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Satellite Jack

Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. I don't think I want to see the Republic Commandos anymore, because the way this season has been going they'll probably be killed off
  2. My bad, I'm US. Does anyone have any good tips for Escalation? I've tried a lot of different things but always seem to go down around level 7 or 8. EDIT: VBBN, you don't want to fight Trypticon. Compared to the awesome Omega Supreme battle, Trypticon is annoying at best with an unsatisfying ending.
  3. The most epic part of the Campaign had to be the Omega Supreme Decepticon levels. Driving around the city with Omega Supreme popping up suddenly trying to kill you. I'm currently rocking the multiplayer as a Leader. If anyone wants to play my PSN is AsianBatman7. I don't have a mic, but from my experience the mics don't work very well in this game anyway. Still a great game
  4. I actually like the look of the ELs, save the Jungle one
  5. I was thinking of getting it. However, I'm torn between FFXIII and God of War III. GoW3 seems more epic, really blows me away. But from what I hear it's a short game with little replay value. Then there's FFXIII, which is longer but seems like an average game.
  6. Because then less people will know them
  7. Well we all know by now that the scale in these pics will never be right The scale of the latest MN saga seemed reasonable enough to me, at least compared to... other things :)
  8. That lightsaber..... And the Deathwatch better end up killing the Duchess, then Obi-Wan starts clockin them, then maybe one of them gets away
  9. Biotoakid: On to Hero Factory though. Well, some of the pieces look like they could be interesting. However, the sets as wholes look... like hot garbage. Dulled down Mega bloks- inspired remnants of the Bionicle empire that used to be. EDIT: For the record, I don't want the above to read like I'm imposing my opinion on my fellow members. It is simply that, my opinion
  10. Metroid Prime Trilogy Super Smash Bros. Brawl Sonic Unleashed (Only fun with a GC controller ) The Conduit De Blob (Once you beat it, it gets old) Sonic and the Black Knight (Not too great, but alright) I can't think of any other good games... I've already moved on to PS3
  11. Haha I never thought of it like that! I personally liked the chapter. Probably because I imagine it going on in my head as I read it... 'tis very epic btw what happened to Vezon? There's so much going on all the time...
  12. I agree, and on the same note, he did a good job of justifying why Matau stayed good. But not that Bionicle's coming to a close, what are you guys' favorite years? I really liked 2006
  13. Or for more DLC I still haven't had a chance to pick it up. I'll just have to wait for Christmas
  14. Actually, there were a lot of things cut out of the story of the Krome-made versions. If I hadn't spoiled myself with the story before the game came out, I never would've known some stuff... like his name. That was the biggest : when I played the whole game on the Wii and realized, that kid never figured out his name did he? But I honestly don't think they're going to change the baseball bat lightsabers. I don't know a thing about making video games, but having every enemy get chopped up? Seems a little hard to me. Then, from a gamers standpoint, if every enemy gets cut to pieces, the game would be to easy
  15. I was thinking that it could be a true continuation. Maybe he wasn't really dead and then went into hiding or something like that? Or maybe it's a clone of him Regardless, I still need to play Sith Edition
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