Everything posted by Deinonychus
EBRP Adventure Thread
:: Before he can answer, the ten burning Inferno Cavalry charge back onto the outpost grounds, flailing burning weapons and setting fire to whatever, and whoever, they come in contact with. They gallop over the hot oil that had been poured by the Crown defenders, igniting the pools into seas of burning hell and sending flames licking up the outpost walls from the spill-trails. Several of the flaming horrors take position near the outpost gate, setting it ablaze ::
EBRP Discussion Thread
Oh no, Scourge would never fully assault an enemy outpost with just a single cavalry troop. As a matter of fact, things are going quite well. Defeat indeed :skull:
EBRP Adventure Thread
IC SCOURGE M-18 :: The major portion of the cavalry near the woods edge and Scourge pulls his mount around to glare back at the battle lines :: No pursuit at all. Very telling. It seems the outcome of this skirmish has bore more useful information then I had hoped. :: Scourge signals for the cavalry to stay put and rides closer to the Skeleton lines where he gives a terse order :: "Ignite the Inferno Cavalry!" :: Several skeleton archers extract themselves from hiding and target the distant black Inferno Cavalry with flaming arrows. Letting fly, the arrows zip straight and true, striking the tar and pitch covered skeletons and horses. The mounted troopers flare up into horrifying torches of burning death. With soul rending battle cries they turn around and head right back towards the Crown forces, fiery wakes trailing behind ::
EBRP Adventure Thread
IC SCOURGE M-18 :: His target's seeming attention deficit disorder saves his life. Scourge's swing misses, but the commander turns his attention to other matters. Fresh human troops begin to take a toll on the small cavalry force. Raising his sword Scourge calls out :: "Retrograde! Inferno Cavalry, rearguard positions!" :: Mounted skeletons turn their mounts and gallop away from the outpost back to the border. Skeletons on foot continue to fight as they try to back away. The black-colored "Inferno Cavalry" slowly creeps back as well, but not as swiftly ::
Temple of the Crystal Skull (7627) on the shelf
Aw damn you all...I went Wal-Mart hopping tonight looking for the smaller sets but didn't find I'm almost sorry I didn't scoop up the Temple. Sad thing is...after reading you guys' impressions of the new sets, I'm finally starting to get excited for the actual movie
EBRP Adventure Thread
:: The undead cavalry troop had converged on the outpost, the spread out attack front had succeeded in wiping out or herding all Crown forces to a central point, so the mounted soldiers had moved their formation in. The skeletons had taken light losses. Their inherent trickiness to "kill" combined with the height advantage of the horses had rendered most of the defenders attacks futile. The Inferno Cavalry units peppered throughout the normal cavalry had begun to congregate nearer to the outpost itself when the Thunderhammers arrived. The powerful, bludgeoning tactics are more effective then any stabbing or arrow flinging attacks from before had been, and skeleton warriors begin to topple from their mounts to face the defenders on foot. The battle turns slightly, but not nearly enough for the besieged Crown forces. ::
EBRP Discussion Thread
Not to worry...I'm an old hand at this and just 4 people is child's play Although what helps is, when you're reacting or acting on something another player did, be sure to quote their post in yours. It creates a sort of continuity of action.
Temple of the Crystal Skull (7627) on the shelf
I think the official on-shelf date for Indy merchandise is May 1st. If I'm correct, then that's a mere 17 days away
Brickmaster sets for May and September
The "Batbot" was set 20001, so I believe that was the January set. The timing and numbering of these seems to really confuse the everlovin' hell out of people. Especially when they sign up and don't immediately get the last set, or the next. I'm just keeping my subscription current and taking whatever sets I am given
Attack on the Golden City
Great stuff...I might actually get around to opening that set now
EBRP Adventure Thread
IC SCOURGE M-18 "ATTACK!" :: Across the half kilometer front, the undead cavalry charges towards the Eastern Outpost. The pair of sentries at the road border point are cut down quickly as the charging skeletons advance. Resistance is unexpectedly light. Scourge's center group comes upon a Crown soldier who boldly calls out... :: :: Scourge hesitates. Stunned by this unusual display. He shakes his surprise off and raises his sword, snorting derisively :: "Fool..." :: He levels a powerful swing at Edthgar's neck ::
EBRP Discussion Thread
Yes, I'm being polite and not trouncing on anyone else's conversations This also gives people time to get ready for a nice long battle scene :skull:
Temple of the Crystal Skull (7627) on the shelf
The Temple was the only one there. Anyof the others I'd have picked up to get that first review up. And it was $79.99 US. As for the USA getting stuff first, others have mentioned Castle 08. And I'll never forget those agonizing months where I wasn't even sure if the US would get Vikings and I was setting up deals with people in the UK to get me sets before it was revealed they'd be late-year TRU exclusives. Besides, getting sets later allows you to save up for them longer
Bionicle flogging a dead horse
I voted NO And replace it with what? Some other theme that fans will love and gobble up for about 3 years until they decide it's stale and "not as good as it was in the beginning" and turn to hating it and picking apart every little detail of new products and new entries into the story? Man I hate fandoms As long as sales are good and the target audience (little kids who aren't allowed to use the internet) is interested, bring it on!
Temple of the Crystal Skull (7627) on the shelf
I doubt this signals Star Wars soon. From what I understand, the new Indy sets are supposed to be around for the movie, so they are slotted for a May release. New Star Wars will probably still hit in July/August. But I think new Castle is supposed to be showing up in the US any day now. I passed for now. I'm going down to the LEGO store in a couple weeks and plan on getting it there where I can get rewards stamps
Temple of the Crystal Skull (7627) on the shelf
Found this tonight at my local Jacksonville, Florida Wal-Mart. Please pardon the crappy cell-phone picture Let the treasure hunt begin, eh?
EBRP Adventure Thread
IC SCOURGE M-18 :: Scourge finds the cavalry troop among the rocks. Just beyond is the cleared area of woods serving as the border and the Eastern Outpost. He finds the skeleton in command and gets down to business :: "Spread your men out along a half kilometer front centering on the road. Seven groups of ten. Move in fast and strike hard. Kill and burn anything you see. I'll be with the middle group. Watch for my commands." :: He acquires a mount from a trooper as the mounted skeletons take position behind the treeline. He pulls his shield from his back as he unsheaths his sword :: "On my signal...bring the fear!"
EBRP Adventure Thread
IC SCOURGE M-18 :: Scourge arrives at the Undead position near the border and dismounts. The site is still and quiet, the army of skeletons well hidden and unmoving, not suffering nervous fidgeting or the bored milling of living armies. He finds the command post in a stand of trees near some rocks and approaches the heavily armored commander there :: "I have come to take command. What is the situation?" NPC SKELETON COMMANDER "Crown forces at the outpost across the border have shown increasing activity over the past several days. Our own troops are well hidden and our numbers are more then enough to repel any attack, but less then what we need for an assault of our own." IC SCOURGE :: thinks a moment :: "Yes, true. But assault my not be the answer. Where are your best cavalry?" NPC SKELETON COMMANDER :: raises a bony finger :: "Just over the rise near the edge of the wood. They are concealed among a grouping of stones." IC SCOURGE "Send runners. Inform the troops to be ready for battle. We hold this position unless I declare otherwise." :: With that Scourge strides off to find the cavalry ::
Brickmaster sets for May and September
*laugh* Mandokarla, vod!
Brickmaster sets for May and September
Odd thing is, on other images on the site the July set is pictured as the Indy Jeep...just here it's the familiar "Mystery Box" That probably means absolutely nothing, but may confuse some. *wink*
Turbo Tank into Juggernaut
I've thought about adding some more armor to the sides to fix that. The tricky part is doing that so that it doesn't drastically alter the lines of the vehicle. Right now I'm just content that it fits in with my AT-ATs and the rest of my Imperial Army colorwise. That, and I think the next step is to get the blue off my TIE Crawler so that that fits better as well *laugh*
Brickmaster sets for May and September
Anyone else see this on the LEGO S@H site? There's your Bionicle set. I think it's pretty neat, but... Whining commences in 3...2...1...
Possible 2009 Clone Wars set?
Amen to that. I'd nearly kill to get an official Z-95. I got bored MOCing those about 8 years ago *laugh* And after seeing the new image, it makes watching Episode IV a little different. Seeing those stripped-down, junky, antique Y-Wings approaching the Death Star mixed among the "shiny" new T-65 X-Wings really adds more depth to things...I love it when the Prequel Era stuff does that
Turbo Tank into Juggernaut
Yeah I tried that. I bought the pieces in every color they came in from Bricklink (not as many as you'd think) and stuck them all on there to see how they'd look. Then I tried substituting for different combinations of other pieces, but nothing looked right enough. So, dark blue it was. But I'm keeping an eye on things just in case LEGO ever does mold that part in dark blay *wink*
Enlighten sets on eBay
I dunno...some of those military sets look nice. High shipping rates though. But man...this vacation house probably gets every TV channel...FROM MARS! *laugh*
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