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Everything posted by Deinonychus

  1. Deinonychus replied to PSPguy's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    No, if it were a joke it'd be...What do you do with an elephant with three balls? You walk him and pitch to the rhino.
  2. Official street-date for Indy merch is May 1st...so give it 2 weeks
  3. IC JORUND HATIEECREDE M-19 :: deliberately :: "Some say...some say the advent of the un-men and the dead rising to wage war on the living is a sign that the end times are upon us. That the battle of Ragnarok is nigh, and we must all be prepared for everything we know to end and again be reborn."
  4. IC JORUND HATIEECREDE 20-M ::Usually quiet and withdrawn, Jorund makes small talk. Being alone in the deadlands for so long can make anyone miss regular human (or other) interaction :: "How goes things against the Undead? From what we heard in the northlands, your kingdom was savaged in the first attacks. I only encountered scattered patrols so I'm assuming their legions must be concentrated elsewhere now. "
  5. Those have been at $200 US for months now... I'm still waiting for them to drop to $100...Super-Parts Packs!
  6. PURPLE! ...for the love of Mata Nui...PURPLE!
  7. Damnit! Foiled again! Yeah, this used to happen with Star Wars toys that'd leak out before the official release. Retailers stick a stop in the computer, but instead of having some special code or something that says "not for sale until XX.XX.XXXX" they use the product recall code and it just comes up as "Recalled". I still remember trying to wrangle that first Republic Gunship set back in 2002 when I found that early at a Wal-Mart...and my futile efforts to convince the cashier it wasn't recalled
  8. IC JORUND HATIEECREDE 20-M ::Jorund slowly removes a few knives secreted about his person and hands them over. He then extracts a few more from his pack and does the same.:: "A moment, please." :: He slowly removes his rounded war axe and kneels down, closing his eyes, hands gripping the handle. After a few silent seconds he gingerly holds it out to the dwarf :: "I implore you to take good care of my weapon. It is a consecrated item and very dear to me."
  9. IC JORUND HATIEECREDE 20-M "I was part of a raiding party on the land of the Undead. As soon as we came ashore the vile ghouls attacked us and burned our ship. Most of my cohorts were slaughtered. I've been slowly trekking across those gods-forsaken lands for days just trying to make my way to a less hostile land so that I might return to Viking territories." :: He pauses and sags slightly :: "My food and water are also low. I'm willing to offer my services to anyone you may know of who would need them in exchange for reprovisioning."
  10. OOC: Subtle? Me? IC JORUND H
  11. IC GRYM LOCKE Q-10 :: The doors to the Monkey Trouppe Inn fly open with a crash. Framed in the doorway is a knight wearing severe and bulky armor, a collection of plates that looks as if it takes superhuman strength just to stand up in. He looks around, rain running in rivulets off his gruesome helmet. A derisive snort come from the black mouth grille and the figure stalks forward, his heavy footfalls clanking uncomfortably through the inn. After a moment, a voice is barely heard issuing from the helmet. :: "...waste of my damn time..."
  12. Deinonychus replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    Member Title!
  13. Name: Grym Locke Faction: Morcia (Knight's Kingdom II) Class/place in hierarchy: Hero Knight Commander Equipment: Heavy plate armor, mystically tempered Energo Sword, twin-bolt crossbow "Among the winners, there is no room for the weak." Background: Most fearsome and powerful Hero Knight. Although dedicated to the Morcian cause, resents authority. Cold, merciless, but a valiant warrior. Has contempt for the weak, including all peasants. Great strength, uses it to break almost anything in two. Carries the Energo Sword and twin-crossbow. Other than arrogance and lack of speed, has no real weaknesses. You all have no idea what's about to happen...
  14. (Glares at Inbox) I haven't gotten anything like that...but I'm going to keep an eye out for it. Even though I already have that chess set, $25 US for a Minifig pack of castle dudes and a spare board can't be beat
  15. 1) Outer Space (look carefully at the final scene) 2) Alien 3) It's an infant, it can't read yet 4) No way. Godzilla's sons look dorkier. 5) Clover...of course
  16. Deinonychus replied to Vader's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Aw damnit! I was kind of hoping I'd not like the platform...save myself some money. But from what I can tell from the little image...it looks pretty cool
  17. IC JORUND HÂTIEÉCRÈDE 20-M Sausages! :: After days of nothing but the smell of dead and evil things, the faint wisp of real food being cooked struck Jorund like a thunderbolt. It was also a sure sign that the Dwarf lands lay ahead. The landscape had become craggy and mountainous and any clear delineation of the border was difficult to discern. Jorund continued on, certain that once he neared the border, he'd encounter a dwarf patrol. He would have to be cautious. ::
  18. No, no, no The LEGO retail stores have a customer loyalty/rewards program where every $20 you spend you get a stamp on a card. Fill up the card with 20 stamps and you get a $20 gift card.
  19. So let's see... ($99.99 x 1.07) x 2 = 10 stamps at the LEGO store...excellent
  20. Really? Which store was this? 'Cause the one in Orlando stamped me right up after I ordered the Falcon. That, added to everything else I bought that day filled up like, 3 cards in one shot
  21. Deinonychus replied to swan45's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    HAW! The teeth on the nose are full of win! I'm also digging that blue and yellow one. There's just something about it that's pretty sweet to me. But does the LAAT/c get no love?
  22. Well when I went to a LEGO store to get the Falcon they didn't have any in stock yet, so they did the same thing for me...placed an order and had it shipped to my house for free. I don't have to tell you, free shipping on the Falcon was quite a deal. I think that's probably their SOP for stuff that's in good stock in their warehouses (from where I'm assuming S@H and the LEGO stores as well as US retailers get their stuff) but they just don't have in-store that day. Just another reason I love the LEGO retail stores
  23. Does anyone need a character to interact with anywhere? I'll have a new guy up in the next day or so (waiting on parts from Bricklink) that I can drop in anywhere. So if anyone is all alone in a location and bored just let me know
  24. :: The Inferno Cavalry continue to burn and hack their way through anyone outside the the safety of the outpost walls. As for the outpost itself, flames lick up the walls following oil trails from the previous attack, and the gate is a burning and steaming mess. The fire weakens the thick wood doors only slightly, not nearly enough for the ten blazing troopers to break through. Efforts by the defenders to douse the flames are making progress, but the burning undead are relentless and the only thing more deadly then their fire, is the fear they are spreading ::
  25. IC JORUND HÂTIEÉCRÈDE 20-N :: Jorund had been wandering for days. At some point during the Skeleton and Vampire attacks he had been separated from the group. He had picked his way back to the shore, but the ship had been put to the torch, and now he was stuck, all the way across the continent from his home. He headed steadily westward, slowly through the dismal swamps and twisted forests, trying his best to avoid Skeleton patrols and other vile things that inhabit the undead lands. Jorund checks his direction against the sun once again, remembering the lines on the crudely sketched map in his pack. He was headed either towards the Dwarf Kingdom, or the Elf Kingdom. Neither race would be particularly welcoming to an outsider, much less a Viking...but they would far outstrip the hospitality of the Undead, that much was certain ::
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