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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by ILikePi

  1. ILikePi replied to def's post in a topic in Community
    Hilarious comic, def! You really have an artistic skill; I especially love the drawings of the sets. They're easily recognizable! What do you use to make these comics? Looks like Japan got the summer Star Wars sets early
  2. ILikePi posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    This is the final one of my four MOCs I'll be posting to celebrate my birthday. Enjoy! This MOC was built completely from part one of the Battle of Endor, which includes the minifigs, speederbikes, and catapult. I like making alternative model MOCs because I don't like separating the parts from sets I like and because I like the challenge of limited parts. Time for the pics! Here's the Ewok cannon by itself. It's slightly modeled after the Imperial E-web cannon: You can find the other MOCs here and here. Thanks for reading!
  3. ILikePi replied to mutley777's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    These are the second and third of my four MOCs I'll be posting to celebrate my birthday. Enjoy! I've got two alternative models to present to everyone today. The first is an alternative model of the Assassin Droids Battle Pack speeder. I got the inspiration from someone's MOC I saw long ago before making it, although I can't remember the author was: I put in a mini scout robot, which attaches to the stand: The second is a alternative model of the speederbike from the Snowtrooper Battle Pack (finally got it done Oky Wan! ): Plus a picture of the three Star Wars MOCs altogether (with a sneak preview of the final MOC until I create a topic for it): You can find the other MOCs here and here. Comments welcome!
  4. ILikePi posted a post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    This is the first of my four MOCs I'll be posting to celebrate my birthday. Enjoy! This MOC started out as a challenge to myself to try to find a way to use the specalized minifig parts in Lotso's Dump Truck and Woody and Buzz to the Rescue on other minifigs. I added the two messed up cars to just add a bit more (I've made them to look like that on purpose). The spotlight is intended to be on the minifigs. I don't have that much time to add any more descriptions (click the minifig pics to see the names of the morphed minifigs), so without further ado... You can find the other MOCs here and here. Thanks for looking!
  5. ILikePi replied to brickme's post in a topic in Community
    Thanks everyone! I've had quite a good birthday so far; At least 100 students at school said/sang happy birthday to me, I got a card in my math class, I did well on a math quiz and a booklegger English presentation, got $1 from a friend (he had it lying around in his pocket ), got free candy from two teachers, and probably some other stuff I forgot about. I also got Lotso's Dump Truck, 30040 Octopus, and $50 from my favorite aunt and uncle earlier in the week, as well as having dinner at a restaurant called Red Lobster on Sunday. I'm also going to have a birthday party on Saturday! I'm also waiting for the collectible minifigs to be released so I can get all sixteen. I'm going to post about four MOCs today, too, so stay tuned (three alternate model Star Wars MOC, and a Toy Story one)! I'll make another post in this topic of all my loot after my birthday party. EDIT: MOC 1 - MOC 2 & 3 - MOC 4
  6. I don't think so; expect it to be $40-$50 USD, most likely $50. TLG wouldn't price a set with Cad Bane and the other two exclusive minifigs in a set so cheap. This isn't the place to be discussing prices though.EDIT: Ah, didn't notice Oky Wan's post; sorry!
  7. You just keep on bringing us more and more pictures, grogall! Thanks so much for all your efforts! I'm really excited about this series as much as the first; I'll have to get them all, too! I'm just hoping that TLG doesn't decide to make a series 3 right after this, because then I'll be broke. So many cool accessories! I especially like the metallic gold minifig trophy and the red floaty thing.
  8. I just remembered about my V-19 Torrent mini set today; I bought it a year ago, but I thought that it would be interesting to post here: All three 1 x 1 white bricks formed cracks about a week after being built! A bad batch perhaps? (I did request for replacements right after I noticed it and received them in less than a week) My Temple of the Crystal Skull set has some inconsistent colors on 1 x 8 bricks, too. I'll post a pic as soon as I have enough time to do so...
  9. Wow, Cad Bane's Speeder looks much better than I expected! Very cool aerodynamic shape, and Captain Jayfon looks awesome! I also like how Shahan Alama has two different colored arms. Thanks for the pic!
  10. That was a hilarious themed month game, Shadows! <insert subject forum name here> would be proud of your huge success (in fact, it's hard to overstate my satsisfaction)! Portal references for the win! Would you like some to celebrate? Oh wait, it's a lie! Have some raw sewage containers vital testing apparatus pie instead.
  11. Thanks for the notification of this set, bxheist! I'm a huge collector of polybagged promo sets in the 30000s range, and I had to have this one when I first saw it. It was near the check-out stands, in the bottom right of the shelf holding the non-candy items; there were about 10 or so at each check-out stand, so maybe 100+ of them per Target. No need to hurry! Also, Club Code REG10 stands for "regular 2010", not "Regal Theatres", as some people had thought for the army man polybag in the Toy Story discussion thread. Hooray! EDIT: A couple of pics of my own copy of the set:
  12. I bought 30040 Octopus at Target today, and I can confirm that the Club Code REG10 stands for "regular 2010", not Regal Theatres. That means that we'll be seeing the army man poly bag set near the check-out stands sooner or later.
  13. I was browsing the Target coupons site today, and found a coupon for $3 off LEGO. I printed it out to see what it was; there were the three sets on sale, all normally $20: 7239 Fire Truck 7570 Ostrich Race 7789 Lotso's Dump Truck Not much off, but the sets might also have reduced prices at the store, similar to the Woody and Buzz to the Rescue coupon a while back. I don't recommend getting Lotso's Dump Truck though, since Walmart has it at an everyday price of only $14.37. Click here, then click the toys category on the left to find the printable coupon. It expires June 13, 2010, so no need to rush to your store. Enjoy!
  14. Wow! TLG has adapted Harry Potter to fit in with other modern sets quite well! I love every single set! I don't think I'll be able to get Hogwarts Castle and Hogwarts Express, but I'll definitely get the other four sets. I'm just so happy that I have another chance at getting Harry Potter sets, because I missed out on all the other ones that were released before. And it does look like the pictures are very preliminary still; the owls on Hagrid's Hut aren't printed, Ron has different hair in Hagrid's Hut, and Draco's face in Hogwarts Express is Ron's. I think those have already been pointed out, though. Dobby's Release - Since it's the cheapest set in the line, I'm obviously going to get this. It also comes with two exclusive minifigs! Quidditch Lesson/Quidditch Practice - Nice uniforms, tons of capes, and five minifigs, all of which are exclusive in their Quidditch uniforms! Hagrid's Hut - I love this set! Lots of animals (two owls, one rat, Norbert the dragon, Aragog the spider, and three mini spiders), an interior filled with accessories, a light brick in the fireplace, a patch of printed pumpkins and mushrooms, and the main characters and Hagrid! What more could you want? The Burrow - Cool asymmetrical design! It seems like the tower part should be tilted at an angle a bit, but other than that, I love it! The kitchen is one of the first fully furnished ones in a while, and you get dark red roof slopes and some PoP nougat bricks! Also, each and every one of the six minifigs are stunning, especially Bellatrix and Fenrir! The only thing I don't like about this set is that it's the Half-Blood Prince scene that doesn't appear in the book (making a ring of fire around the Burrow). However, I don't mind since if it wasn't that scene, we wouldn't have gotten Bellatrix and Fenrir! Hogwarts Express - Not many innovative techinques used in here, but I still like the set. Some very cool minifigs (Ron's sweater looks great!), various accessories (chocolate frog! ), and the Ford Anglia with all of its medium blue bricks. The passenger cab seems a bit bland, though. Hogwarts Castle - Wow! Some very cool architecture (I especially like the part with three cones sticking out of the roof top), and so many minifigs! We finally get Argus Filch and Mrs. Norris, and Filius Flitwick (his head print is hilarious ), along with revamped versions of many other minifigs (McGonagall for the first time in flesh)! The only thing I don't like is Snape's new face (I loved his old one). Really can't wait for a review on this set! I'm really excited about these sets and the return of Harry Potter, even if it's only one wave! My only complaint is the abundance of stickers. There are some printed parts (like magazines, newspapers, and owls), but intricately printed parts was one of the qualities that made LEGO Harry Potter so cool!
  15. Thanks for the mini review VBBN! Still waiting on mine to arrive; for some reason TLG decided to end my subscription a year early, so I had to resubscribe. If it doesn't arrive before the end of May, I'm just going to send a usual e-mail to LEGO Customer Service. They always send me a magazine whenever I tell them I didn't receive one. You should try doing the same, prateek.
  16. ILikePi replied to Sir Dillon's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Since the City Advent Calendar is really disappointing with only 6 minifigs (lots of cool mini versions of real sets, though), I'm definitely going to get this one instead! Nine stunning minifigs, tons of armor and weapons, and even some well-known fantasy stuff, like Excalibur (the sword in stone) and the queen holding a frog prince!
  17. I don't browse this section of the forum much, but I thought that I'd help with your efforts. My screen resolution is 1440 x 900, and I use Safari all the time (best internet browser IMO). (Please note that I haven't voted in the poll)
  18. Great article Brickster! It really covers all the things that AFOLs and TFOLs alike experience. I personally tend to wait around 3 months to half a year or more after a set comes out before purchasing it, mostly when a new wave is expected to arrive soon and sales start racking in. I did that with the Droid Tri-Fighter, which went on sale for $17, normally $25. I saved $8 that way just because I was patient. Today I found Lotso's Dump Truck at Walmart today for $14.37. It only came out two weeks ago, and is normally priced at $20. I bought it because I wanted the minifigs and knew that I was going to have "lotso" () fun with it. Also, I had been checking the values of the minifigs from that set on BrickLink prior to my purchase, and found out that the minifigs total to about $15 on BrickLink, so I knew that I could sell it in the future and get at least 100% of my money if I ever wanted to. In 2009, I bought many sets without waiting for them to go on sale. However, I've gotten smarter now, and usually I only buy the sets that I know I really want, and I buy almost only when there are sales. I'm still behind on buying some sets, like Echo Base, but I'm waiting for it to go on sale again before buying it because I missed out when it was on sale for $20 (normally $25) on Walmart.com a few weeks ago. I also agree that hunting for old sets is a fun experience, but I just don't have the time to commit to that. However, last year, I did find Temple of the Crystal Skull at Target for 50% off (MSRP $80)! That was only because I decided to price check the set on one of the scanners; the label on the box said it was $64, and I wouldn't have even thought of buying it at that price. Now I bring that set out to play with whenever a new episode of Mythbusters shows on Wednesday, so I definitely don't regret buying the set.
  19. ILikePi replied to ForceMaster's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I think you should just get the Lunar Limo. It comes with two of the three minifigs, is the cheapest set to come with two alien minifigs, and builds an awesome gangster limo with splotches of purple all around. If you really want Craniac, I would recommend BrickLinking him (and his trans-blue axe blade!) as buying the set just for him doesn't seem worth it to me.
  20. ILikePi replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    Today I went to Walmart, looking for 50% off sales mentioned on FBTB and BrickLink. Unfortunately I couldn't find any (I did try price scanning "lotso" sets ), but my trip was not in vain as I did find Lotso's Dump Truck at an everyday low price of $14.37 - MSRP 20 USD. I bought it as an early birthday present (thanks Oky Wan for the compelling review!) Aww, that's very sweet of her! What were the other two sets, by the way?
  21. Happy birthday, Shadows! Would you like a shadow cake to go with your 193 birthday candle shadows? The missing slice represents the big fat hole in your heart
  22. ILikePi replied to Siegfried's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Hilarious concept, Siegfried! Tamina won't be happy when she discovers exactly how honest 'Honest' Nirmal is Judging from your first pic, it looks like Ackbar was tricked into buying Bullseye. Boy, he'll be disappointed when he discovers that he bought a toy donkey...
  23. ILikePi replied to ForceMaster's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Thanks for the links lisqr! I hadn't examined the pictures from the New York Toy Fair in detail, and the sets look much better than I thought! It's great that the Space Police base gets baseplates! I wasn't expecting that, and the overall design of the set is just fantastic! Tons of cool stuff, like the black cow catchers on the satellite, the laser-guarded fences, the two mini bikes and, of course, the trans-light blue axe on the pistol! I just love trans-light blue The Lunar Limo looks sleek! The splashes of purple all around aren't overpowering, and it really looks like a gangster limo. The Undercover Cruiser seems like it's worth $30 USD - it's quite large for its price, and comes with an undercover mode feature! However, I was hoping that TLG would've kept the trans-light blue windshield. I don't mind it that much though, as it does exist in another set (albeit an airline exclusive one). The gangster vehicle looks neat! I like the large blasters at the front, and the overall look of it is much better than many of the other alien vehicles in the SPIII line. I want all of the sets now (), but I'll only end up buying either the cruiser or the limo because of all the other amazing sets coming out this summer.
  24. ILikePi replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    TLG released a 2 minute mini movie on YouTube today which features all five sets and sets the story line of Prince of Persia:
  25. Wow, season 2 went by pretty quick! I can just barely remember the episodes in the middle. I'm hoping that Cad Bane makes a larger appearance in the season 3. In season 2, he was only in the first couple of episodes, but he was on every single printed advertisement I saw! I also hope that Embo and Sugi reappear; if a couple of episodes for Cad Bane isn't enough, one episode for them surely isn't either!
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