Everything posted by Huntleyfx
Lego Printed Tiles
Just an idea, but possibly minifig scale billboards or posters?
What is everyone working on at the moment?
I am currently in the middle of accumulating the massive amount of Imperials I will need to do a system scale Imperial inspection, from Empire Strikes Back.
MOC: Crown Training Pell
Hmm, I might have to borrow these ideas for my castle's barracks. Great idea!
Endor and Hoth
The Venator is amazing. (Of course all of it is) Just curious, are those off the shelf AT-AT's?
lego fantasy MOC's
Its great to see some additional dwarfpunk pieces around. Too bad the dwarves are now over.
What My Friends Did While I Was Asleep
That is indeed awesome, although with that much BAWLS (Energy drink of champions and geeks alike) how did you ever get to sleep? Just curious, is that an IJ Last Crusade chalice in the one photo?
Indiana Jones: Castle Brunwald
I hate to repeat other people but, those trees are just awesome. If I delve into microscale territory, I know who to look at for ideas (which I will cite.)
Indiana Jones and the Helmet of the Twins
I read the title, looked over it once, and thought "oh, that's interesting" I then gave it a second look, and I love the concept.
101 uses for Army Men
Hmm, I'm liking the watermelons idea, perhaps you could use the monochrome figures as some sort of topiary in a formal garden setting?
Indy 4 Convoy: PIC HEAVY TOPIC
Nice work, it's cool to see a Russian convoy for a change.
MOC: Crown Volley Gun
Do you play Warhammer by chance? Long live the Empire!
Troll Cavalry Ideas?
Personally, I'm partial to the new(er) dark green crocodiles, they make excellent mounts, and when massed, (with chains) they make a good propulsion system for the Troll Warship.
- Evil Stevie's Pirate Game
Atlantis 8061 Gateway of the Squid - alternate build
I like it very much, especially the eyestalk. It gives the feeling that something is about to go desperately wrong. Nice work.
Kranxx and Ahsoka.... sitting in a tree
Interesting, although I agree the headpiece could be changed. Possibly a bandana or some other type of "tough" headgear.
Indiana Jones theme discussion & speculations
Looking over some of the prelim material for 2010, I haven't come across a single mention of Indiana Jones, which is unfortunate.
The time frame of Adventurers
Due to the design of the cars, I might move your decade shift back a few years, to the 1920's-1930s period. Although the villians are implied to be German (at least in the United States)
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
All I know is I am most certainly looking forward to the release of the updated Forestman. I'm seeing a large Bricklink order after the release in my future.
A follow up on my New Years moc
The second one is by far my favorite, it had me chucking for a good five minutes. Nice job.
Cottage of the Three Witches
Very nice indeed, I'm floored by the beautiful interior of the place.
2010 Retailer Catalog
I'm not sure about the new Kingdoms line, but I'll just have to wait and see until more pictures come out.
Battle Pack Alternatives
So many great designs, I'm looking forward to seeing what gets made with the new Hoth BP's.
Review: 3843 Ramses Pyramid
I saw the microfig mummies and immediately thought of the Pygmy mummies for The Mummy Returns. I might have to try to get my hands on the game.
REVIEW: 8085 Freeco Speeder
As an army builder, I can't really see myself getting this set. It is cool to see some cold weather Star Wars outside of The Empire Strikes Back though.
Doctor Who MOCs
The Daleks are absolutely beautiful, the cutest little engines of mass destruction and extermination I've seen.
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