Everything posted by Huntleyfx
Whiskey Rebellion Building Research
Thank you very much for adding the photos to the post. My interest in the Whiskey Rebellion stems from my area, as unfortunately, we did not have that many pirates in Western Pennsylvania. But my interest in pirates (part of my family is from North Carolina) led me to research my area during the time period more, which led to the Rebellion. I was looking at those buildings for reference so I could add a small plantation of the time period to my port, and eventually a small church. Thanks again!
Whiskey Rebellion Building Research
Indeed I have, and I found it quite informative. In case there were questions about the dates that I was talking about; I refer to the 1794 date because that was the time of the open rebellion. (I realize there were earlier events, including the various Tom the Tinker incidents, but I classify these more as acts of protest as opposed to rebellion; as in punishable, but not a treasonous offense.) Thank you for the redirect to additional information, and please feel free to do so again; even if one knows about a site, it never hurts to be reminded of it.
Fort Brighton East
Ouch... I should have seen that coming.
Fort Brighton East
The simple fact that you consider that a work in progress is amazing, I can't wait to see it finished. But I do have to ask, why are there clone troopers in a colonial fort?
Efford Port: an Imperial Harbor
Nice work, if it looks that good digitally, I can't wait to see it built. Do you have plans to do so?
Artist of the 2009 Pirate Set Comics - we've found his blog!
I always forget how much work it actually takes to get a LEGO set out there. Excellent find!
Help name my pirate!
Don't forget literature! I think every ship needs a first mate called Ishmael.
EB Community Castle Build: Discussion Thread
Will do. Buy the way, how do I know which team that I'm on?
Execute Island
Nice job, but I thought the Pirates would be on the same side as the Vikings, (seeing as both sides enjoy ransacking and pillaging.) I especially enjoyed the water, as well as the skull on top of the pole. It gives it a suitably primitive feel.
My napoleonic army
Have you ever seen The Nutcracker on stage? It kind of reminds me of The Rat King.
EB Community Castle Build: Discussion Thread
Thanks for the welcome, I think I would like to try my hand at the Adventurer's Guild first. And I am planning on entering the contest.
Upsetting LEGO death
"Only the good die young" My condolences, to his family and friends, but as was said earlier, at least he died happy.
Pop culture minifigs
LEGO and Pulp Fiction mashup, my life is now complete. I especially love the minifig version of Jules, my favorite so far.
EB Community Castle Build: Discussion Thread
I would love to join, please sign me up!
The History of: France
Would you consider doing the United States, or is the country too young to show the timelines and still have it fit in with the rest of the series?
The Community Castle Build Contest
Count me in as well! My forces have been needing a base to operate from.
The History of: France
Nice work, please continue the series. I especially enjoyed the guillotine (and the fact the yellows were beheading fleshies!) I look forward to seeing what comes next.
Help name my pirate!
My apologies, Capt. Kirk, living in the colonies; I have a nasty habit of assuming most pirates are from the U.K. (prior to it being the U.K.) That's just what operated off of our coast.
And Stay Out!
You say that like that's a bad thing.
Post apocalypse trucks
For some reason I relly like the lock boxes on the sides of the truck. Excellent vehicles, but in the first photo why would they leave their nice, safe armoured truck; when they can fight in safety. But, like I said before, nice work!
Ahoy! A cheap Brickbeard's Bounty!
Go for it, and quickly. One rarely regrets buying cheap LEGO.
Help name my pirate!
"Angry" Jack Williamson, a former Jack Tar who was drummed out of the service for striking a superior officer. He now has a policy of taking no prisoners.
Help name my pirate!
Can we see a photo? It might be helpful when naming him.
Odd things amidst your Lego
A Star Trek action figure. What makes it odd is I hate Star Trek, and as such, never bought any figures, so I have no idea how it got there.
EB Pirates News - Edition 1
That is a very impressive ship, I cannot wait until it is fitted out, ready for sail. How many masts will it have? I am also quite glad that you are on the right side of things. The way the English navy is shaping up around the forums, I think every other power will soon be swept from the Caribbean. Long Live King George!
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