Everything posted by Deinonychus
Clone wars video game
No, I'd revile it if it was exclusive to PS3 Glad I finally scraped up a Wii
TIE Crawler recolor
I noticed a lot of people were pretty down on the TIE Crawler (7664) set when it came out last year. I suspect a lot of that was due to the standard "LEGO Blue Squadron" colors it came in. Personally I don't mind the blue TIEs, but the Century Tank was sitting there on the shelf with my AT-ATs and my grayed-out Juggernaut, and the blue just didn't fit in. So I decided to do a color swap because... A) It would fit in better with my Imperial Army display B) I was curious what it'd look like anyway C) I was curious if others would like the set more in straight-up grays So here it is. I think it looks pretty sexy in gray myself. Still doesn't make me want a LEGO TIE Mauler any less though
Review: 7886 Batman - The Batcycle: Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
You got it! More then a few times I've gotten halfway through the whole photo, editing, and writing process only to see someone else post something before I'm fully done. So I've learned to call dibs
Review: 7886 Batman - The Batcycle: Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
Harley & Mistah J. I want to preface my review by admitting that I’m an unrepentant Harley Quinn fanboy. I’ve been enamored with the character since she first appeared in Batman: The Animated Series back in the 90’s, and I’ve since followed her misadventures through her introduction into the regular Batman series during No Man’s Land, into her own series, and even on the short-lived and not-so-good Birds of Prey TV show. So please excuse any pro-Harley bias. So, down to business. The 267 piece set retails for $30 US ($35 at Toys R Us) and builds up very fast and easy. It consists of Batman’s Bat Cycle, Harley’s Hammer Truck, and brand new Batman and Harley Quinn Minifigs. There is also no lack of weapons. In addition to the usual bag of Bat-accessories and guns, the set also comes with a pair of gray revolvers. Batman in this set has the new “armor” torso print and the hips are the same color as the legs, hinting that this is supposed to represent the movie style Batsuits more so then the traditional comic book “underwear over tights” look. Harley Quinn is a very cool looking Minifig, and I haven’t grinned so much at a new Batman character figure since my first Batman Minifig a couple years ago. The figure is very true to the character, and the torso has been accented with a few shape lines to try and distinguish her as a female despite the boxy body. Harley’s jester cap is an interesting new piece. It seems (to me at least) to be made of a slightly different grade of plastic then we’re used to. It’s molded in red and painted with black and white, and it comes packed in its own separate little baggie. I expect that this piece may have cost LEGO a little more then usual to produce. Harley also has a buildable accessory, a giant mallet. Sure, she can’t stand up all that well unless it’s held in specific ways, but it’s neat and most importantly, it’s funny. It’s especially fun for smacking the everloving crap out of other Minifigs with. The Bat Cycle is in bag number one and is a very fast build. This isn’t some little Japanese sport bike like Nightwing’s cycle. This monster is almost a car and seems to pack just the right amount of intimidation for the Caped Crusader to exploit. Thanks to the thick tires (two in front, one in back) it stands up just fine on its own and rolls very well. The huge exhaust pipes are a nice touch and give the thing a look of engine power. The only real flaw is the inclusion of the flick-fire missiles mounted on the sides. But, as with any LEGO model, they can be easily left out without hurting the look of the vehicle. The hammer truck is the bulk of this set and a lot more fun then it looks. Of the monster truck persuasion, the vehicle is designed and built with a surprising level of solidity. The axle mounts are particularly impressive. The big wheels and tires just beg you to drive this thing right over the Bat Cycle (or Batman). The mega-mallet gimmick is also a surprise. Not so much for its technical complexity, there isn’t any really, but for the fact that once you start turning the knob at the rear to swing the mallet back and forth, it’s really a lot of fun. There are some low points to the truck design. Again the flick-fire missiles are tacked on and there’s a cargo crate/bed set into the back for Harley’s loot of jewels. The crate would have looked a lot better molded in black. In brown it breaks up the look of the truck a little. Speaking of which, the look of the truck is very pleasing. The red and black Harley Quinn color scheme works really well on the vehicle. There are a few stickers here, and unfortunately, the diamond patterned ones are applied over multiple bricks. The rest, however, are great. Not only does she have an “I Love Joker” bumper sticker, but she has a Joker playing card taped to her dash, I guess serving as a picture of her beloved Puddin’. There is also a sticker for activation of the hammer, which boldly shouts HIT ME! This is a fun set. A neat new Batman vehicle and a big truck with lots of playability. The Harley Minifig is a must-have for any Bat-Fan and, if you only get one of the Batman sets this year, I’d recommend this one. The price versus piece-count on this set is a little bit of a deterrent though. This might not be the best set for collectors on a budget or people looking for something completely new and innovative, but anyone buying this for a child can rest assured that the kid will get your money’s worth out of the set through its play value. When added together and averaged out, the pros and cons of this set combine to give it a score of out of 5. Even if Harley herself is a clean 6 out of 5
Problems with Indy sets
And all the characters were people and not little men made out of ABS plastic!
Problems with Indy sets
Yeah! How DARE LEGO make totally inaccurate Indy sets by including more minifigs and vehicles and accessories in them then actually appear in specific scenes in the movie. Those utter and complete BASTARDS!
Agents Mission 5: Turbo Car Chase - set #8634
The ejector seat A long Technic axle runs the length of the front of the car. It comes in to the seat area here and nests into the gray joint which is attached to the small gray Technic beam. The beam is attached to the ejector seat (bottom white 3x2 plate) with a Technic pin. The seat, in turn, is attached to the side of the car with a Technic pin. The result is, when the axle is pushed forward, the gray joint and beam tilt the seat and "eject" a Minifig. After about 20 shots the Minifig only went outside of the car 3 times...the rest of the time he just bounced around the inside of the car. So they get an A for effort, but an F for execution
Pics of the Agents Line
This just keeps getting better...thanks for the image!
Agents Mission 5: Turbo Car Chase - set #8634
Everything was just fine with my directions. Sounds like you just ran into some bad luck there, my friend. I agree 100%. And I didn't even see it had a sound brick until I read this last night. Usually LEGO promotes stuff like that pretty loudly on the packaging. Not here though.
Castle Month Caption Contest Poll
(smacks board) For some reason, I never saw this thread until today Thanks everyone! And I want to give props to Sir Dillon as well, the catapult caption was probably my favorite
Agents Mission 5: Turbo Car Chase - set #8634
Coming in at around $50 US, Turbo Car Chase is one of the bigger of the new Agents sets. A big box with a helicopter, car, and gate in it. Seems like a winner, but how good is it really, and is it worth the cash? Let's start with the Minifigs. This set comes with a standard Inferno Henchman, Spy Clops, and Agent Chase. The Henchman is you basic LEGO criminal type with a gun and a jumpsuit, nothing real groundbreaking here. Spy Clops, on the other hand, is very cool for, technically, half of a Minifig. His head has a neat electronic goggle print and the rest of him is a torso mounted onto a set of six legs made from Exo-Force robot arms. The whole thing is really well done and neat as hell. Agent Chase (Turbo Car Chase! ) seems to have a standard agent body and a double-printed face with one side a sunglasses and headset print. The other face is a determined Agent look. The set also includes a laptop with Doctor Inferno wallpaper. The laptop is a new piece and works like the LEGO books that are in a lot of Harry Potter sets. Molding on the keyboard is really well done and the thing can be held by a Minifig along either corner, but not in the middle and not while closed. The gate in the set is nothing revolutionary by itself, and I sort of get the feeling that it was included to drive up the piece count and the set price point. That being said, there are some things to like here. For instance, the gate has four wheels of barbed wire attached to it. The barbed wire is new and makes me want to start building some World War I trench MOCs. The rest of the gate is fairly big and it has a handy ramp attached so that vehicles can roll through it easily. The main feature of the gate is a sound brick. It's much better then LEGO sound and light units of the past, when the gate is opened it depresses a button and an alert klaxon blares that sounds every bit like a prison-beak in progress. The triggering action works surprisingly well and it's pretty much for this feature alone that I'm not going to immediately break the gate back down and add it to my parts bin. The designers did make an effort to create more then just a fence though. A nice control panel connected to a big spotlight crowns the piece, and a pair of cameras watch the opening. It's really hard to mess up a LEGO helicopter, and this set is no exception. The Inferno Chopper is a nicely proportioned and well built machine. It looks properly menacing and has the uniform orange and black of other Inferno property. It's armed with a set of four Technic pegs cleverly used as guns on outriding mounts, as well as a pair of the newer-style flick-fire missiles. I personally don't care for flick-firing missiles, but these look decent enough and seem to stay put so I really can't complain about them. Along the fuselage are a pair of intake pieces that I've never seen before and I'm guessing are new. They're pretty well designed and will come in handy for MOCing down the road. The action feature of the aircraft is the wench system. This is very different then other LEGO wenches in that you build the entire mechanism and housing. You can then use it to raise Spy Clops up and down from the bottom of the chopper using the rotor. Now, this also keeps you from sitting there and just giving the rotor repeated spins to simulate flight. I'm not too thrilled with that, but there are a hundred other LEGO helicopters out there with fully rotating rotors, so I guess I can let it by just this once. As you'd suspect, the bottom of the cockpit is completely open, which makes this a vehicle pretty much solely for Spy Clops (Sorry Henchman). But there is plenty of room beneath the body to attach a plate with some seats on it to accommodate another pilot without drastically altering the design, or even removing existing pieces. The Turbo Car is a slick little honey of a LEGO car, and the silver pieces that make up the body work contribute a lot to that fact. The front license plate appears to be an Exo-Fore code brick. But it also hides the activation lever for the passenger ejector seat. The seat works about as well as the Spruce Goose, which is to say not well at all, but here it's the thought that counts. The interior of the car is really well done. There's even a radar screen for keeping track of pesky helicopters. But the Bond-like features don't end there. A lever in the compartment raises pair of guns in the hood and a knob on the rear deploys a quad rocket system with more flick-fire missiles. This is a car that won't be stopped easily! The rear has two cones sticking out. I'd like to think they're smoke nozzles or oil-slick sprayers. All-in-all, this is a really good set. The car is pure LEGO vehicle love and looks fantastic. The silver pieces are very nice and it's a shame LEGO doesn't use metallic colors in System sets more often. There are, however, a LOT of sticker for this set and I know how much that bugs a lot of people. I personally like how much detail the stickers add to these sets and don't mind them so much. The set also comes with an Agents ID card for Chase which you can put little star stickers on from other sets as you get them. It's printed on a real nice piece of sturdy plastiboard and would be cooler if you could put your own picture and name on it instead of pretending to be Chase. Sold by themselves, the car and chopper would be must-haves. All tossed together with the gate sort of makes the set a little less then the sum of it's parts. And with 498 parts (most of them small) that's not so hot. It's only slightly over-priced in my opinion, but if you do shell out the money you won't regret it. I'm very comfortable recommending this set to anyone. Close to perfect, but the price and some minor flaws bring it back just a little. I'd say 4.33, but out of 5 is close enough!
Review: 7884 Batman - The Buggy: The Escape of Mr Freeze
That's a great set. It'd be even better if it were sold as two separate little cars. They remind me of the dozens of little LEGO cart vehicles I got as a kid. Those were always fun, quick builds that resulted in lots of cool play. I think this set is aimed more at kids and, in that respect, it's a pure winner. It doesn't hurt that you can get Freeze and the newly designed Batman both in this set for a reasonable price.
2009: What would you prefer?
I voted for either Personally I think two years is a good run for any theme. It's probably good to put MM to bed and pick up a new space theme. At least for a few years, perhaps bring the Mars Mission look back in about five years with updated designs. That being said, I'd also love MM to continue with more great sets. Either way, I'd be pleased
New items on S@H US
I saw it in a Toys R Us the other I wouldn't expect it'd be too long now
New items on S@H US
About time...I've been stalking S@H since stuff started hitting shelves last week EDIT: New Creator as well
Agents Mission 3: Gold Hunt - set #8630
Oh yeah, totally forgot about that after I built it Under the hood is a pair of red cones attached to one of those little handle pieces on a hinge. It doesn't rise out of the "engine" compartment very far, but I suppose they are supposed to be hidden blasters.
Agents Mission 3: Gold Hunt - set #8630
Alright, got you guys a mess of pictures. Say, "Thank you Deino."
Agents Mission 3: Gold Hunt - set #8630
I may get out of work here today at a decent hour, if so I'll grab some pics in a couple hours
Indy on the Radio
How many Eurobrickers does it take to find a link? Four apparently
Agents Mission 3: Gold Hunt - set #8630
I'd call the suspension average. It uses those little rubber double-axle-hole pieces. Not as good as a mechanical assembly or something with springs, but it does okay. I don't think it'd harm the look of the Jeep to lower it at all. And I picked it up for $31 US...but this was at Toys R Us, so I think it'll be $30 pretty much everywhere else.
Agents Mission 3: Gold Hunt - set #8630
I got and put together this set yesterday, and since then I've so fallen in love with it that I've just got to review it. The main components of the set are the jet, the truck and trailer, and the three Minifigs; Gold Tooth, an Inferno Henchman, and Agent Fuse. Fuse is your basic jet pilot-looking guy, but he does come with one of those handy double-printed faces with smiley look an a scared look. The Henchman is your basic LEGO criminal with an Inferno uniform, and Gold Tooth is the perfect example of a super-villain with his gold hair, gold teeth, gold piercings, and golden gun (Auric Goldfinger meets Saramanga?) The Inferno Jeep is a nice, quick build with cool rubberized shocks and a slick, almost futuristic design. The black and orange colors work really well together and the swiveling back seat for the Henchman and his huge pistols is a nice touch. The fact that the trailer hauling the gold bricks and target gimmick is a separate piece instead of a bed assembly on the jeep is great because it allows the Jeep to stand on it's own without the cargo or gimmick. The best part of the set, however, is the Agents jet. It's small and uncomplicated, but it's very cool and very satisfying. The large cockpit on the smaller body is sort of reminiscent of old GI Joe jet toys. The air intakes on the bottom are made with the ever-popular SNOT building technique which is sure to please many. But just the sheer swooshability of the jet and it's compact sweetness is reason enough to get this set. Heck, I'm already considering getting a few more and swapping the dark blue on the jet out for other colors so I can have a small, multi-colored fleet of the things. The abundant stickers might turn some people off, but the level of detail they add to the jet is worth the hassle. Man, I really wish LEGO would do more modern-style military-type vehicles like this, because it is full of win. I'd wholeheartedly recommend this set to all LEGO vehicle fans, and I also believe that really any LEGO fan would like this set. I can only give it a score of out of 5
PSP News Presents: Flatfoot Thompsen
PSP News Presents: Flatfoot Thompsen
PSP News Presents: Flatfoot Thompsen
New Batman spotted in Illinois
Thanks for the heads-up. Scored the little Bat-Buggy and Mr. Freeze Kart set tonight at a Wal-Mart in Florida. They also had Harley and her monster truck, but it looked like all 3 of them had been opened at the get at those Harley Minifigs to sell on ebay or Bricklink no doubt
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