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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Huntleyfx

  1. Huntleyfx replied to mutley777's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I agree, it has been a while since we have had a brown STAP, and I am glad it has come back (I'm not a huge CW fan, so the brown of Episode 1 works for me)
  2. Huntleyfx replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thank you. I can now show my allegiance all over the forums.
  3. Huntleyfx replied to Davor's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Some great desert buildings there! I feel like a few more sandtroopers might really make the scene (and maybe Luke's landspeeder? )
  4. Nice review, although I would add that with the back engines, since they are a little fragile, the model isn't very swooshable. I know, a small point, but isn't swooshability what makes minis fun?
  5. The headpiece might be the same, but I don't think LEGO will miss an opportunity to release a new SW minifig.
  6. Thanks for the review. I'm not usually a fan of the minis, but it looks pretty good to me.
  7. Oh my...I hope those prices are the UK equivalent of the TRU tax. Otherwise, this might be a very expensive year.
  8. I think I will definitely pick up this, it even makes a great addition to my old-school Ninjas.
  9. Great idea for the field, and I ike the interation of Brickarms, especially the new hat, into the scene. I am looking forward to seeing more.
  10. Did LEGO do an exclusive mold for the mask, just for a polybag? If so, I am rather impressed.
  11. The scene is great, and the dojo is amazing. How did you do/ what part is that sparring mask on the right? (Not being a student of Eastern martial arts, the name escapes me at the moment.)
  12. Huntleyfx replied to Legorski's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    A great job so far, although I was looking forward to seeing athat siding system in place. The figures look great as well, although I agree, the CMF series was a boon to Western style construction.
  13. Huntleyfx replied to ______'s post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    An excellent ship, better than most that LEGO has released. Are all or the figures going to be issued their oars at one point?
  14. Huntleyfx replied to Diidy's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Great job on a scene. I actually didn't notice the wall was canted until I saw the additional pics. Great attention to detail!
  15. Huntleyfx replied to Stormbringer's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    The dragon is very impressive, and a great piece of work in its own right. However, the unsung hero is definitely the landscape. Great work builing an environment for a great creation.
  16. Huntleyfx replied to -GZ-'s post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I agree, the carriage is a nice piec of work. I also like headpiece from viewed from the front, it reminds me of a Russian fur cap. Nice work in all!
  17. 2 words, my good sirs, 2 words. Those are, of coarse, DWARF and TROLL. Fantasy wins, hands down for me.
  18. This is the one planet set I am seriously considering, and that is only for the minifig (I have a thing for Naboo security forces.) Still, I might just see how this affects Bricklink prices for the figure and go from there. Edit: I just checked, and it has already dropped the price $3.00.
  19. I can't quite tell with my monitor, but are the trans colored lightsaber blades purple or pink?
  20. I was tempted to get this for the TIE pilot Minifigure, but I think I shall pass after getting one in the Advent Calendar on clearance. I can't justify $10 for just a variation on a figure I already have.
  21. 93% for me, all that remains are a few Pirates II and Fantasy sets, and just boxes and boxes of loose bricks (PAB is extremely good when you just buy the boxes from the back. )
  22. Congratulations on a great funny, and on the new sandtroopers. Also, while the pun may be horrible, I had to smile at the "Chewy" Wookie steak. A great idea for the "little" stormtrooper though.
  23. Huntleyfx replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Agreed, I would definitely enjoy being branded as a SW geek. Please tag me.
  24. Are you sure about the AT-XT? It appears to be more of a starship, at least to my eyes. I agree it does not look like canon, but then again, that wouldn't be the first time LEGO tried to introduce a ship into the canon.
  25. If that promo pic is anything like what it will be, that will be quite epic. As for the gallery, you have to love the stormtroopers on the Tower Bridge.
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