Everything posted by Huntleyfx
Bat Vehicles
I think I also have to say that the Batwing is my favorite.
Batman Batcave Add-on for the Batwing
Considering that when I just glanced at it, I thought it was part of the set. Nice work on making it fit right in.
Discontinued and ongoing licensed themes?
I think the only two sets that I was really disappointed to see go were the Indiana Jones, and the POTC. Not so much for the Licensed aspect of the Pirates, but the fact that it was pirates at all.
I just chuckled at that for about a half hour. (I'm a theatre director by trade.)
Review: 30100 Friends Beach
I actually think I'm going to pick this up, as it will finally be an affordable way to get Andrea's hair for some Pirate MOC's. (I couldn't justify spending $10 for a hairpiece.) The other benefit is some great seaside accessories.
LOTR montage
That is actually a really good display idea, and with it you have made kind of a lackluster set (the Mines of Moria) look much more impressive.
Pretty much. The only other thing is that we are talking about a lot of the "history" plays constituting the known canon, it will probably go against LEGO's "no non-fantasy violence."
Future of new LEGO minifigure arm mould
I think this is just the second time that LEGO has produced a new arm mold, so I think, like the prosthetic arm, that this will be used a few times more (1-2) but that it will remain relatively scarce.
- Look what I just got - Report your latest Pirate LEGO acquisitions
Lego armies of arcana armies
Nice mixing of flesh into the Crown forces. For some reason, I find war gaming with LEGO a very appealing concept, and I'm glad to see other people doing it.
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
MOC: LEGO Colosseum
The small details, and even the concept of the past and present in one creation. Phenomenal.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
What date (time period) do you set your pirates in?
I mean, if we get extremely technical, you would have Redcoats with tricornes in the South Pacific Islands (Think Captain Cook) But that is splitting tremendous hairs at that point.
[MOC] Star Wars Death Star II wall/desk clock sculpture
That is a great design. Excellent work.
[Review] 9463 The Werewolf
An excellent review. I am on the fence about this, but the car detailing is great. I'll probably consider this after a few purchases are completed.
WIP Tree of life
You have a great start to the beginning of landscaping, just remember that LEGO is all about play. You are off to a great start.
Review: LotR 9469 Gandalf Arrives
The review is great, first of all. I think a lot of the mixed reaction to the set is that it is something new to the Licensing. At this price point before, we were looking at the Battle Packs of the Star Wars theme. In that case, we had 4 figures, and a small model. Now, we only have 2, and a horse. The actual army builder is at a higher price point. I think this switch is what is causing a lot of the negative reaction. I know for myself that this is the set to pick up from the Lord of The Rings series.
LotR with yellow heads/hands
Agreed. While I have an issue for a few of the head selections, it is nice to see which torsos will work, and which will not. Fortunately, it seems like the less expensive sets have torsos that will work.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
REVIEW 9497 - Republic Striker-class Starfighter
The design looks good, and while that droid has a lot of potential...I think I am going to skip on this set. If I had the spare money lying around, I would definitely pick it up though.
Lego Licensed Photography Thread
For some reason I completely forgot about Batman I. Thank you for that reminder.
Stark Workshop
That looks great! While I like all of the smaller details, for some reason my favorite is the Mark I armor.
LEGO Collectable Minifgures Series 8 Rumours & Discussion
The thing for me, as I'm primarily a history builder, (1500-1700) Series 7 has been the best series so far, as I was able to accumulate Aztecs, Mermen, and bagpipers. Prior to this, the best army builder for me was the Series 5 Royal Guard.
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