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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Deinonychus

  1. Oh yeah, that "Show All Items this store has on my Wanted List" link is an invaluable tool, it's what keeps me putting even the most common and uninteresting parts I need on my list. *thumbup*
  2. Nothing more then a simple series of color swaps and repositioning and removal of some weapon systems. But now my undersized Republic HAVw A6 Clone Turbo Tank is a slightly more to scale Imperial HAVw A5 Juggernaut And as you can tell, I subscribe to the old idea that the smaller end is the "front". At least I can tell myself that's how Imperial drivers preferred to run them It's just a shame that the wedged plate pieces don't come in black or grays...very dark blue was the best I could do *sceptic*
  3. NPC SKELETON MESSENGER O-17 :: A second messenger gallops up to the camp, this one from the West. Scourge rises from his camp stool and eagerly strides towards the dismounting courier. :: "Report from the the fourth legion Commander. Scouts report Crown forces massing near the border. It looks like a push." IC SCOURGE O-17 :: Works his lower mandible back and forth. :: "Rider, you will stay here and pass my whereabouts on to the Orc emissary and any other messengers looking for me. I shall join the Fourth Legion at once." :: gestures at a cavalry soldier :: "Your mount!" :: The skeleton dismounts and Scourge pulls himself up onto the bony steed. Without a word he urges the creature forward at a full gallop towards the border at M-18 ::
  4. PAH! I have one in transit and I made 4 more this morning... ...good way to kill an hour at work though *devil*
  5. Deinonychus replied to whung's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    $64.99 for 624 pieces...and a Limited Edition? Sounds just about right *thumbup*
  6. So, exactly at what point are we all going to start role-playing and interacting with each other instead of just posting big chunks of fanfics *tongue*
  7. Deinonychus replied to whung's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Oh now we're talking! That's a nice looking plane. Lots of fun little do-dads to go along with it too...like the boarding stairs. *laugh* The Deino approves, but his bank account screams in agony *tongue*
  8. IC JORUND HÂTIEÉCRÈDE 21-P :: Another lull in battle. Jorun turns to Theldor as he kicks over a pile of ash that was a vampire :: "I think this incursion into the Undead lands may have been a mistake."
  9. I'd like to believe it meant the return of Pirates...but I doubt we can call that a definitive sign. Hope I'm wrong though
  10. Deinonychus replied to whung's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Now that I've had time to settle down and think a bit... I'm kind of bummed he doesn't seem to have a cape. I guess it'll be straight-up action poses out of that until I can convince the Wife to work me up one ;-)
  11. Deinonychus replied to whung's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    OHHHHHH!!!! Daddy Like! *wub* I was kind of hoping for something built from a lot of Bionicle parts...but this is way cooler. I'm also relieved it's not a bust of some type. This goes right on my TO GET list
  12. IC JORUND HÂTIEÉCRÈDE 21-P :: Jorund growls behind his mask :: "...at least it's not ninjas. Only thing I hate more then vampires is ninjas." :: He swings his rounded axe in a circle, loosening up his wrist for the coming fight :: OOC (Out Of Character): Anyone want to play some NPC (Non-Player Character) vampires?
  13. IC JORUND HÂTIEÉCRÈDE 21-P :: His allies were dropping like leaves in the harvest season but Jorund keeps swinging his rounded axe, cleaving through bone and trying desperately to hold off the undead. Then, without preamble, the ghouls seem to fade back into the misty swamp. The remaining members of the Viking landing party quickly form a defensive circle, backs to one another, weapons pointed outward. Jorund's boot brushes against the body of a fallen comrade, Theldor. He reaches down and feels for a pulse. Still alive. He digs into his pack and produces a bottle of foul smelling liquid, which he holds under Theldor's nose :: "...we're not done yet."
  14. Since I already killed one of my guys... Name: Jorund Hâtieécrède Age: Mid-Thirties Faction: Vikings Class/place in hierarchy: Warrior Equipment: Shield, War Axe, various knives, basic campaigning supplies Background: Jorund Hâtieécrède is a dark and brooding Viking warrior who tries to keep to himself in the gregarious Viking society . While a fierce and dependable warrior among the Viking clans, many suspect Jorund of pursuing his own dark agenda. While nobody thinks him conspiring any outright treason, many hardened warriors are uneasy around him and fear that one day the quiet warrior may doom them all.
  15. :-D Score!
  16. This got me thinking a couple days ago. Whenever we run out of oil, if we don't have an alternate way of creating plastic we may have to start mining landfills and garbage dumps for discarded plastic to recycle and reuse...so by throwing plastic away now are we really just saving it for the future? ;-)
  17. DWARF: Wow. So, it went all the way through and came back out in one piece? TROLL: Yeah. And it's not cherry flavor like I thought. Oh, and if I were you I'd wash the bugle off before band practice as well.
  18. Exactly. Nothing kills an RPG faster then godmodding, munchkining, and powergaming. Second biggest killer...getting so wrapped up in your own subplots that you don't or can't interact with other players.
  19. ::Something within Antirrhopus' neck pouch begins to emit a strange glow...which soon spreads to his entire body. The lifeless eyes suddenly blaze a brilliant red as the body begins to levitate within it's emerald light. An otherworldly voice seems to come from the very air itself :: NPC VOICE L7 "Look upon my cruel vengeance and fear! My blood and the blood of my brothers cries out for retribution. And finally, after countless millenia our souls have once more found anchor within this world through the machinations of one of your own. The Dragons will once more rule this land, and you vermin who wished to dominate us will be reduced to ash and bone." ::With that, the green glow flares brightly around Antirrhopus, consuming his clothes and flesh. The glow dissipates, dropping the scoured bones of the Dragon tender to the ground, the ancient Claw of Krayt fused into the sternum bone:: *skull* *skull* *skull* NPC SKELETON MESSENGER O-17 :: A clanking horse approaches Scourge's camp. The Skeleton rider quickly dismounts and shambles over to Scourge :: "Commander, a message from our Liege. He wishes to inform you that he has established contact with the deceased spirit of the ancient dread Dragon menace Krayt. Through this, he has gained the assistance of several black and red dragons for our cause. He felt this information may aid you in your negotiations with the Orcs. IC SCOURGE "Very well. You're dismissed" ::As the messenger mounts up and heads back towards the Skeleton Tower, Scourge takes out his whetstone and sharpens a combat dagger:: ...the air is now open to us as an avenue of attack. This changes everything...
  20. IC ANTIRRHOPUS L-7 "I would be honored to...wait...wait I feel..." :: He wobbles uneasily for a moment before his eyes roll up into his head and he drops to the ground, a small trickle of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. He lies, unresponsive ::
  21. That's okay. Every RPG I've participated in was strict "you only play your own characters". The exceptions, of course, being NPCs, also known as background or disposable characters. (Like the Skeleton Warriors with Scourge). Usually the trade-off is between slower pace and someone getting ticked off that you're doing things with their character they don't want...fair enough. Besides, if you write too much of someone else's lines...it becomes less of a Role-Playing Game and more of a chain story. But I agree we should wait and see what the Game Master says
  22. IC SCOURGE O-17 ::nods:: "Everything is as I was told to expect. I shall personally remain close to this area. I am also instructed to present you with this." :: He holds out his hand and one of the Skeleton Warriors pases him a small leather bag. Scourge opens it and produces a glowing stone shaped like coiled viper :: "This talisman will grant you control of an escort of two of our mounted cavalry. Take them with you and use them as you see fit as a token of our good will." :: Scourge hands over the talisman and a pair of bony steeds step forward, their undead riders guiding them to a position at the back of the Orc party. :: "Safe journey. I personally look forward to spilling the guts of the enemy beside your soldiers." :: He executes a shallow, respectful bow ::
  23. IC SCOURGE O-17 ::nods:: "Everything is as I was told to expect. I shall personally remain close to this area. I am also instructed to present you with this." :: He holds out his hand and one of the Skeleton Warriors pases him a small leather bag. Scourge opens it and produces a glowing stone shaped like coiled viper :: "This talisman will grant you control of an escort of two of our mounted cavalry. Take them with you and use them as you see fit as a token of our good will." :: Scourge hands over the talisman and a pair of bony steeds step forward, their undead riders guiding them to a position at the back of the Orc party. :: "Safe journey. I personally look forward to spilling the guts of the enemy beside your soldiers." :: He executes a shallow, respectful bow ::
  24. IC SCOURGE O-17 "But you raise a point I wish to personally discuss." ::His bony fingers dance on the pommel of his sword for a moment before he speaks :: "The Dark Wizard is the supreme commander of this army, and below him the Skeleton General. While the General is skilled he is still nothing more then an evil spirit animating a collection of bones and metal. He does not posses the soul or hungers of a man,so his imagination is somewhat limited in the strategic arena." :: Pauses, as if unsure of how much to explain :: "I have served in many wars, under many great military planners. And while I do not pretend to be a strategic mastermind I have learned to spot and focus on the weaknesses of my enemy. The Dwarfs are strong, but not as formidable an enemy as the Crown Knights. The borders between their kingdom and the humans is lightly defended if at all. Therefore I believe they to be the Crown Kingdom's weakness...their soft underbelly. If your nation truly desires the destruction of their kind above all others, perhaps...perhaps you cold impress upon my master the importance of striking there first."
  25. Hooray, some interaction! *skull* But I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to "play" one another's characters. Fortunately nothing you had Scourge say was out of character ;-)
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