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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Huntleyfx

  1. Huntleyfx replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Now that I have seem the actual torso heraldry, I am very pleased. The Crown is by far still one of my favorite designs, and it will be good to be able to build the army even more after several years.
  2. I am absolutely loving the Corsair ship, it is a true ship of a different type than the conventional square rigging. I also think it will go very well alongside the older Troll Warship.
  3. Huntleyfx replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I am honestly torn, since I army built extensively with the Crown armies. I am curious how similar the coloration will be with the Lion nights in this new theme, and if they might blend easily, coloration wise.
  4. I was thinking Gandalf's torso, paired with a dark bluish gray hood piece.
  5. I actually have to agree a little, it was the weakest of the Dark Knight Trilogy, but I wouldn't say mediocre. @PhillipJFry, I worked with the film blowing up the football stadium. I actually like the size of the Tumbler, it is about appropriate to scale for a person.
  6. Normally, I wouldn't buy this, but this is the first film I've worked on that now has a LEGO set from it, so I am probably looking at buying two, one to build, and one to box.
  7. Diagon Alley.
  8. Huntleyfx replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Just so I grasp it fully, we are collectively sure that the insignia will be a light blue, dark blue, and gold Lion faction, and a red and black Wolf faction?
  9. And now that we have confirmation, I am glad the funds are starting to be put away. I want that Orthac! Also, it will finally allow for a play for all of my Uruk-Hai and Mordor Orcs to congregate.
  10. Huntleyfx replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Don't forget that the CEO in 2001-2004 was still in the founding family. I think that has more to do with business practices and goals than anything else.
  11. Well, it looks like I should start putting money away now. 2013 might be my most expensive year for LEGO yet.
  12. Huntleyfx replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I am torn on the new sets, as I army built mostly with the Fantasy era, so while the colors are the same, the livery is different. I am withholding judgement fully until new pictures, with more details are up.
  13. Huntleyfx replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I realized that I do need to pick up multiples of the Cavalry set, as upon a recent re-watching of Return of the King, I realized that Theoden rides a white horse. I never thought the Lone Ranger would let me expand my LOTR.
  14. With there being an Eagle in the Black Gate, that means a Battle of the Five Armies is possible!
  15. Huntleyfx replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    HUZZAH! I could not have said it better myself.
  16. You mean, not everyone dreams of fielding massive armies of ABS troops to do battle?
  17. After seeing the pictures, I am impressed, and am looking forward to all of them. I am actually very accepting of the fact there will be only 4 sets, as my wallet is crying every so slightly after the first wave of LOTR and the Hobbit. Now that we have all of the essential characters for both films, I am glad to see them exploring other minor characters. While all of them are going to be bought, I have to agree the Black Gate is my probable favorite, with more orcs, and an Eagle, this might be a multiple purchase for me as the Uruk Hai Army was before it.
  18. Best? I think I need to go with Theoden, if only for the armor. Worst? So. Many. Options. The Mandalorians have to go here. It's like a worse version of the Clone Trooper head.
  19. The thing about this set is that I really want it for Nick Fury more than anything else. Then again, I have a thing for most movies with Samuel L. Jackson. The car looks great, and I am curious how it will look next to she S.H.I.E.L.D. Jeep.
  20. Huntleyfx replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I think I might skip out on buying the whole line, but I know I am getting multiples of the Cavalry, For a low price, 3 army building figures, the new horse and saddle, and a few palisade bricks? I'd be a fool not to get at least 2-3.
  21. It is a toss up for me in between the "Gungan style" and "Hutt Sex" for my favorite of the funnies.
  22. Another Endor Battlepack, and the Elite Clone Battlepack, both at 50% off for me.
  23. Is that a new print for Yoda as well?
  24. Thank you for the review. For some reason, I feel like this set is rather disjointed, rather like the LOTR Mines of Moria. Would it be horrible to have things as a cohesive whole?
  25. With the combination of orcs and dwarfs, this is a must buy set for me. I fear I will end up with little more than a forest if I end up getting the entire range.
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