I'm guessing that only one minifig can fit in it. It's interesting how the assassin droid now has a special printed 1 x 1 round brick (which looks odd, since the head is one plate higher). I don't know much about the three new Jedi minifigs in the shuttle, but they do look nice. The shuttle itself, however, looks odd with its studs on its wings. None of the sets actually disappoint me; they just aren't interesting enough for me to put on my list. I rarely buy any of the January sets except for the battle packs, but next year, I might have to get the Naboo set too!
Eurobricks Raffle and Mystery Treasure Hunt
This looks like it's going to be fun, and also a great way to get members to look at some topics that they might have never seen before! Many thanks for giving all of us a chance to win a free minifig, WhiteFang! One question, is there a certain title that we should put on our PMs, like "Mystery Treasure Hunt Entry"?
[KEY TOPIC] Official LEGO Sets made in LDD
Two LXF files have been updated - 10194 Emerald Night and 10187 Volkswagen Beetle. I've added the 1 x 10 plate that was missing previously, and the 1 x 3 bricks do fit now! Thanks Thanks for pointing that out! On my computer, it's difficult to rotate large chunks of parts, so I managed to fix the problem by placing an axle holder on the floor and moving one of the train's tan axles (the ones in the middle of the front wheels) into it to get it to be at a neutral tilt.And here's my latest model... ---------------------------------- 4999 Vestas Wind Turbine (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Notes: The tools that go in the van are outside instead because the 1 x 4 bricks with grooves that they are on do not fit in the 1 x 2 plates with door rails, which are inside the van. There is no string for the yellow and blue gas tanks, as string cannot bend. The gas tanks cannot attach to the hand truck because there is no real connection. In the real model, the gas tanks just rest on the hand truck. The light bley 1 x 1 tile with gauge pattern on the gas tanks is just a blank tile instead as the print does not exist in LDD. The 1 x 1 horizontal clip that is supposed to connect the hand truck to the rest of the tools is placed on the underside of the hole of the 3 x 2 plate, instead of being upside down on the top of the hole because the latter is not a possible connection in LDD. The two white 1 x 2 tiles with mail prints have been replaced with a different print. They have also been left outside of the mailbox. The chairs on the patio are placed off of the baseplate because they just sit loosely on the real model. The turntable on the top of the wind turbine has been flipped upside down because two white axle and pin connectors wouldn't fit on the dark bley side. One gear at the top of the turbine has been omitted completely since it does not exist in LDD, while another has been removed because it would not fit in between two Technic bricks. All electronic items (excluding the Power Functions battery box) are not present in the model. The battery box is placed outside of the baseplate because in the real model, it sits in a shell of bricks, with no actual connections.
Hogwarts Mafia: The End
Wow, the entire game was much more complicated than I thought! And wow, it must have been interesting to be the Master, WhiteFang, with your gigantic list of inherited items! I was thinking that the Basilisk's fang had to have something to do with an alternate way of winning, but when I brought it up twice about the possibility of Horcruxes being involved, everyone just ignored me. You're lucky that I happened to protect you the day WhiteFang cast the Killing Curse on you! But if you did get everyone to vote off WhiteFang, there could've been a chance for us to win as his Grimoire might have been revealed as he became convicted, which would have allowed me to destroy it with the Basilisk's Fang!
Hogwarts Mafia: The End
Wow, what an ending! I have to say, the Death's Hallowed really fooled me with all they did - especially voting against their own members! Congratulations to WhiteFang, Shadows, Inky, and Lord Arjay! I was especially impressed with how well you were playing the game, Lord Arjay - you would make a fine addition to any future mafia game! Here's a quick list of how I used my night actions: Day 1 - cast Protego on Sheila Bones/Matn Day 2 - cast Protego on Eloquence Malleus/Shadows Day 3 - cast Protego on Tea Ching/iamded Day 4 - used Felix Felicis on Jolie Jadis/Lord Arjay, conspicuously Day 5 - cast Protego on Brigelda Hearth/WhiteFang Day 6 - cast Protego on Jolie Jadis/Lord Arjay Day 7 - cast Protego on myself Day 8 - cast Protego on Jolie Jadis/Lord Arjay (no effect as she disappeared during the night) Oh, and my role PM:
Hogwarts Mafia: Hog's Head
Aww, I hadn't expected to get voted out when I was gone. Oh well, it was fun - thanks for giving me a chance to play, Sandy! I think I'll stick to spectating these games instead of playing in them, though.
Hogwarts Mafia: Day Nine
If you vote me off today, it could spell the doom of you tomorrow. It would mean a loss of three innocents, so tomorrow could be the day the Hallowed take over. Hold on, I hadn't responded to this because I thought you were referring to the night of Day 3 - there were no killings that night either.It looks like I have no other choice but to reveal my night actions before the votes start coming in (I have to go somewhere later on in real life). I was the one who had cast Protego on you. It's the only spell I've completely mastered, and the only other item I had in the beginning of this ordeal was that bottle of Felix Felicis I gave to you.
Hogwarts Mafia: Day Nine
I assure you, the first statement is the reason why I contacted you, Professor Ching. I hadn't even thought about the other two derivations while asking. And about the third there even a spell like that that would work on ghosts? Does your foe glass only show people who want to harm you? I'm confused as to what it actually does because you said this two days ago: Rhubarb was innocent, but Crudo was not. Did you use your foe glass to find out that they both targeted you on the night of Day 6?
Hogwarts Mafia: Day Nine
(I'm having personal problems pertaining to my internet bandwith, so I haven't been able to completely read the opening post due to the pictures, and I might have skimmed through what everyone was saying too quickly. Please excuse me if I make any mistakes...) To clarify on the potion, the reason I gave it to you was because I thought Nene was a Hallowed due to her behavior, but when it was revealed that she was an impartial and that you had her voted out for your own purposes, but now you've really proven yourself by performing a hat trick in terms of removing three of the Death's Hallowed!As for the fact that I have not voted out a Hallowed yet, I was only available on the day that Sheila was voted out. My predicament is, for example, similar to one that a Muggle would have while playing one of their 'online Mafia games' on their 'computers'. If they couldn't use their computer for two days, and two 'Mafia' members were voted out, would it mean that the Muggle was also a Mafia member? I don't see how Crudo attempting to raise suspicion of me shows that I could be a Hallowed. Since Crudo is a Hallowed himself, why would he try to raise suspicion of another one of his own? If he was innocent, it would make sense, but even if he was, he could have just told everyone that he was suspicious of me and what he knew. I don't think I've even spoken directly to him yet since this ordeal started.I've also made an arragement with a fellow Hogwarts member Professor Ching, which should prove my innocence by tomorrow if everything goes through. Never mind, Professor Ching has revealed that I spoke to her yesterday. Feel free to talk to me in private later, Jolie - I've got nothing to hide. ----- And I'm having suspicions that Horcruxes could be involved, based on what Jolie was told in private. Didn't 'Bulltoad' have a basilisk's fang in his possession, one of the few items that could destroy a Horcrux? Finally, may Professor Longbottom and Prion rest in peace. (Oh, please ignore the first quote in my post. I must have pasted it again by accident.)
Hogwarts Mafia: Hog's Head
I apologize for missing Day 8. I'm just not used playing an online mafia game, and I keep forgetting to go on Eurobricks every day.
Hogwarts Mafia: Hog's Head
I hadn't expected day seven to go by so quickly! Currently I'm still on vacation, and I only managed to find time to get on my dad's laptop today. I'll be sure to get on at least once per day from now on. Oh, and that's a funny conclusion for day 7!
10214: Tower Bridge
Ah, so Jamie is behind the gigantic amounts of tan cheese! I should have known. But wow, 556! This set has got to be the one the uses the most of a specific piece in a single color!
[KEY TOPIC] Official LEGO Sets made in LDD
Thanks! I'll fix the plate problem (and the rear view mirror - I'm nitpicky too when it comes to things like that so it's fine ) after I get back from my week-long trip to San Diego (and that means a day at LEGOLAND!) I'm about two-thirds of the way done with building the Midi-scale Imperial Star Destroyer in LDD, but I won't be able to finish it until I get back. Hopefully no one's going to have created their own version by the time I do get back.
[KEY TOPIC] Official LEGO Sets made in LDD
Many thanks to both of you! I've already updated the Emerald Night and Space Police Central LXF files with the correct tan colors (the color select tool proves very useful for these mistakes!) and I'm in the process of updating the post for the Volkswagen Beetle. Interestingly, I used the correct color for the LXF file for Echo Base; I don't know why I suddenly switched to the 'cool yellow' color instead. The topic looks very useful! Thanks Aanchir for linking to it and thanks Superkalle for making it. I'll definitely use it later on if I'm unsure about which color is which.
10214: Tower Bridge
Does anyone else think that the middle is a bit weak? It's only supported by a baseplate on the bottom and two 4-wide bridges on the top. But other than that, it's a remarkable set! My favorite bit has to be the cute mini cars, and - not to mention - the huge amounts of tan, especially the cheese!
[KEY TOPIC] Official LEGO Sets made in LDD
Here's a screenshot of the parts (please note that I used the hide tool to hide a 1 x 8 black brick because it covers the yellow 1 x 1 plate from view): The green plate is the 'angled' one I was talking about. If you used a 1 x 3 brick instead of the three colored parts shown above (red 1 x 2 brick, blue cheese slope, yellow 1 x 1 plate), the angled plate wouldn't be able to be at an angle because it would collide with the 1 x 3 brick. I've tried moving the piece you mentioned above, but nothing happened. Are you sure that the piece can actually be moved? Cadder mentioned having the same problem as me. Ah, good to know. I'll remove the words in the parentheses later on. I'm still not sure which color is tan - this is what it looks like when I hover over the yellow swatch on my computer: prateek said that "Brick Yellow is the tan colour you see either to the right of, or under the regular yellow colour." The color I've highlighted (it's the top left color of the yellow color grouping) is right under and to the right of yellow, and that's the one I've been using. Is the real tan on the bottom left of the yellow color grouping? I know that the 1 x 2 bricks without center pin is usually for transparent colors; I was tired when building some parts of the model, so that was probably why I used the wrong type of 1 x 2 brick. I've already replaced all 14, and I'll have the LXF file and post updated as soon as I find out which color is tan...Thanks for pointing out those mistakes, Superkalle!
Hogwarts Mafia: Hog's Head
Sandy, I'm going to be gone for a whole week, starting Saturday. My uncle said that he has a very slow Internet connection, so I don't know if I'll be able to get on Eurobricks from August 7 to August 15. I'll try my best, though! I really wish that I could be more active in the game, as it's starting to get even more interesting than it was before (not that it ever was boring), but my family has had this trip planned since June. I hadn't expected the game to go on through the end of July!
[KEY TOPIC] Official LEGO Sets made in LDD
Thanks! I've changed the LXF file so that the 2 x 4 x 2/3 slopes are used instead, and I added a new picture. I'm terribly sorry, Cadder, but I had built the Volkswagen Beetle about a week ago and forgot to post it here - it'll be edited in this post within a half hour. Feel free to create it in LDD and post your own version, though!------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT (August 5, 2010): The LXF file has been updated with the correct tan color. EDIT (August 25, 2010): The LXF file has been updated with the correct bricks in the hood of the car. 10187 Volkswagen Beetle (BrickLink - Brickset) LXF file Notes: There is supposed to be a red rubber band on the two 'wheels' of the back engine, but since rubber bands can't flex in LDD, I left it out. A smaller piece (a wheel cover) was used for the steering wheel (instead of the Technic steering pulley in the set) because the one found in the model does not exist in LDD. The real set has 11L strings with end studs attached to two headlight bricks on the ceiling of the car (to act as celiing handles for passengers to hold on), but since you can't bend string, I left them out. Inside the hood, I replaced two black 1 x 3 bricks with a 1 x 2 brick, a 1 x 1 plate, and one cheese slope because an angled plate inside the hood would not fit with the 1 x 3 bricks in place. (Scroll down to post #510 for a screenshot) Fixed! I had to remove one yellow Technic half bush from each car axle because they wouldn't fit in due to tiny inaccuracies in the LDD brick dimensions. For the two assemblies in which each of the large, trans-clear front headlights are attached to, I had to use three 1 x 1 round plates instead of a 1 x 1 round brick because the 1 x 1 round brick wouldn't fit inside a 1 x 1 Technic brick's hole. The spare wheel that is supposed to be in the hood of the car is outside instead because there's nothing to attach it to in the hood - in the real model, it just sits inside. The display card and spare wheel (which are included in the real set) are not shown in the screenshot, but they are included in the LXF file.
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