Everything posted by ILikePi
- Which set should I buy?
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Were they at normal price? If so, I'll have to check mine out soon!
This is brilliant! The brick-built droid looks very cool (I love the use of a droid torso for the neck!), and the STAP is nice and sleek! Did you ever think of also making a tactical droid? The body looks like it would work quite well. By the way, what does all of the Aurebesh on the pictures say? I don't want to look it all up.
BrickArms Combat 2010
Will's made some really cool products this wave! I especially like the spy carbine and sawed-off shotgun. Thanks for the information, badger!
[KEY TOPIC] LDD 3 bugs and brick errors
I'm about three-fourths done with a LDD version of 8214 Lamborghini Polizia, but a section of the front won't attach on! I've tried moving the hinges ever so slightly, but they won't fit without removing some other parts. Can anyone help? The instruction page: The LDD model (click to download the model): The blue outlined part is where I need the unattached piece to go onto. If someone can fix it, please post a file of it on here so I can finish the model. Thanks!
10155 Maersk Line Container Ship
I don't like how this is basically a complete rerelease of an old set design, but still, it's is a very cool set. Tons and tons of Maersk blue (), and a nice ship to boot. I'd love to get this, but there's way too many other sets for 2010! Hopefully this will drive down the inordinate prices on BrickLink!
City 2010
Wow, I wasn't expecting an alternate version of the LEGO Truck! This TRU Truck definitely looks much cooler than the normal one, and will definitely be a collector's item in the future. Is this the first set to have TRU's logos on it? But since this is a TRU exclusive, Americans can expect the set to be at least $10 more than the LEGO Truck. I guess I'll get this at the LEGO Store then...
D2C Designers requesting feedback for 2012 models
It's great to see more surveys so that we can connect with TLG and so that the community can get what we actually want! Here's my input: No, I personally buy these types of sets because of their overall look and with the intention to keep the models built. I buy the sets from individual appeal; I only purchase the sets that look very appealing, and not just because it's a LEGO Direct set. I would love to see Mount Rushmore and the White House (a version larger than the Architecture one and with minifigures). I have more ideas, but I don't remember them as of this time. I would love to see models like Cloud City (Star Wars), Echo Base (Star Wars), a post office (City), a bank (City), amusement park (City), zoo (City), an accurate LEGO Store (City), a hospital (City) and a scale model of a family home (City). There may be other items I would like to see, but I can't recall them right now... I think it's awesome how a company like TLG actually wants to get feedback for future models and preferences from its true fans!
Racers 2010
It's on S@H now for 60 USD / 80 CAD. The American price isn't that bad, especially since there's 800 pieces to the set!
Racers 2010
Wow, the Polizia is an awesome set! I just finished looking through the instructions, and it's full of neat details all around! I particularly like the refrigerator box in the front hood. The stickers also add a whole bunch to the set! It looks like the designers really went for accuracy, too! There's a hand-held stop sign on the right-hand door, lots of recording equipment behind the seats, as well as the box in the front. This is the first Racers set that I want very badly - it's just so cool! Thanks for the hi-res pictures, grogall! (You can download the instructions here: part 1 - part 2)
Review: 7597 Western Train Chase
Thanks for the comprehensive review, def! I personally love all of the minifigs - especially Rex, Hamm and Bullseye, as you stated in your review - but I do agree with ZO6 in that I prefer standard minifigs more than these. One thing I find odd is that the dirty Jessie in Garbage Truck Getaway comes with a back print while this one hasn't been updated. The set seems a bit overpriced (even more so in other countries) for what you get. It would've been nice to get more features than just removable roofs and a trap door for the flagship set of Toy Story, and to get some interiors in the three train cars. It's still appealing though, with all of the printed parts and interesting color schemes. I recall someone posting in the Toy Story discussion thread that Andy called Hamm the Evil Doctor Porkchop (not sure if it's 'porkchop' or 'porkchops'; a TV ad I saw a while ago and BrickLink both say 'porkchop', but the LEGO Shop says 'porkchops') while playing with his toys in Toy Story 2.
Jason, who's one of the producers of the show, has a Eurobricks account. I love their show, and have been watching it ever since they started; they've really improved over the months! I do agree that they mess up at times, like in their review of Count Dooku's Solar Sailer, where they placed the MagnaGuard arms backwards and with no hands, but it's still an enjoyable show. I personally like it when Jason reviews the sets, mostly because of the background noise in all of Stephen's reviews (and Jason's reviews are always done in brighter light), but they're all enjoyable still.
Lego Games 2010
I see tons of printed parts and pieces in new colors! For Orient Bazaar, those perfume pieces look useful, as well as the trans-orange jewels (much better than the trans-neon orange ones)! Meteor Strike doesn't seem that interesting, but I do like those 2 x 2 tiles with classic space logos and a red/blue border. The Technic skeleton of the set looks pretty ugly though with all those different colors. Atlantis Treasure comes with tons of dark blue plates and printed tiles - plus, there's some 2 x 2 jumper plates in blue! I'm definitely going to have to get Hogwarts Challenge! There's 9 microfigs, five of which are main characters, and it's a Harry Potter board game! I've loved the LEGO Games sets ever since they came out, so I'm definitely excited about these! I haven't even purchased a single set from the series yet, though. Thanks, The Cobra and whung! I'm eager to find out how each game is played.
MOC: Elladora's Sweetshop
You've made another jaw-dropping MOC, Jasper! It's truly a sight to behold. I love every part of it, especially the beautiful sweet shop interior (tons of stuff packed into there without a overwhelming feel)! Neat floor patterns and furniture, too! I'll be eagerly awaiting your next fantastic creation! P.S. I would recommend getting a Flickr account. It gives you a chance of getting blogged at TBB for all of your amazing creations, and you'll get loads of comments on your individual photos as well as getting comments here!
Dastan's Adventure in Nizam's Palace
What a stunning MOC! :oh: You really packed tons of detail into it, and I love how you made it seem like a video game! No wonder why you won first place. Thanks for taking your time to provide us with this interesting look into your MOC, and enjoy your free Battle of Alamut!
Action Regulator?
Congratulations Peppermint! I bet you'll do well in your new position (and it's about time we got a moderator/regulator in the Action Themes forum )! I recall PMing her about her promotion about 4 hours ago (according to the time stamp on your post).
Battle of Endor
What a cool MOC! The AT-ST is great (can it fit any minifigs inside?), and the foliage looks very natural! Neat border surrounding the perimeter of the MOC, too. I see you are the creator of the stunning UCS Millennium Falcon interior. I love your work!
PoP Contest - Voting Thread - Category 3
Boy, this was a tough vote! There were lots of varieties of market stalls, and it was difficult to narrow my choices down to 3. This is who I'm voting for: 1 point to pedro's Dhurban Indoor Bazaar 1 point to Inconspicuous' Al's One-Stop Convenience Stall 1 point to LegoLyon's Dr. Acbar's Travelling Medicine Stall Good luck to all who entered!
PoP Contest - Voting Thread - Category 2
It was much easier to choose which entries to vote for in this category than in the first one. My votes go to: 2 points to pedro's Karaban ~ The Sand-cloud City 1 point to Bricknave's Scorpion Sweeper Good luck everyone!
I See You...
Ha, nice one - it looks really accurate at this scale! Any chance of a back view? If you're thinking of making more Portal MOCs, I would love to see a turret in its "searching" mode or a companion cube (you could try using cheese to make the hearts).
What did you buy today?
I bought Echo Base for $15 USD (normally $25) at Target today. I waited a whole year for it to go on sale at a price like this! I've built everything up to the trench so far. The tauntaun looks much cooler in person (plus it comes with a birthmark in the form of a 5 number/letter code on the back of its left foot ). For some reason my tauntaun's right arm makes squeaky noises when moved around (see a video here). I love the design of the E-Web! The battery pack and wire is only 5 parts, but it really completes the gun. One of my fleshie smiley faces came a bit misprinted, but I love misprints as you basically get it for free once TLG sends you a replacement
PoP Contest - Voting Thread - Category 1
Wow, this voting is tough! There are about 10 outstanding entries that I want to vote for, and it's extremely hard to narrow it down to three. In the end, I chose: 1 point to Inconspicuous' Skull Palace Escape - I love the play features! Looks like you went all out on incorporating them! 1 point to pedro's Dhurban Chariot Race - Lovely color schemeon the horses and chariots, and I'd definitely buy it if it were an official set! 1 point to Oky Wan Kenobi's Nizam's Warship - You really were close to the deadline! Good thing you entered, as your MOC is stunning! Very cool interior, and tons of play features to boot! I narrowed down my list by looking at the descriptions of the MOCs and the practicality of the MOCs as an actual LEGO set - it really helped take off a whole bunch of entries from my list. Wonderful entries, everyone! It took me at least half an hour to decide who to vote for!
LEGO Prince of Persia MOC Scorpion Fort
It's so overwhelming to see all that nougat and dark tan together like that! I love everything about your MOC, Svelte! The dark tan rock formations look like BURPs from far away (and that's a good thing IMO), the 1 x 4 nougat washing machine rows make surprisingly good wall details, and, most of all, the hidden inner room is gorgeous with the various shades of blue and white! And there's those plants again - you can't get enough of them!
Big Cam is turning 28
Happy birthday Big Cam! Interestingly, I'm having a birthday party tomorrow; I guess I was subliminally planning it for you instead the whole time... Keep up the excellent reviews!
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Thanks for the barcodes, petero! I wasn't expecting someone to make them until June! Thanks for the info! Looks like at least $64 of my annual budget is going to go to getting the minifigs. The weights seem to be just one piece (and a heavy one at that; the minifig's sweating from carrying it!) and it looks like the witch is bent like that because it's a computer graphic instead of real plastic. I'm really glad that there's tons of printing on these minifigs! I see the start of inner side leg printing on the Spartan, arm printing on the mime (hopefully it'll appear on regular minifigs someday!), and a whole bunch of printed accessories, like the sombrero, surfboard, and Hoplite helmet! It does look like some prints need fixing, though, most notably the singer's torso. There's a whole bunch of blank space to the left and right of the printing!
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